Transcript Chapter 18

Chapter 18
Concurrent Auditing Techniques
Concurrent Auditing
Techniques to collect audit evidence at
the same time as an application system
undertakes processing of its production
Basic Nature of Concurrent
Auditing Techniques
2 bases for collecting audit evidence
 Special audit modules are embedded in
application systems to collect, process,
and print audit evidenced
 Audit records used to store the audit
evidence collected so auditors can
examine this evidence at a later stage
Concurrent Auditing
Need for Concurrent Auditing Techniques
Disappearing Paper-Based Audit Trail
Continuous Monitoring Required by Advance
Systems (see next Figure)
Increasing Difficulty of Performing Transaction
Presence of Entropy in Systems
tendency of systems toward internal disorder and
eventual collapse over time
Problems Posed by Outsourced IT Systems
(difficult for auditors to be there at the outsource)
EDI and Inter- organizational Info systems
Concurrent Audit Techniques
Integrated test facility (dummy company test data
then analysis of authenticity, accuracy, and completeness)
Snapshot/extended record
System control audit review file
Continuous and intermittent simulation
Integrated Test Facility (ITF)
Verifies authenticity, accuracy, and
Involves 2 major design decisions:
What method will be used to enter test
What method will be used to remove the
effects of ITF transactions?
Methods of Entering Test Data
Using ITF
2 Methods
(1) Involves tagging transactions
submitted as production input to the
application system to be tested
(2) Involves designing new test
transactions and entering them with the
production input into the application
Entering test data
Methods of Removing the
Effects of ITF Transactions
3 Methods
(1) Modify the application system programs to
recognize ITF transactions and to ignore
them in terms of any processing that might
affect users
(2) Submit additional input that reverses the
effects of the ITF transactions
(3) Submit trivial entries so the effects of the
ITF transaction on output are minimal
Snapshot/Extended Record
Involves software taking “pictures” of a
transaction as it flows through an application
Major Implementation Decisions
Where to locate the snapshot points?
When to capture snapshots of transactions?
Items needed for reporting of the snapshot data
that is captured (timestamp, ID, time of each
System Control Audit Review
The most complex technique
Involves embedding audit software
modules within a host application
system to provide continuous
monitoring of the system’s transactions
2 major design decisions:
What info. will be collected by SCARF?
What reporting system will be used?
Information Collected by
Application system errors
Policy and procedural variances
System exceptions (certain errors are allowed)
Statistical samples
Snapshots and extended records
Profiling data (data to build profile of users)
Performance measurement data
Structure of SCARF Reporting
Design Decisions
 Determining how the SCARF file will be
updated (e.g., small applications send data to the file once a
Choosing sort codes and report formats
to be used
Choosing the timing of report
Continuous & Intermittent
Primary advantages of CIS
 SCARF defines exceptions of interest
but CIS traps exceptions for auditors
using DBMS. It does not not require
modifications to the application system
 Provides an online auditing capability
 Requires less programming instructions
 Less input/output overheads