Transcript Document

Putting the Fundamentals in Place
LES Policy and Practice Seminar
Royal Horticultural Halls & Conference Centre
London SW1P 2PE
12 May 2009
Ogo Osammor
Air Quality Officer
Sheffield City Council
Introduction / Background
• Purpose – share information on:
work done, achieved, challenges, lessons learnt
• Sheffield’s Local Development Framework
clear signals to protect and improve air quality
• Core Strategy – adopted 4 March 2009: Policy CS 66
S11.19 “Protection and improvement of air quality will be achieved
particularly through decisions about planning applications for uses that
give rise to significant amounts of traffic, through the Air Quality Plan and
through successive Local Transport Plans.”
Air quality gains achieved
• Vantage Park – distribution centre
• Tesco - Retail
• Eon – Biomass Plant development
• Northern General Hospital
Examples of LES achieved through Planning Gain
• Installation of electric charging points
• Funding to support Transport brokerage
• Funding for air pollution monitoring
• Provision of low emission vehicle priority parking by
• Set minimum Euro standards for HDVs
• Employing a travel plan coordinator
• Funding contribution towards signal optimisation at
junctions to improve traffic flows and reduce localised
• Limited knowledge about how the planning system
• Establishing precedence
• Developing management and political buy-in
• Establishing funding strategies
• Developing relationship with planning colleagues:
Making LES accepted
Lessons Learnt
• Use committee reports to establish LES, raise
profile, gain support
• Role of Forward and Area planners
– organise family of SPDs; S106 Agreements
• Low emission strategies can be realised via a
number of established routes
• Be mindful of Outline applications
Contact details Tel: 0114 2734655
Email: [email protected]