Transcript Slide 1

NY ALFA Advocacy Day Briefing Webinar
May 22, 2013
Coming Soon:
NY ALFA Online Training Courses for Executive
Directors, Case Managers, Activities Directors,
and other Management Staff
NY ALFA Advocacy Day Briefing Webinar
Presented by:
Nancy Hodes, Co- Director NY ALFA
Ginger Lynch Landy, Co-Director, NY ALFA
Briefing Webinar for Advocacy Day
June 4th
Welcome to Albany
Briefing webinar for NY ALFA’s 7th
Annual Advocacy Day on June 4th!
Important day for you, our Member
Advocates, to meet with New York
State’s lawmakers and staffs.
• Webinar Goal:
Effective and dynamic meetings.
Advocacy Days Past
Welcome from Legislative Leaders
Top Level Meetings
Discussion with NYS Office for the Aging
Excellent Member Turnout
Snapshot of NYS
NYS Executive: Governor Andrew Cuomo
2013 Enacted Priorities:
 On Time Budget
 Passage of The NY SAFE ACT
 Increased Minimum Wage over the next 3 years
Governor’s Remaining Legislative Priorities:
 Ethics Reform
 Casino Development
 The Women’s Equality Act
 Restructure Local Governments in Fiscal Distress
 Measured Approach to Hydrofracking
NYS Legislature
NY ALFA employs a bi-partisan strategy and agenda with respect to the NYS
New York State Senate
30 R – 5 IDC- 29-D
Led by the Senate Majority Coalition Leaders, Republican Conference Leader Senator
Dean Skelos and Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeffrey Klein
Bi-Partisan Coalition consisting of:
 30 Senate Republicans:
 5 Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) Senators
New York State Assembly
106 D- 43 R- 1-I
Led by Democratic Speaker Sheldon Silver
 Thousands of issues;
 Hundreds of organizations come to Albany every year;
 NY ALFA advocating year round;
Our Job:
 Ensure your voice is heard;
 Educate lawmakers on issues affecting the assisted living
industry today.
We will kick off our 7th Annual Advocacy Day at Taste Restaurant in
Downtown Albany on
June 3rd
4:30- 5:45: Demonstration of NY ALFA Online Training Courses:
Presentation by Care and Compliance Group: Don
Betsworth, Regional Director
6:00- 8:00: Cocktail Reception Sponsored by Brandywine Senior
Living and Brookdale Senior Living
Presentation of NY ALFA’s Distinguished Service
Award to Mary Hart, former Director of the NYS
Department of Health’s Division of Assisted Living
June 4th
Room 711-A of the Legislative Office Building
Registration and Breakfast
Sponsored by Dominican Village
Welcome: Maribeth Bersani, SVP Public Policy, ALFA
Nancy Hodes, Co-Director, NY ALFA
Legislative Member Greetings
Discussion with Keith Servis, Director, Center for Health Care
Quality and Surveillance
Agenda Review and Legislative Meeting prep:
Nancy Hodes, Co-Director, NY ALFA
Ginger Lynch Landy, Co-Director, NY ALFA
Legislative Meetings
What’s Our Message?
NY ALFA – Dedicated to Promoting:
 Independence
 Freedom of Choice
 Dignity
 Ensuring Access and Affordability
Communicating NY ALFA’s Message
 Have everyone in your group
introduce themselves and their
 If you have a community in a
legislator’s district, make sure to point
that out right away;
 Describe your New York communities
and their locations;
 Provide the number of residents
served, and the number of employees
you have in New York and nationally.
Communicating NY ALFA’s Message
 Put a face on assisted living
consumers – tell a personal story;
 Keep things as simple as possible;
 Stress the quality work done by your
employees and reinforce the
important role assisted living plays in
your community;
 If you don’t know the answer, don’t
sweat it! You can always back to
them with more information.
 Invite the legislator to your
 REMEMBER: You are the expert –
legislators are very interested in
learning more about what you do!
 Make sure you leave your business
card and legislator packet.
NY ALFA Priority Themes
NY ALFA’S Priorities are developed through input and
feedback from the Advisory Board and the Public
Policy Committee
 Licensure/Regulatory Reform
 Affordability & Access
 Pending Legislation
Licensure/Regulatory Reform
86 Licensed Assisted Living Communities in NY
Approximately 175 applications still pending
Exploring options to expedite the licensure process:
 CARF Accreditation;
 Third Party Certification
Licensure/Regulatory Reform Con’t
Reform/Streamline the Certificate of Need (CON) process
Establish a uniform building code requirement
 Ongoing Work of the Department of Health’s ACF/ALR
Licensure Work Group
 Consistency in Regulatory Interpretations- EALR Work Group
Affordability & Access
Ensure Assisted Living Program (ALP) beds are
directed to our providers who choose to participate
Develop an affordable Medicaid assisted living
program rate
Fold the Assisted Living Program into the Assisted
Living Reform Act of 2004
Pending Legislation
 CARF Accreditation
S.5368 (Maziarz)
Status: In Senate Health Committee
Would allow ALR applicants, EALR applicants, and/or
SNALR applicants to submit a current accreditation
report from the nationally recognized accrediting
organization known as the Commission on Accreditation
of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) in lieu of initial
licensure approval as ALRs, EALRs, and/or SNALRs, as
well as for annual surveys.
Pending Legislation
 Criminal History Record Check Bill – A.5476/S.4926
Status: In Assembly and Senate Health Committees
Would require all adult care facilities and assisted living residences to
conduct criminal background checks on all prospective direct care staff
through the existing Department of Health system currently utilized for
prospective employees of nursing homes and home care agencies and
provides for a centralized registry of direct care workers.
NY ALFA Supports this bill. A uniform system to screen direct
care workers benefits residents and providers alike.
Pending Legislation
Automated External Defibrillator and CPR Bill –
A.5957/S.3455 (Englebright/Flanagan)
Status: In Assembly Health Committee; In Senate Aging Committee
Would require all adult homes and assisted living residences to have on
the premises at least one automated external defibrillator and one person
trained in its use and in the use of CPR at all times
Pending Legislation
ALR Rate Study Bill:
A.6769-A /S.4684 –A (DenDekker/Lanza)
Status: In Assembly and Senate Aging Committees
Would authorize a study to review the rate of the fees and charges
assessed to residents of assisted living residences;
 We met with Senator Lanza and Assemblyman Dendekker and they agreed
to remove the provision related to making recommendations to limit the
increase of fees and charges
Pending Legislation
Long Term Care Community Coalition Bills:
Last year, thanks to your advocacy efforts, we were successful in
stalling these bills in Committee.
 Direct Care Aide Training Curriculum Bill- A.4467/S.1663 (Gottfried/Grisanti)
Status: In Assembly and Senate Health Committees
 Nurse Staffing Bill – A.5168-S.1417 (Gottfried/Montgomery)
Status: In Assembly Health Committee and Senate Aging Committee
 Penalty /Enforcement Bill – A.5201/S.1662 (Gottfried/Grisanti)
Status: In Assembly Health Committee and Senate Finance
Advocacy Day Tips
 Know your message and be concise;
 Make it personal – put a human face on the issues;
 It’s ok to say I’ll get back to you;
 We are required to use the entrances to the Capital only – there is no access
through the Legislative Office Building;
 Be prepared for security checkpoints – you will be asked to remove your coat and
will have to put it through an X-ray machine along with your bags;
 Wear comfortable shoes – we do a lot of walking!
For More Information
Call us at 518-465-8303
Or email us at
[email protected]