An Introduction to ESL

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An Introduction to ESL
By Lucy Fiday
Acknowledging the need to learn
about culture
The Monkey and Fish.doc
Becoming Eligible
Main Points:
1. A language survey must be completed upon entering.
2. If screening is necessary it must be done, using specified screening
instruments, within 30 days.
3. Parents must be informed of any ELL placement within 30 days of the
beginning of the school year or 14 days after enrollment
4. If 20 or more students speak the same language, bilingual classes must
be offered.
5. Students must be assessed annually and meet exit criteria.
6. After three years, the district can discontinue a student’s ELL service,
but must have alternate plan in place to meet needs.
..\Documents\Ell resources\Flow chart for ELL entering, assessment, placement.doc
Other Legal Considerations
Plyler vs. Doe 1982
Main Points:
1. School members are prohibited from inquiring about legal
status of students either directly or indirectly
2. If the student/parent are concerned about status, staff should
refer them to specific agencies dealing with immigrant rights.
3. There are specific rules for the school district to be aware of
regarding INS involvment.
Importance of familiarizing yourself with other cultures to
determine behavioral and or academic practices
The Culture Quiz
by Judie Haynes
1. You are a 4th grade teacher with a new boy in your class from Syria. He speaks very
little English. He is having a problem getting along with the other students. He has fights on
the playground every day which he seems to provoke by constantly touching the other
2. You have a new Korean girl in your 4th grade class. The other students in your class don’t
want to sit next to her because they say she smells funny. You have a bad allergy and can’t
tell. She appears to be a clean, well-dressed child and you don’t understand your students’
3. You are a 3rd grade teacher who is having a parent conference with parents of an Asian
student in your class. You explain to the parents that the child needs to spend more time
working on his homework. The parents keep nodding and saying “yes” as you explain
your reasons. You are disappointed when there doesn’t seem to be any follow-up on the
parents’ part.
4. You are a 5th grade teacher who is using a lot of cooperative learning strategies in your
classroom. In the middle of the year you get a new Syrian boy in your class. The student
doesn’t follow any of the rules you have explained through a bilingual classmate. He is
very disruptive in your class.
Responses to Culture Quiz
by Judie Haynes
1. American boys in grades 4-6 do not touch each other except during contact sports or
when fighting. This is the way they are socialized. In Middle Eastern countries boys playing
on a playground are constantly touching each other. When a Middle Eastern child does this
on an American playground, he is will end up in many fights. The American boys see this as
“sissy” behavior.
2. Different diets produce different body odors. Americans smell bad to some people in
other cultures because they eat a lot of meat and drink milk. In the case of the Korean
child, a diet heavy in garlic could be the reason for the odor.
3. Nodding and saying “yes” does not mean the parent agrees with you in Asian
cultures. It means that they hear what you are saying. Most Asian parents would be too
polite to disagree with the teacher.
4. This student could come from almost any culture. The organization of a cooperative
learning classroom may look chaotic and undisciplined to new students. They can’t tell what
the rules are. This student probably came from a class where the teacher lectures and . the
student’s role is more passive.
For complete quiz go to :
Ways to incorporate culture in the
• Familiarize yourself with a student’s native
cultural norms
For Example: Arabic (Egypt Middle East)
*Physical distance is much closer than US
*Good friends of the same sex may walk hand in
*A man does not touch a woman in public
*Pointing at a person is considered very rude
*Pointing the soles of the feet (shoes) at another
person is very rude
*Walking in front of a praying person is impolite.
• Korean
• One passes and receives objects with both
• Beckoning with the index finger is rude
• Eye contact is avoided in situations of respect
(student to teacher)
• When embarrassed, may laugh
• Beckon by waving fingers with palms down
For more examples: go to
Becoming Familiar with
Language Stages
Become familiar with stages of oral
Stage 1- Silent stage
Stage 2- Early Production
Stage 3- Speech Emergence
Stage 4 Intermediate Language
• Stage 5 Advanced Fluency
• for video see:
Goal setting for ESL lessons
• WIDA standards relate to the ACCESS testing
just as Illinois standards relate to ISAT
• WIDA standards –For sample see grades 3-5
beginning on page 27
• Note subject standard at the top, suggested
expectations for reading, writing, speaking and
• Wida CAN Do Descriptor samples
• Applies to all levels K-8, can be used as
guides to lesson planning for reading,
speaking, listening, writing.
Becoming aware of test bias
• High stakes salary test. Note especially
slides 1-12, 23, 32-33, 38-48.
Sample and fix from 3rd grade
vocabulary assessment
• The following questions were meant to test vocabulary on a story
about comets.
1.The cowboy made a _____ with his lasso. (loop)
2. There were ____ of sawdust as dad sawed in the garage. (particles)
• Simple fixes
1. The cowboy made a circular ____ with his lasso.
2. There were small, tiny ____ of sawdust as dad sawed in the garage.
Parental Involvement Ideas
• Ask parents about their child’s needs,
concerns, and goals
• Ask what the parents would like to learn to
support their child at home
• Identify a family/school liason
• Use a variety of meeting places (home,
computer lab, library, gym etc.) that may
feel less threatening