Transcript Document

On 6th May 2014, we held two
workshops for parents to discuss
Support at WBS.
This is a collection of comments; where some
comments were the same, a representative comment
has been included.
(Unfortunately, the video didn’t work!)
We asked how often people want
contact with staff.
Termly progress via email.
Emails best way of contact updates welcomed. Would still like to
see SENCO once a term or twice a year.
As a parent I would value termly meeting as I cannot rely on my
child relaying information and need to help to understand where
they are at
Meet with SENCO at parents’ evening along with other
Prefer one to one with tutor every half term regarding progress
I like a letter, I sometimes don’t go on my computer for weeks
Happy for email but would like frequent contact and maybe face
to face at least termly
WBS Responses:
• SENCO is available to meet with at parents
evenings – use the ebooking system or phone
up for an appointment;
• Students with Statements, EHCPs and SEN
Support will now be involved in 3 meetings
per year to set and review targets;
• Key workers will email 3 times per week;
• Email SENCO and we aim to respond in 24 hrs
We asked about differentiation
I think this can benefit children who work at a much slower pace
and need more explanation
Appropriate dependent on children’s needs. However, children
need to reach a basic level. How do you ensure each child gets
This doesn’t always work well on one class over a wide range of
abilities. My child working within low level 3 is often lost during
whole class work. Streaming may suit his needs better or the
support of a TA to remain on track
when appropriate to the lesson and the child involved
Appropriate differentiation should be a part of all lessons for all
Differentiation is absolutely vital to promote genuine inclusion.
Understanding may not be reflected in recording so alternative
methods would be proposed
This doesn’t always work; child doesn’t necessarily understand
why this happens. Don’t always think it helps.
WBS Responses:
• Any longer withdrawal groups (i.e. over a few
weeks) have entry criteria and targets are
• Our use of technology supports differentiation
in terms of recording (e.g. use of dictation
software and photographing diagrams instead
of copying). Students can sometimes lack the
confidence to do this, but TAs should look for
it and encourage them.
We asked about homework amnesties
Homework Amnesties would be useful as my child can be more
tired at certain times than others. Homework is a lot harder when
he/she is tired
Would consider this over time as my child finds work very
difficult and can get extremely anxious at home. Would try a
range but in honesty feel this would help greatly
Limit homework is important as this causes a great deal of stress
which causes other problems
Depends on amount of homework set can be difficult for
some children to concentrate once home as already done a
full day at school
More help in understanding what homework has been set. Use of
portal to see what has been set or email what has been set will be
Lunchtime club extremely useful as the TA team is providing
support and guidance
Homework is a real battle. It takes a long time to do and results in
tears. It can be quite stressful for all the family. However, they still
need to be doing homework
WBS Responses:
• Homework Club runs every lunchtime with TAs in
101. There is an after-school Homework Club in
the Library Mon-Thurs until 5pm.
• It is often helpful to use a visual timer with a child
– don’t let them do more than 20 mins (of
continuous work) on a subject per night. Sign the
book to say that they have done this.
• Children can dictate work to you for typing if they
are tired. Sign the book to say you have done this.
• Don’t aim for perfection or make them redo it
over and over again.
We asked about withdrawal groups
My child has found these groups very useful and helpful; no
issues with this
I would like my child to be taught by trained teachers, but am
happy for support from TA’s. However, I feel he has had the
majority of KS2 being taught in this way and needs a different
Withdrawn from class where appropriate. However, where
possible with TA support, sometimes pre tutoring could eliminate
the need for withdrawing
Ask individual child if they would prefer a smaller group
often the pressure they feel is increased in a smaller group
Small group works well child is more focused and is given more
attention problems are picked up and strategies are put in place.
Should be limited as there is a stigma being labelled as a child
who is behind with learning. Extra help in the class would be
better rather than withdrawing
Spelling group has been really helpful would like to see specialist
dyslexia withdrawal group to address the specific issues faced and
prepare for sitting exams. This is an area for concern
WBS Responses:
• Withdrawal groups are offered in Key Stage 3 in
maths and English. These are for very high-needs
students. Most children have in-class support in
most subjects.
• Withdrawal groups have entry criteria and targets
are monitored rigorously.
• Some students need to be withdrawn to a quiet
room for tests etc. on an ad hoc basis.
• Exam concessions are finalised in Yr 9 in time for
GCSEs. Parents get letters stating what
arrangements are in place.
We asked about Teaching Assistants
embedded in departments
TA’s needed in every lesson and be aware of children who
struggle and their needs and how to address this
More TA’s need to be available in both the classroom and in group
work. The children that need the extra help needs to have the TA’s
Confusion of the role between TA and SA
WBS Responses:
• We operate teaching assistants and support
assistants. Teaching assistants are qualified –
usually to degree standard – in a specific
subject and work in the department
specifically. However, they are also part of
Academic Support and are expected to know
SEN details to better support individuals. They
staff Homework Club. Support assistants are
assigned to work 1:1 with students with high
We asked about 1:1 support assistants
Definitely vital for some children who find school a stressful place
to be. Someone to go to for reassurance and support would be
All children with ASD particularly need access to appropriately
trained consistent support and mentoring.
A real must especially for children who are not very confident to
ask for help
Some children do not ask if they do not understand as they
are frightened they will be made to look stupid in class.
Support assistants are vital.
Good as long as its regular within class rather than withdrawing.
Are there support assistants at break time to help with
Extra support within a classroom is a help to children with
learning, anxiety and social issues.
WBS Responses:
• All Support Assistants are nominally assigned to
work 1:1 with a particular student. They will have
extra training in the area of needs that is most
appropriate. However, they will offer more
general support within a class and are expected
to know the SEN details of all the students with
whom they come into contact. Key workers will
do joint emails with their charges on a regular
basis to keep contact. They will often ‘meet and
greet’ first thing to get ‘their’ student organised
for the day.
We asked about personal budgets
Parents need to understand how the personal budget is worked
out what will they get
The LA will need to give parents the support to understand and
manage their personal budget
The LA will need to develop services so parents have something
to buy – Website + Understanding the cost of services
WBS Responses:
• Currently the LEA is stating that personal
budgets are only available for those with
statements/ EHCPs who have complex and
severe needs such that they get more than
£6000 worth of support. Anything ABOVE
that figure may be ‘drawn down’ from the
LEA, but the exact mechanism of this is
unclear at this time.
We asked about child protection
Concerns regarding bullying due to having naive and vulnerable
child. An area for year 7s to socialise alone has been introduced
at some schools until they have become more confident.
Surprised me how well my son coped with the change from
primary school. I felt he was vulnerable, however, there was
never a problem with bullying.
Bullying is minimal and school environment looks safe. However,
needs to focus on developing social skills and reducing social
isolation outside the classroom
Concerns regarding bullying due to having naive and
vulnerable child. An area fir year 7s to socialise alone has been
introduced at some schools until they have become more
Ensure vulnerable children are not potential targets for bullying
by various means providing opportunities for social interaction.
Avoid the picking for teams.
Inform other children of people who have additional needs so
they are more educated about people’s differences and
needs to prevent bullying
Bullying is a concern as social interaction is a problem for my
child so therefore maybe singled out.
Children with special education needs should be assessed on
needs however protected from potential incidents of bullying
I have no concerns re bullying but very much like the idea of
SUMO. Is this something that is discussed in class or tutor period?
The school needs to identify bullying early and nip it in the bud.
Our child does have anxiety and experience of results being
read in class, he is then stigmatised as being behind in class. It
makes him unhappy.
WBS Responses:
• Games Club is available at lunchtimes for
vulnerable students.
• There are 5 members of staff in Pastoral
Support for students to access at all times,
though we encourage them to come before
school/ at break/ lunch to avoid impact on
• We do run social skills sessions – email LJ
Powis or S Anderson
We asked about IEPs
I like the use of IEP it would be good if they can go onto the portal
so they don’t have to be posted
I would like to be kept informed of progress and any support
given or available via IEP or simple email will be ok
IEPs are essential to provide a link between school targets and
ECH needs and enables the children to have a voice and be
respected. Teachers need or read and plan according to IEPs
Twice a year is appropriate I welcome them. It demonstrates
the schools interest/acknowledgement parents and the
child. Keep this up.
I think that the present system of IEP works well a minimum of 2
per year.
IEPs are only useful if they are followed up every half term with
IEPs give an idea of the aims of the child. Once a year is
WBS Responses:
• The LEA has informed us that IEPs are no longer used.
• Students with higher levels of need will be offered 3
meetings per year to plan and review targets.
• Students at ‘teacher monitor’ will be monitored by
their subject teachers and tutors using 4Matrix. Early
concerns should be addressed to them in the first
instance. If progress is still slow, email the SENCO.
• All students with SEN are listed on the SEN list. All staff
have a paper copy of this 3 x per year. It lists
reading/spelling ages and comments regarding their
needs and any exam concessions to which they are