Transcript Document

Title: A Journey into Adult Day Services: Creating a Positive Client Experience Team

Executive Sponsor: Dolores Ellerker, CEO

Scope/Boundaries: Client Intake to First Attendance Day in ADS Problem Statement:

Project Lead/Improvement Advisor: Bozena Michalik, Director, Business & Quality Development Team Members: Arlene Hoey – Senior Coordinator ADS, Lindsay King – Supervisor Client Services, Natalie Kardasopoulos – Case Manager, Mary-Beth Ellerker – Supervisor Transportation Services In our attempt to create a smooth and seamless process for clients being admitted into our Adult Day Services, we focused on the process flow without directly engaging our clients. The client experience has been compromised due to this lack of engagement.

5W2H What: There are many steps required/taken prior to client attending his/her first day in ADS. We completed a process flow map. It was not client-driven.

Why: Not all steps are ‘value-added’, focus on process and not client, the client ‘flow’ into ADS is onerous and restrictive Where: admin and in ADS program Who: clients, caregivers, staff When: Mapping the Client Journey Fall 2012 – process focused How does it affect people: clients need to retell parts of their ‘story’ to a number of staff, there may be a delay in admissions to the ADS, possible increase in errors when transferring info between staff, program staff learn about the client’s needs from other staff and not directly from the client (could result in misinterpretation of client need) How often does it occur: occurs with every admission to ADS

Aim Statement: By March 31, 2015, we will improve the client experience with admission to Adult Day Services by 15%.


Outcome Measure: caregiver relief Balancing Measure: staff experience

Root Causes of the Problem: Anticipated Barriers and Mitigation Strategies: Resources Required: Change Ideas: Anticipated Timeline Key Milestones Signatures:

Executive Sponsor: _______________________________ Project Lead: __________________________________

Team List the names and positions for: Executive Sponsor (someone on senior management who will be accountable at a senior level, will remove barriers, ensure adequate resources are provided, etc) Project Lead (Person accountable for accountable for leadership of the project team and accountable for day-to-day project progress) Process Owner (often the same person as the Project Lead; a person who is in a management position and is accountable for the process being improved; Improvement Advisor (Someone who does not necessarily have content expertise, but provides and builds QI expertise in the team; for this Learning Collaborative, the Project Lead will also be the Improvement Advisor, supported by an External Coach. Team Members (Ensure the team includes ndividuals from the front line who are most familiar with the process , and where possible, “suppliers” and “customers” who may be impacted through inputs to or outputs from the process)

Root Causes of the Problem:

How were they identified?

Include any available evidence.

Anticipated Barriers and Mitigation Strategies:

Scope/Boundaries: Indicate the beginning and end steps and the process being focused on

Aim Statement:

Articulate your project aim stating “How much” (amount of improvement – eg 30%) , “by when” (a month and year), “as measured by” (needs to reflect service delivery improvement that will directly impact clients)

Problem Statement:

. What is the problem and what parts of the organization does it impact/touch?

. Why is this important to the organization? Is it linked to a strategic priority?

. Is there data or other evidence that helps to highlight the problem?


Include a Family of Measures: . Outcome Measures (at least one) . Process Measures (at least one per change idea) . Balancing Measures (at least one)

Change Ideas:

What are they?

What is the hypothesized relationship between the root causes and the change ideas?

Is there evidence in the literature or elsewhere for the relationship?

Anticipated Timeline

Over how many months will the project be conducted? If possible, specify start date by month and year, and end date by month and year

Resources Required:

Budget, Dedicated Staff Time for Project Lead and for Team members.

Key Milestones: Identify key points over the project duration at which time you anticipate key deliverables/results Signatures: Signals that these individuals have read the Charter and are aware of the project focus, and at minimum, commit to and agree with the design, set up, and resource requirements at the early stages.

Executive Sponsor: _______________________________ Project Lead: __________________________________