Transcript Slide 1

Arkansas Association of Curriculum and Supervision
Development Legislative Review
Act 71 – Cell Phones &
Communication Devices
District may establish written student discipline
policy and exemptions concerning possession
use by a student of a personal electronic device
• on school property
• school related events
• extracurricular activities
• instructional purposes
• Limit time/location
Act 146 – Interstate Compact
National program to help active military children to
seamlessly complete their education including:
1. Timely enrollment
2. Student placement
3. Eligibility for enrollment, educational programs,
participation in extracurricular, etc
4. On-time graduation
5. Uniform collection of information from state to
Act 234 – Amends Arkansas
Academic Challenge Scholarship
Beginning 2013-2014
Four-Year Institutions:
Freshman - $2,000
• Sophomore - $3,000
• Junior - $4,000
• Senior - $5,000
Two-Year Institutions - $2,000
Emergency Clause
Act 328 – Foreign Language
Schools may offer American Sign Language as
a foreign language credit
Act 330 – Electronic Transcripts
Electronic transcripts shall be used K-12 as
developed by ADE
Higher Ed shall use electronic transcripts as the
only method of accepting a transcript from an
Arkansas public school
Act 413 Nontraditional Teachers
Accelerated Teaching Program Includes:
Teach for America Program
• Arkansas Teacher Corps Program offered by the
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
• Others approved by ADE
Allows a method of obtaining a teaching license
without traditional methods
Act 421 – Allow Waiver for
Embedding Curriculum
State Board may grant waiver to district for
combining or embedding curriculum from 2
separate courses into 1 combined course
Only applies in grades 5 through 12
Act 454 – Amend Educator
Makes it easier to obtain a license from out of
state if applicant has 3 years teaching experience
• Non-traditional applicants are issued a 3 year
nonrenewable license
– Must complete 24 hour training in pedagogy
– Summative evaluation each year
– Score proficient of above on evaluation
– Recommended for full licensure by Superintendent
Act 455 – Amend Background
Checks for Educators
Background check must be completed to renew
No longer paid by ADE
Adds additional prohibited violations which would
exclude license such as domestic battery,
promoting prostitution, stalking, etc.
May receive waiver when prior to receiving
license vs. waiting until you have a job offer
Act 459 – Master School Principal
Defines "high-need public school”
Principals completing the master principal
program are eligible for $25,000 salary increase
for taking a principal's job in a "high-need public
Act 484 – Safe School Initiative
District shall provide annual training for all
employees and students to extent practicable in
preventing and responding to acts of violence,
terrorism, and natural disaster
– Tornado safety drills (4 to 3)
– Emergency plans for terrorist attacks
– Active shooter drills and school safety assessments
Act 511 – Amend Free Textbook
Repeals ADE from making a list of "approved"
Provider shall not charge Arkansas schools a
price that exceeds the lowest contracted price
currently bid in another state
Must sell products at same price for every school
in Arkansas
Must submit prices to ADE
District shall select "an instructional materials"
selection committee
Act 576 – Require a Period of
Public school shall observe a one (1) minute
period of silence at the beginning of the day
• Student may reflect, pray, or engage in a silent
• Teacher or school employee in charge of
classroom shall ensure that all students remain
silent and do not interfere with or distract another
student during the period of silence
Act 599 – Band, Music, and Visual
Arts Credit
A student enrolled in grade 7 or 8 shall participate
– Visual arts instruction, appreciation, and application;
– Performing arts instruction, appreciation, and
Act 601 – Districts of Innovation
Allows schools to obtain from the Commissioner
necessary exceptions from laws, rules, and local
policies to improve the educational performance
of students
Establish a School Council of Innovation made up
of parents, student, employees, etc.
Act 601, continued
School council of innovation creates plan and
eligible employees vote on plan
Must have 60% approval
Plan is approved by local board
Plan is sent to Commissioner for approval
Plan is approved for four (4) years
Act 601, continued
Plan will address goals and targets which may
– Reducing achievement gap
– Increasing student participation in curriculum
– Expanding students' college and career readiness
– Exploring innovative teaching and learning
– Transforming a school's culture
Act 601, continued
Instructional time may include:
– on-site instruction
– distance or virtual learning
– work-based learning on nontraditional school days or
Act 625 – Establish AP Training &
Incentive Program
Establishes the Advanced Placement Training
and Incentive Program
• Sets goals of increasing number of students
participating in AP and increase the number of 3,
4, and 5 on AP exam
• District may fully participate in the program or
they may participate on a limited basis
• Districts shall pay a participation and service fee
established by June 1 each year
Act 696 – Rating System for
Effective 2014-2015
• Schools and School Districts will be rated on an
A-F grading system
Act 709 – Amends TESS
Categories to domains
"Evaluator" - licensed as administrator and is an
employee of the school district
Gives additional information and options for
tested and non-tested areas
Uses district created external assessment
measures including formative assessments
Act 969 – Professional
Amends professional development laws to place
certain required PD on rotating schedule
• Eliminates Lottery Training
• ADE shall establish the curriculum for the rotating
PD requirements
• 2 hours total but may have additional hours if
• Technology may be required by ADE and
Act 969, continued
2013-2014 - Mandated Reporter
2014-2015 - Parental Involvement
2015-2016 - Teen Suicide Awareness and
2016-2017 - Arkansas History
Required to have this training prior to becoming
Not the responsibility of the district
Act 969, continued
Before receiving a building level administrator's
licenses the person must complete the teacher
evaluation program
May complete the assessment before/after
obtaining initial building level administrator's
Act 1073 – ADE Clean Up
Defines a week as Sunday
through Saturday
Annual school performance
report to be posted on district
website as well as published
the local newspaper
Act 1081 – Repeals High-Stakes
Replaces high-stakes end-of-course
assessments for Algebra I and English II with the
next-generation assessments
Remedial activities and instruction shall not be in
lieu of English, mathematics, science, history, or
other courses required for graduation
Act 1108 – Arts-Infused
ADE administered grant program
5 year pilot program to implement an artsenriched curriculum, training, and research at 15
Principal and 85% of the teachers must agree to
Act 1108, continued
5 schools shall begin three year training in 20142015 school year
1st year training is 7 days
2nd year training is 5 days
3rd year training is 4 days
Report submitted to House and Senate Ed
Committees by September 1, 2020
Act 1227 – School Choice
Districts shall participate unless exempted by
ADE for enforceable desegregation order
Board shall adopt resolution with standards for
acceptance which:
– may include capacity of a program, class, grade level,
or school building.
– shall include priority will be given for siblings
– shall not include applicant's academic, athletic, English
prof. or previous discipline
Act 1227, continued
School superintendent shall cause public
announcement over broadcast media and either
print media or the Internet
Parent submit application to nonresident district
with copy to resident district
Form approved by ADE
Postmarked no later than June 1
Act 1227, continued
District notifies parent by August 1 if student :
– Rejected - reason for rejection
– Accepted - deadline when student shall enroll or
acceptance is null; renewal procedures
3% of a district's ADM maximum limit for choice
less transfers
Siblings shall only count as 1 for the 3%
Act 1227, continued
ADE shall report by June 1 to each district the net
maximum school choice transfers for the current
Parents may appeal district decision to State
Act 1280 – Digital Learning
2013-14 - Each district in the pilot program shall
offer at least one digital learning class
2014-15 - Entering 9th grade students must
have at least one digital learning class to
Act 1280 – Cont.
Beginning in the 14-15 year, all school
districts shall provide at least one digital
course to their students as either a primary
or supplementary method of instruction
All digital learning courses shall be made
available in a blended learning, onlinebased, or other technology-based format
tailored to meet the needs of each
participating student
Act 1285 – College & Career
Establishes College and Career Coaches
• Administered by the Department of Career
Education in partnership with ADE and ADHE
• Enabling legislation - no funding
Act 1294 -- Dyslexia
Required screening and intervention
Shall screen students in grade K-2 using
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
If DIBELS screens indicates a student has
markers for dyslexia then student is referred to
Response to Intervention (RTI)
If RTI committee concurs, student shall be
evaluated for dyslexia
Act 1294, continued
If dyslexia evaluation confirms, student shall be
provided therapeutic services
Therapeutic services may be provided by tutor
who is highly qualified and trained interventionist
List instructional approaches
ADE shall hire a dyslexia specialist by 2015
ADE shall ensure at least 1 staff member at each
co-op is trained as a dyslexia specialist
Act 1322 – Student Absences
Changes the excused/unexcused absences to
what the law was prior to 2011
Instead of excessive absences policy must now
state unexcused absences
Act 1326 – Whole Child
Establishes a Whole Child - Whole Community
Recognition Working Group
Group will consider indicators for educators,
parent, and community in each of the following 5
1. Each student enters school healthy and learns about
and practices a healthy lifestyle
2. Each student learns in an environment that is
physically and emotionally safe for students and
Act 1326, continued
3. Each student is actively engaged in learning and is
connected to the school and broader community.
4. Each student has access to personalized learning and
is supported by qualified, caring adults.
5. Each student is intellectually stimulated and prepared
for success in college or further study and for
employment and participation in a global environment.
Report submitted by November 1, 2014 to the
House and Senate Education Committee
Act 1473 – Arts-infused
NSLA funds may be used to implement schoolwide evidence-based program intended to close
achievement gaps with an arts-infused curriculum
Act 1423 – Parental Involvement
Calls for placement of
parent-friendly summary
of parental involvement
plan in student handbook
Act 1429 – School Recognition &
Reward Program
$100 per student – If school is in top 10% of all
public schools in AR in combined student
performance, student academic growth, and, for
a secondary school, graduation rate.
$50 per student – 11-20% range
Shall begin after 2012-2013 state-mandated
Act 1467 – NSLA Discussion
Distribution method should change
Be revised to align more directly with student
Differentiate between free and reduced
Only use funds for evidence-based programs
directed at improving student achievement
Prioritize allowable uses of funds
BLR report that funding has not achieved desired
Act 1467 – NSLA Discussion
House and Senate Education Committee in
conjunction with BLR and ADE
Shall conduct a study and make following
– List of evidence-based program
– New distribution formula that takes into account a
sliding scale and additional weight for free kids vs.
reduced kids
For consideration 2014 Fiscal Session