Transcript IFW EduTech

IFW EduTech
ERP Solution for your University, College & School
Server : 1 GB RAM
Clients : 512 RAM
Operating System
Win XP2 – Clients
Win Server 2003 - Server
ERP Manager
Network Administrator
Data Entry Operators
Module List
Admission Counseling & Follow up
Provisional Admission
Student Registration
Fee Management
Transport Management
Academic Calendar Planner
Attendance Management
Front Office Management
Address Book
Phone Register
TC Generator
I-Card Generator
Media Management
Scheduler & Reminder
Event & Activities
HR Management
Exam & Results
Library & Book Bank
Time Table
Hostel & Mess Management
Stock/Store Management
Staff Payroll Management
Back Office File Management
Teacher Evaluation System
Security / Gate Pass Manager
Employee Daily Report Register
Accounts Management
User Specific Security Management
Student Login - EduCamp
Faculty Login – EduCamp
Administrative Login - EduCamp
Admission Counseling & Follow up
This Process help in making
sure that no inquiry at your
counseling area gets neglected.
Student Inquiry List
Student Follow up List
Student Follow up reminder
Course wise Inquiry
Provisional Admission
This area gives you the
facility to take admissions of students
for next session in provisional mode.
Prospectus Sales
List of Students in Provisional Admissions
List of Confirmed Students
Student Registration
Complete student details
like Academic, Personal, Relations,
Hostel, Conveyance, Photograph etc.
are taken at the time of Registration.
Student I-Card (Class and Student Wise)
Student General Information Report (Class and Student Wise)
Student Strength Category Report (Class and Student Wise)
Student Strength In Gen , ST, SC, OBC (Class and Student Wise) Student
Seat Allocation Report (Class and Student Wise)
Fee Management
All fees related processes like receipt
generation, cancellation of receipts,
duplicate receipts, extra fees, fee
concessions and more are managed
in this module.
PDC Cheque Detail
Fee Collection Report (class wise, student wise, user wise)
Fee Concession Report
Extra Fee Report
Student Fee Status (Receipt wise)
Head Wise Fee Report
Refund & Cancel Receipt Report
Transport Management
Vehicle Information like
PUC expiry, insurance expiry,
registration details etc. are managed
here. Total expense on a vehicle and
performance of a vehicle can be
analyzed here.
Vehicle List ( vehicle no. wise)
Vehicle Expense (vehicle and date wise)
Vehicle Allocation Report (Class , Student and vehicle wise)
Academic Calendar Planner
All events, activities,
holidays are submitted into the ERP
List of Events Report
List of Holidays Report
Monthly Calendar Report
Attendance Management
Class Wise, Day Wise, Half
days Wise attendance of Students
and Staff can be taken here. This
Module can also be configured with
Thumb Impression Machines & RFID
Daily Attendance Report
Monthly Report
Leave Register
Tour Details
Daily IN/OUT Register
Front Office Management
This modules helps you to keep
record of all visitors, phone calls,
postal mails etc.
Address Book
Mail In / Mail Out
Visitor Record
Person Searching
Phone Register
Gate Pass Generation
Prospectus Sale
Registration Report
Daily Job Pending Report
Closed Enquiry
Qualification Report
Monthly Outside Report
Total Media Enquiry
Course Wise Enquiry
Future Job Pending
Address Book
All phone numbers, mobile
numbers, email IDs etc. of VIPs,
Vendors, important contacts can be
managed here.
List of Vendors
List of contacts group wise
Phone Register
Record of Incoming & Outgoing
Phone Calls can be kept here in this
module. This module can also be
integrated with your EPBAX system
List of Incoming Calls
List of Outgoing Calls
Person wise Calls
Call Register
Transfer & Character Certificate Generator
TC & CC Generation is
handled on a single click in this
module saving a lot of time of staff &
List of TC Generated (Student Wise, ClassWise)
List of CC Generated (Student Wise, ClassWise)
I-Card Generator
With a single click you can
generate Multi Colored designer I
Cards, Library Cards & Exam Admit
Cards for your students & staff.
I Card Generation Student Wise, Class Wise
I Card Generation Staff Wise
Library Card Generation Student Wise, Class Wise
Library Card Generation Staff Wise
Exam Admit Card Generation Student Wise, Class Wise
Media Management
All news paper, TV Channel,
FM etc. advertisement details and
frequency of occurrence is managed
here. Analysis on media spend and
response can be done on these basis.
Media Master
(collect all details of media which are related to college with their name,
address , phone no. etc.)
Media Advertisement Report
(show all details of advertisement with media name , media add description ,
add size , add cost etc.)
Scheduler & Reminder
Each user of the ERP can
maintain his/her schedulers and
reminders here. At every login the
user will get the reminders.
Shows the user Appointments, Important dates, reminders scheduled by
Event & Activities
Details of Sports Days, Cultural
festivals and its organizing teams
along with details of winners and
guests is maintained here.
List of Events month wise, class wise.
List of Winners
List of Organizing Teams
HR Management
From resume submission
to salary slip generation all processes
of every employee is recorded and
processed here.
Employee Registration
Allowance and Deduction
Advance Master
Salary Scheme
Employee Information
Candidate Information
Salary Register
Pay Slip
Exam & Results
The most complicated and
time consuming process of your
organization is Exam management
and Result Declaration. This process
can be handled very easily in ERP.
Exam Class Subject
Mark Slip Report
Exam Schedule
Class Subject Report
Exam Class Relation
Question Bank
Mark Slip With
Student Marks
Exam Sitting
Internal Marks
Exam Admit Card
Library & Book Bank
EduTech’s Library covers each and
every process of Library.
Item List
Reserved Item List
List of Subscription Receive
Due\pending Item List
Library I-Card Generation
Item Subscription Detail
Issued Item Detail
Issued Item for Book Bank
List of Issued Item in Stock
Time Table
This module help in getting
the updated schedules of students &
Time-Table Report ( shift and date wise)
Teacher Specific Report ( Teacher, shift and date wise)
Class Subject Relation (class and subject wise)
Employee Report
Teacher Subject Relation
Code Master
Hostel & Mess Management
From hostel room
allocation to mess recipe
management, every process of a
hostel can be managed here.
Hostel Room Specification Report (Hostel and Room wise)
Hostel Visitor Record (Hostel , Room and Date wise)
Hostel Allocation Report (Class , Hostel and Room Wise)
Mess Attendance Report ( Student and Date wise)
Mess Transaction Report ( Customer and Mess Wise)
Stock/Store Management
This Process help in
maintaining all the purchases and
stocks. Also, you can check the
availability of all resources and items.
Stock Item Detail
Stock Requisition Detail
Stock Quotation Details
Stock Purchase Order Detail
Stock Purchase Order Inwards Details
Stock Purchase Order Return
Stock Purchase Order Current Status
Stock Purchase Order Letter
Stock Issue Item Transaction
Stock status of Employee
Stock Write Off Report
Write Off Transaction
Staff Payroll Management
Calculation of salary,
keeping in consideration all the
allowances, leaves etc. can be easily
generated here.
Employee Registration
Allowance and Deduction
Advance Master
Salary Scheme
Employee Information
Candidate Information
Salary Register
Pay Slip
Back Office File Management
This Process helps in
maintaining the records of all postal
Incoming Letters
Outgoing Letters
Group wise Letters
Accounts Management
All monetary transactions
taking place in various departments
like fee, library, store, stock, Payroll as
well as all other vouchers can be
Balance Sheet
Trial Balance
Security / Gate Pass Manager
On a single click you can
fetch the information of all visitors in
the campus at a time.
User Specific Security Management
Each Operator or process
manager will be able to see or use
only those modules & reports which
are allowed to him by the
Why EduTech ?
Save Stationary Cost
Save Time of all Levels of Staff & Students
No Data Redundancy
Complete Decision Support System
Less Manpower Required
Comprehensive MIS Reports
Regular New Versions Available for Free
Online & On Phone – 24 x 7 Support System
Detailed Help in Documented, Graphical & Video Formats
How EduTech is deployed at your campus?
STEP 1: Site Inspection for availability of Hardware &
Networking Resources.
STEP 2: Installation Process of EduTech with ERP
STEP 3: 3 Days complete training to all staff and
STEP4: Staff Test and Certification
STEP5: Data Entry Begins……..
Why EduTech ?
Save Stationary Cost
Save Time of all Levels of Staff & Students
No Data Redundancy
Complete Decision Support System
Less Manpower Required
Comprehensive MIS Reports
Regular New Versions Available for Free
Online & On Phone – 24 x 7 Support System
Detailed Help in Documented, Graphical & Video Formats
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - 1
1. Why should we take IFW EduTech for our organization ?
IFW EduTech helps the organization to cut down working hours of the staff and increases their efficiency,
therefore the staff can use that time for other important academic works and welfare of students and
supporting management. Also with EduTech 80% of expense of the organization on stationary is reduced. Thus,
we guarantee that IFW Edutech's cost is recovered within the first 6 months of implementation in the
2. How IFW EduTech is implemented in our organization ?
As soon at the company receives the purchase order for product, within 7 days the team of engineers install
and deploy the solution in the campus. Immediately after this the training team starts conducting training
sessions for the staff members or each department respective to their modules. Hardware, Networking & Data
entry work is the responsibility of the organization purchasing the ERP. However, IFW's team can provide such
services if required by the client at additional cost.
3. How will we get support from IFW after installation?
IFW's Support Cell and engineers are available on all working days from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM online on IMs &
emails. On phone the Support engineers are available 24 x 7 x 365. Any kind of bug or error or problem in the
ERP will be attended within 2 days and solved within 7 days at most.
4. Is this a ready to use product or the company will develop it for us ?
IFW EduTech is a complete, fully functional and time tested ERP solution which covers more than any other
solution available in the Indian Market in this sector. This ready to use product can be purchased & installed
with staff training within 6 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - 2
5. What will happen when the technology on which this solution is made gets outdated?
IFW EduTech is developed on the latest technology plate form, as the technology gets updated new versions of
EduTech will be available in the market from time to time. The client can upgrade the solution that he has and
get the benefits of the new versions at discounted cost.
6. If we dont need the complete ERP can we select the modules we need ? And can we add more
modules later in the same ERP?
Yes, one of the major plus points of IFW EduTech is that it is made on a modular approach. Your organization
can decide and purchase the complete ERP or only the modules that they need. When the organization feels
that they need more modules as per the expansion of the organization, new modules can be purchased and
added easily without disturbing the existing data or modules.
7. Can we export the reports into word, excel or pdf formats ?
Yes, the reporting format of IFW EduTech is very flexible and the reports can be easily exported into formats
like .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf etc.
8. How secure is the data of the organization in IFW EduTech ?
IFW EduTech comes with 100% security of your precious data and information. The database of the ERP is
stored in the server which is either placed in a locked room or in front of the eyes of the management. Also
the database is protected so as even a expert hacker cannot break the database. The ERP Administrator can
give each user rights of accessing his respective modules, so that only the assigned modules can be accessed by
each user.
Contact Us
IFW Techno Creations Pvt. Ltd.
Office :
Nahar Tower, Nirala Street,
Near Andhra Bank, Shakti Nagar,
Udaipur 313001 (Raj.) INDIA
Phone : +91 294 2412331
Mobiles : +91 93144 19691/2/3
Websites :,
E-mail : [email protected]
Gtalk : [email protected]
Skype : helpline_ifw
Yahoo! : karanifw