Transcript Document


Streamlining Project Manager The FIATECH Consortium Webinar for the FIATECH Jurisdictions Committee, Tom Phillips, Salem, OR, Chairman December 8, 2009

Funding Sources

FIATECH Jurisdictions Committee – Welcome & introduction - Tom Phillips, Salem, OR, Chair

   FUNDING SOURCES – Robert Wible

The Funding Dilemma – Overview Successful Approaches – Past / Present / Future?

Potential Federal Grant Funding Sources

– 2009 Grants – – 2010 Grants Do’s & Don’ts

Next Committee Webinar – ePlan Review

Funding Sources for Building Department Streamlining & IT

 The Recession & the Funding Dilemma - Reduced Construction Volume - Reduced Staffs Do less with less than nothing but….

 Successful Approaches – Past - Enterprise funds - Bonds - IT surcharges on permit fees

Funding Dilemma

 Successful Approaches – Present - Draw down from existing dedicated surcharge accounts - Elicit Stakeholder support for surcharge funding - A few examples of successful application for Federal grants  Successful Approaches - Future ?

Successful Approaches for the Future

 Identifying and Building Stakeholder Support for mix of dedicated surcharges with Federal Grant seed funding  The key of Stakeholder Support

Potential Federal Grants as Partial Funding Sources

Federal Grants to State and Local Governments for Streamlining and Information Technology

Robert Wible & Associates/Alliance for Building Regulatory Reform in the Digital Age Sponsored by Avolve Software Corporation

November 10, 2009

Potential Federal Grants

   Overview – November 10, 2009 Report – Federal Grants to State and Local Governments for Streamlining and I T Summary of Potential Grants – Spreadsheet Grants Identified: – – – – Homeland Security / Disaster Resiliency Environmental Protection Energy Conservation & Alternative Energy Economic Recovery & Community Development

Potential Federal Grants

 Most Promising Grants – Homeland Security / Disaster Resiliency • • FEMA PDM Grants DHS Security Grant Program States/ Major Urban areas • • EPA State Innovation Grant Program DOE State Energy Program Grants Other Grant Opportunities

Successful Strategies for Grants

   General Guidance – Read criteria carefully Where have awards gone previously?

Who is competing for same grant opportunity?

– within your agency?

– – within your jurisdiction?

within your region ?

 Turn potential competitors into collaborators

Dos and Don’ts

 Do Build Stakeholder Support Carefully

Do - Build Stakeholder Support

  Working with Stakeholders to develop & submit best possible grant application  Getting their input on meeting grant application criteria  Lessons learned from previous grant applications – both successful & unsuccessful Putting your submission into language Federal agency understands – – Why streamlining & /or IT is critical to successful Disaster recovery/resiliency; environmental quality, economic recovery, etc.,

The Don’ts

   Don’t assume grant evaluation team knows anything about building regulatory process & it’s critical relevance to grant area (e.g. – environmental, disaster recovery, energy conservation) Don’t assume grant will cover all of your needs Don’t wait until grant is formally announced to identify competitors & collaborators & start building proposal stakeholder support

Grant Resources

 From

 From Federal Agencies (DOE, DHS, et. al.)  Download Grants Report & Hypothetical Grant Application from:

 From Alliance website:

Questions and Discussion

FIATECH Jurisdictions Committee

 Membership open to jurisdictions all sizes with fee based on population ($200-$800)  Monthly webinars/conference calls on topics of immediate concern to local and state building and land use/zoning departments   For registration form and more information visit:

Next Jurisdiction Committee Webinar of ePlan Review Technology” – Mid January, 2010 on “Successful Applications