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HPS-HIO Protection System Ltd.
HIO-technology in protection of historical monuments
Mr. Stevan Oberknežev – inventor, construction eng.
Ms. Mirjana Oberknežev – director of the company, economist
Name of the Technology and Company
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
Target Market and
Technology and IP
Identity card
The name HIO-technology and the company name became of:
Hydro Isolation Oberknežev, what was the name of our company
founded in 1983.
Ever since then we have been working on protection of old
structures against capillary moisture, using the method of cutting the
Problem and solution
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
Target Market and
Technology and IP
Identity card
Capillary moisture is the worst enemy of all structures older then 50
years. In most cases these structures have no barrier against damp
or, if any ever existed, it is worn out.
The only way to stop the capillary moisture once for good is to cut
the wall completely and insert the waterproof barrier. This method is
effective but has unavoidable consequences : the settling of the
structure and cracking of the walls.
This effects can be ignored on the ordinary houses with walls no
thicker than 50 cm because the old plaster has to be replaced by new
one, but it is absolutely unacceptable on historical monuments
with massive walls: palaces, churches, monasteries, decorated with
invaluable frescoes, ornaments.
Technology Description
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
Target Market and
Technology and IP
Identity card
• HIO-technology is unique cutting method used sa a permanent
protection against capillary moisture in historical monuments with
massive walls
•The cutting is performed with high-speed diamond tools with
minimum of vibrations and noise
• Before the insertion, the height of HIO-master barrier is
optimized by precise grinding according to the cut height.
•The injection mass is pumped into the cut filling completely the
whole profile of the barrier making a new connection in the wall.
• Through the filling the segments of HIO-Master Barrier are
inserted into the cut taking on themselves the complete weight of the
superstructure without any deformation
Technology Description
What makes HIO-technology unique?
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
Target Market and
Technology and IP
Identity card
• The unique cutting method which doesn’t endanger the stability of
the structure.
• There are no limits regarding the kind of building material and the
thickness of the walls(2,3 or more meters).
• HIO-master barrier is the unique isolation material which
height is adapted to the height of the cut in wall.
• The injection mass is based on polymers, and therefore it’s a
waterproof barrier itself
• Faster work performance than any other method
• Price is competitive to the other methods
Target Market and Potential
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
Target Market and
Technology and IP
Identity card
The potential market is whole world, because the problem of
capillary moisture is universal.
All constructions older than 5O years have the problem with
dampness what makes them our potential clients.
We are targeting different groups:
• Construction companies
• Institutions for protection of historical monuments
• Different Ministries (of culture, constructions, religion)
• City authorities
• Church councils
• Railway, Post, Health institutions, Schools
• Private owners
Hungary, Budapest, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Hungary, Budapest, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (jobsite in the cellar)
Hungary, Budapest, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (library in the cellar)
Serbia, Zemun, St. Nicholas Ortodox church
Serbia, Zemun, St. Nicholas Ortodox church
Hungary, Kecskemét, St. Nicholas Catholic church
Serbia, Novi Sad, Petrovaradin Fortress, Arsenal
Serbia, Novi Sad, Petrovaradin Fortress, Arsenal – today City Museum
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
Target Market and
Technology and IP
Identity card
All over the world the problem of capillary moisture does exist and
the city authorities spend a lot of money every third or fourth year
trying to remove the consequences of it’s destructive effects, with
different temporary methods.
Competitive products:
• injection of solutions into the wall,
• various kinds of special plasters,
• different methods of cutting.
Technology and IP Status
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
Target Market and
HIO-technology is already in existing business, and results are
brilliant: more than 50 churches, hundreds and hundreds of other
constructions have been saved once for good from destruction
caused by capillary moisture.
The invention has been registered at EPO (European Patent Office).
Technology and IP
Identity card
The long standing cooperaton with the Faculty of Technical Science
from Novi Sad resulted with the recognition of HIO-technology®
as the most effective and secure method for protection against
capillary moisture.
HIO-technology® and HIO-team (Mirjana and Stevan Oberknezev
and FTS, Novi Sad) won the big prize: The best technical
invention in Serbia for 2007.
Identity card
Name of the Technology
Problem and solution
Technology Description
What makes HIOtechnology unique?
HPS HIO-protection system Kft.
Hungary, Budapest
Veres Pálné u. 19.
Phone: +36-1-411-0663
E-mail: [email protected]
Target Market and
Technology and IP
Identity card
HPS HIO-protection system doo.
Serbia, Novi Sad
Trg Slobode 2.
Phone: +381-21-472-5424
E-mail: [email protected]