Transcript PIE graphs

Special Education in the New
Zealand Education Context
Special Education Defined
- “ the provision of extra
assistance, adapted
programmes or learning
specialised equipment
or materials to support
young children and
school students with
accessing the
curriculum in a range of
What we aim for
- Better Outcomes for
- Raise achievement
of all students
- Presence,
learning to
Education Policy
- No separate special education system
in New Zealand
- Education Act (Section 8) states
students with special education needs
have the same right to enrol and
receive an education in a state school
as students who do not have special
education needs
- Children and young people with special
education needs generate the same regular
resourcing for early childhood education
services and schools as other learners do
- Additional resourcing to help meet special
educational needs is provided through a
mix of individually and population-targeted
funding and staffing and specialist services
- The Ministry of Education, Special
education is the main provider of specialist
- Access to the majority of special education
support and services is determined by
those closest to the learner
- Boards of Trustees of schools can set up
classes for students with special education
needs using their regular operational
resourcing and whatever special education
resourcing individual students generate for
a school
- Special schools operate primarily under
the same policy framework as all schools
and are part of the broader network of
education provision
Special Education 2000
- In 1996 government approved the
development of a new model for resourcing
and delivering of special education to be
implemented in stages by 2000
- Policy recognised increasing numbers of
children requiring special education service
- Recognised parents wishes to have children
receive their education in regular settings
- based on international move toward inclusion
- involved a shift away from biological categorisation
to an ecological paradigm
- strong focus on social and physical environmental
adaptation to support learning across all domains
- Resourcing framework designed within the
Tomorrow’s Schools policy context (self-managing
schools), with considerable resourcing devolved to
Vision of Special Education 2000
- Improve educational opportunities and
outcomes for children with special
education needs
- Ensure a clear, consistent and
predictable resourcing framework for
special education
- Provide equitable resourcing for those
with similar needs irrespective of school
setting or geographical location
Key Principles of Special
Education 2000
- Small group of students who need a high
level of support
- The term “high needs” would be defined by
the amount of additional resourcing
- Guaranteed level of resourcing for individual
students with high special education needs
across different settings
- System of direct, formula-based funding to
schools for students with “ moderate’ special
education needs
Key Components of SE 2000
Resourcing Framework
- Ongoing and Reviewable Resourcing
Schemes (ORRS) for students with
ongoing high and very high support
- Severe Behaviour Initiative
- Speech-Language Initiative
- Early Intervention 0-5
Moderate Needs Initiatives
- Special Education Grant (SEG)
- Resource Teachers: Learning and
Behaviour ( RTLB)
- Specialist support for students with
moderate-level visual, hearing and
physical impairments
- Early Intervention for children in early
childhood centres and homes with
moderate development needs
Wiley Review (2000)
- Highlighted fragmented service
provision but policy sound in principle
- School students on the margin between
moderate and high needs
- Issue and problems associated with
staffing special education units
- Allocation of the Special Education
New Zealand Disability Strategy
- The New Zealand Disability strategy will
be successful when disabled people
can say that they live in
“ a society that highly values our lives and
continually enhances out full
Objective 3 - Provide the Best
Education for Disabled People
- Make sure every child with a disability
can go to their local school
- Be sure that teachers and educators
understand the learning needs of
disabled people
- Make sure schools meet the needs of
disabled students
Local Service Profiling (2004)
- Service fragmented, inflexible, many
positives (highly skilled service deliverers, all
parts of the system working well somewhere
in NZ, same could be said for what’s not
- Unwelcoming schools
- Inadequate resourcing
- Parents not valued for knowledge and
- Difference in expectations
- Enhanced Programme Fund (EPF)
- School High Health Needs Fund(SHHF)
- Specialist Education Services
integrated with Ministry of Education
- Supplementary Learning Support (SLS)
- District reference groups
- Better Outcomes for Children – Special
Education Action Plan
- Move from outputs to outcomes
- Outcomes of Presence, participation, learning
leading to achievement
- Networks
- Education for all - quality teaching
benefits all students
- Welcome mat - Barriers for Parents
- Teacher aides
- Inequities in resourcing special/regular
Promotion of the disability strategy
Personalising learning
Professional development for Schools
Move to more networked flexible
- Review of Special Education
The National Administration
are statements for school
administration of desirable
principles of conduct or
Special Needs Register
What is the purpose?
What data will it hold?
What types of reports does it need to
Track funding?
Outline programmes you have currently
have in place?
NAG 1: Develop and implement
teaching and learning programmes for
all students
Good practice for schools to have
policies and procedures to support all
ERO will look for a special needs policy
and want to know that SEG funding
used to benefit students
Special Needs Register
Who enters data?
Who has acess?
Who reports?
Who reviews?
How often?
Role of the SENCO
- Coordinate support for students
- Contribute to the strategic planning and
the development of shared
understandings around special needs
- Liaise with school, family and outside
- Professional development
- Manage resources
- Maintain and oversee records
Three components:
- Managing tasks
- Documenting tasks
- Teaching tasks
Why a systematic Approach?
- Need to be able to demonstrate that
making a difference
- Need to collect data
- Need to have a collaborative school
culture around additional support
- Systematic development of schools
professional knowledge
- Outcomes for students are a joint
- Tracking student achievement requires
systematic approach
- Review part of a systematic approach
- Your thoughts…