Transcript Slide 1

Getting involved in shaping
Scotland’s human rights future
What I am going to talk about
• What are human rights?
• What is the Scottish Human Rights Commission?
• What we have found are some gaps and good
practice in human rights in Scotland
• How we propose to address gaps: developing
Scotland’s National Action Plan for Human
What are human rights?
• What we all need to live with dignity
• Things that must be done and things that must not be
• Cover all areas of our life:
taking part
where we live
What are human rights?
Based in our laws and in laws at the United
Nations and Europe
What is the
Scottish Human Rights Commission
• Established by Scottish
Parliament and Independent of
Government and Parliament
• Recognised by the United Nations
What we do….
A Human Rights Based Approach
• Empowerment: people
know their rights and how
to claim them
• Ability: s services can be
delivered in a way that best
reflects people’s rights
• Accountability: there is
good monitoring and
remedies when things go
What we have found: good laws,
mixed practice
What we have found: some good practice,
some gaps
Health and social care
• The good: opportunities to take
a human rights approach in self
directed support, integrating
health and care, care
standards; co-production on
independent living, some rights
based care services, Carers
Charter, Mental Health Act
• The gaps: “portability” of care,
inconsistent quality of care,
guardianships, medication,
What we have found: some good practice,
some gaps
Social lives
• The good: living wage,
domestic abuse legislation,
Homelessness Act
• The gaps: access to services
in rural areas; where
Gypsy/Traveller live; family life
of people with learning
disabilities; different views on
inclusive education
What we have found: some good practice,
some gaps
Justice and security
• The good: opportunities in
police reform, Children’s
Hearing system, Victims and
Witnesses Bill
• The gaps: increasing hate
crimes; low prosecution in
trafficking, police use of
“TASER” weapons, conditions
in detention, legal aid
What should be done?
Scotland’s National Action Plan
for Human Rights
UN recommends a
National Action Plan
A road-map to make
all human rights
Based on evidence and
Worked well in Sweden,
Finland, Australia,
New Zealand
Next steps
Get involved!
1. What do you think are
the real gaps in human
rights in Scotland?
2. What should be done to
address those gaps?
[email protected]