Drawn to the Loadstone Rock - Swindells

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Transcript Drawn to the Loadstone Rock - Swindells

Drawn to the Loadstone Rock
A Tale of Two Cities Book 2 Chapter 24
Significance:“The Loadstone Rock”
“Like the mariner in the old story, the winds
and streams had driven him within the
influence of the Loadstone Rock, and it was
drawing him to itself…”
The “old story” referred to here is 1001 Arabian Nights, in which there is a
tale about a ship that was attracted to a magnetic rock, which caused its
The allusion to the Loadstone Rock foreshadows a ‘shipwreck’ among the
‘seas’ of revolution that are to come.
In this chapter, Charles Darnay’s
“Loadstone Rock” is his own sense of what
is right and a need to fulfill his obligations.
Chapter Summary
Background Info:
The year is now 1792. The French Revolution has been raging for three
years and its effects are most evident to outward parties in the fleeing of
the French nobility to asylum in neighboring countries. The monarchy has
been abolished.
In England, surrounding Tellson’s Bank and Co., many French aristocrats
gather together to gain insight into the current condition of France.
Inside the bank Charles Darnay is trying to dissuade Lorry from
traveling to France with Jerry Cruncher to retrieve legal documents
from the Paris branch of Tellson’s bank. Lorry is planning to leave
that night.
Their conversation is interrupted when Lorry receives a letter
addressed to the “Marquis St. Evremonde” (Charles Darnay’s birth
name), whom nobody in the bank knows personally, but who is
considered a coward by nearly all parties present, including the
always detestable Shryver. Darnay manages to keep calm, although
he is insulted, and instead offers to deliver the message to the
Marquis himself.
Chapter Summary (continued…)
The letter is from a servant of Charles’ family, Gabelle, who
had been charged with treason and imprisoned in Paris.
Although he had only been trying to help the peasants by
heeding Charles’ orders, they consider him an enemy of the
revolution. The only way he might be saved now is if Charles
comes to Paris to reason with the revolutionaries.
Charles’ sense of justice obliges him to go to Paris to try and
help Gabelle. He also believes that he can do something to
stop the violence of the Revolution and urge the mercy of the
He tells Lorry to respond to Gabelle that Evremonde will come
immediately. He commences to write two letters: one to Dr.
Manette and the other to Lucie. He pretends to be going out
on a common call when he departs for France without
warning to spare the excessive worrying of his family.
Lit Devices
“Monseigneur, as a class, had dissociated himself from the
phenomenon of his not being appreciated: of his being so little
wanted in France, as to incur considerable danger of receiving his
dismissal from it, and this life together.”
Synecdoche, Understatement, Irony
Dickens uses blatant sarcasm to draw attention to the obvious fact that French
aristocrats are hated and therefore have a need to flee the country while they
still retain their wealth, influence, and vitality.
Using the title ‘Monseigneur’ to describe all members of the French aristocracy
is ironic. It calls attention to the fact that aristocrats have lost their position as
‘lords’ over plebeians, and shows that the title is only referred to now in a
mocking way.
“Yes. The Loadstone Rock was drawing him, and he must sail on,
until he struck. He knew of no rock; he saw hardly any danger.”
Symbolism, Dramatic Irony
The Loadstone Rock symbolizes Darnay’s sense of guilt and his quest for
atonement. Dickens makes the reader aware of these feelings that are driving
Darnay’s recent actions, yet they are unaware to Darnay himself. Darnay is also
unaware of the fact that his going back to France will inevitably draw Lucie and
Dr. Manette into the turmoil of the Revolution.
Lit Devices (continued…)
 “Like the fabled rustic who raised the Devil with infinite pains, and
was so terrified at the sight of him that he could ask the Enemy no
question, but immediately fled; so, Monseigneur, after boldly reading
the Lord’s prayer backwards for a great number of years, and
performing many other potent spells for compelling the Evil One, no
sooner beheld him in his terrors than he took to his noble heels.”
Extended metaphor, Allusion, Symbolism
In this context, the ‘rustic’ is the French elite. The overtaxation of the peasantry,
apathy to the plight of the peasantry, and general mistreatment of the peasantry
were among their many ‘infinite pains’ to raise an evil spirit. The ‘Devil’ in this
context is the French Revolution. Although it was provoked, Dickens is
suggesting by this comparison that the violence and terror of the Revolution
made what could’ve been a peaceful reformation of French society into a
monster that struck fear into all who encountered it.
Important Quote
“One cannot help thinking, having had some
sympathy for the miserable people, and having
abandoned something to them… that one might
be listened to, and might have the power to
persuade to some restraint.”
– Charles Darnay
Darnay, while he has idealistic goals, is not at all realistic. Because
he has been estranged from France for so long, he cannot
understand the true escalation of violence, hate, and distrust inside
the country. While it is also admirable that he feels drawn to help the
situation in his native country, I feel he will likely die, or end up
getting a loved one killed because of his hasty nature.