Old Testament Survey: From the Division of the Kingdom to

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Transcript Old Testament Survey: From the Division of the Kingdom to

Old Testament Survey:
From the Division of the Kingdom to
the Fall of Israel
The Divided
Kingdom and
Israel’s Fall
Division of the Kingdom
• When Solomon died, his son, Rehoboam,
became heir to the throne of Israel.
• The elders petitioned the young king to lighten
the people’s tax burdens.
• He rejected their advice and accepted that of the
younger advisers, increasing their burden.
• Kingdom divided--ten tribes to the North (under
Jeroboam); two tribes (Judah and Benjamin) to
the South (under Rehoboam).
• Israel = ten tribes
• Judah = two tribes (1 Kings 12)
Kings of Israel and Judah
• Jeroboam (22 years)
931—909 B.C.
• Nadab (2 years)
910—908 B.C.
• Baasha (24 years)
908-884 B.C.
• Elah (2 years
884—886 B.C.
• Rehoboam (17
years) 931—913 B.C.
• Abijam (3 years)
913—910 B.C.
• Asa (41 years)
910—869 B.C.
Kings of Israel and Judah
• Zimri (7 days)
885—884 B.C.
• Tibni (4-5 years)
885—880 B.C.
• Omri (12 years)
884-873 B.C.
• Ahab (22 years)
874—853 B.C..
• Jehoshaphat (25
years) 870—848 B.C.
• Jehoram (8 years)
848—841 B.C.
• Ahaziah (1 year)
841 B.C.
• Athaliah (6 years)
841—835 B.C.
Kings of Israel and Judah
• Ahaziah (2 years)
853—852 B.C.
• Jehoram (12 years)
852—841 B.C.
• Jehu (28 years)
841—813 B.C.
• Jehoahaz (17 years)
813—798 B.C.
• Joash (40 years)
835—796 B.C.
• Amaziah (8 years)
848—841 B.C.
• Ahaziah (29 years)
796—767 B.C.
• Uzziah (52 years)
767—739 B.C.
Kings of Israel and Judah
• Jehoash (16 years)
798—781 B.C.
• Jeroboam II (41
years) 781—753 B.C.
• Zechariah (6 mos)
753—752 B.C.
• Shallum (1 month)
752 B.C. B.C.
• Jotham (16 years)
739—731 B.C.
• Ahaz (16 years)
731—715 B.C.
• Continue in
next lesson
Kings of Israel and Judah
• Menahem (10 years)
752—741 B.C.
• Pekahiah (2 years)
741—739 B.C.
• Pekah (20 years)
740—731 B.C.
• Hoshea (9 years)
732 –722 B.C.
Israel falls—722 B.C.
• Continue in
next lesson
Civil War
• Jeroboam and ten tribes fought against
Rehoboam and two tribes; lasted for 50 years.
• Shortly after taking office, Jeroboam arranged
for worship in Dan and Bethel (1 Kings 12:25-33).
• The kings who followed did not stop the
departure from God’s law, so the apostasy
• During Rehoboam’s reign in Judah, the Egyptian
Pharaoh sacked the temple.
• The northern kings became progressively more
Ahab and Jezebel
• Ahab married the daughter of the king of
Sidon—Baal worship was introduced.
• Jezebel sought to stamp out the Jewish religion
in Israel (1 Kings 16:29-34).
• She erected a Baal temple in Samaria and
began to put God’s prophets to death.
• Elijah prophesied that there would be a threeyear drought in the land (1 Kings 17:1).
• God used ravens and a widow woman to feed
Elijah miraculously (1 Kings 17:2-24).
Elijah at Mount Carmel
• Elijah called the prophets of Baal and God’s
people to Mount Carmel.
• Ahab accused Elijah of troubling Israel—not so;
it was Ahab (1 Kings 18:17-19).
• Elijah suggests a test to determine the true God
(1 Kings 18:29-34).
• 450 prophets of Baal against God’s prophet,
Elijah (1 Kings 18:20-24).
• Baal’s prophets called on him from morning to
evening—no answer (1 Kings 18:26-29).
• Elijah called on God, and He lit the fire under the
altar (1 Kings 18:30-39).
Elijah, the Rain, and Jezebel
• Elijah kills the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:40).
• Rain again falls in Israel (1 Kings 18:41-46).
• Jezebel places a price on Elijah’s head, and he
flees (1 Kings 19:1-8).
• God reminds Elijah he is not alone—7,000
others stand with him! (1 Kings 18:9-18).
• Jezebel orders Naboth’s death so she can give
his vineyard to Ahab (1 Kings 21:1-16).
• Elijah foretells the deaths of Ahab and Jezebel
and the end of Ahab’s house (1 Kings 21:17-29).
Ahab’s Dynasty
• Israel and Judah become allies to invade Syria
(1 Kings 22).
• Intermarriage between Ahab’s family and Judah
brings more wickedness into Judah –Jehoram,
king of Judah, marries Jezebel’s daughter
(2 Kings 8:18).
• He slew all of his brothers who might have claim
to his throne (2 Chronicles 21:4).
• Following Ahab’s death, Ahaziah is king; lasts a
year and is killed by Jehu during the overthrow
of Ahab’s dynasty (2 Chronicles 22:8).
God’s Prophets
• Ahaziah’s mother, Athaliah, daughter of king
Omri, killed all heirs of the throne except Joash,
who was an infant hidden by the priest
(2 Kings 11:1-3).
• Athaliah usurped the throne. She was the only
person outside David’s lineage to occupy the
throne in Judah.
• Elisha prophesied during the reigns of Jehoram,
Ahaziah, Athaliah in Israel, and Joash in Judah.
• He saw Elijah being taken up in a chariot of fire
(2 Kings 2:11-15).
• Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit
(2 Kings 2:9).
• He performed many miracles.
– Used a small amount of oil to pay a widow’s
– Raised the Shunammite woman’s dead son.
– Made a poisonous portion of pottage nontoxic.
– Healed Naaman’s leprosy.
– Smote a large band of soldiers with blindness
Conditions in Judah
• In Judah, the kingdom continued to degenerate.
• King Amaziah become an ardent worshipper of
the Edomite gods (2 Chronicles 25:14).
• Uzziah attempted to burn incense in the temple
(2 Chronicles 26:18-21).
• Ahaz erected an altar in Jerusalem like one built
by king of Assyria. Closed the doors of the
temple so none could worship there.
(2 Kings 16:15)
Righteous Kings in Judah
• Judah had several righteous kings who
reformed the corruption of the evil kings
• Kings Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoash, Uzziah,
and Jotham were considered good kings
in Judah.
• Influence of such men corrected many of
the evils introduced by the wicked kings.
Terrible Conditions in Israel
• Brief period of glory during reign of Jeroboam II.
• His son, Zechariah, reigned for only six months
before being murdered by Shallum, who sought to
usurp the throne.
• Shallum lasted one month before Menahem
murdered him—he reigned for ten years.
• His son, Pekahiah, lasted two years before his
captain, Pekah, murdered him .
• Assyria was a growing power, and Israel was
divided ever whether to pay her tribute. Only one
of Israel’s last six kings died a natural death!
Terrible Conditions in Israel
• Pekah reigned 20 years in Israel. He sought to
stand and fight Assyria.
• Allied himself with Rezin, the king of Syria. Forced
Ahaz of Judah to help them.
• Assyria attacked Syria and crushed her and Israel.
• Hoshea formed a conspiracy and killed Pekah,
becoming king in his place.
• In battle with Assyria, many Jews were taken
Hoshea, the Final King
• Hoshea reigned nine years. During the first
part of his reign, he payed tribute to Assyria.
• In the sixth year of his reign, he sought to
form an alliance with Egypt to fight Assyria.
• Assyria besieged Samaria for three years
and finally destroyed her in 721 B.C.
• Assyria carried the ten northern tribes into
captivity and brought others from various
nations to occupy the land of Israel.
God Seeks to Avoid Captivity
• God did everything He could to stop Israel from
rejecting His law.
• He sent the writing prophets--Isaiah, Hosea, Joel,
Amos, and Micah--as well as other prophets. All
called on Israel to REPENT!
• True proverb Proverbs 14:34
• Judah and Benjamin alone are left in Judah.
• Israel followed Moses’ prediction (Deut. 28, 29).
• Assyrian Captivity marked the end of Israel’s
national existence.