Welcome to ENG 103! - Onondaga Central School District

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Transcript Welcome to ENG 103! - Onondaga Central School District

Welcome to
ENG 103!
Mrs. Marciano
Room 102
Course Expectations
I expect you to:
You can expect me to:
Be polite and show respect for adults,
peers, and yourself
Treat you fairly and with respect
Be prepared for class, on time, and
ready to learn
Be prepared for class, on time, and
ready to teach
Try your best and take risks by asking
questions and trying new things even if
they seem difficult
Help you find and use the tools
you need to become successful in
college and beyond
Take responsibility for your own
learning by asking questions,
researching their answers, participating
in activities and studying
Correct behavior that hinders
learning in the classroom
Be cooperative and not disruptive
Meet deadlines
Course Policies
• Definition: Arriving after the bell without a pass
• Passes should be pre-signed and valid. You must sign out before leaving the
classroom and sign in upon reentering.
• Class attendance is important. Each of you are a integral part of this class
and we will miss you if you are not here. If possible, let me know ahead of
time if you will be missing class. Please make an appointment to meet with
me as soon as you return to review instructions and classwork or notes you
may have missed. Do not let seniorities affect your absences.
Late Work
• Late work is not accepted!!! If you are absent on a day when an assignment
is due, it must be turned in the day you return to school.
Make-up Work
• You are responsible for picking up missed handouts and assignments when
you are absent from class. You may pick these up from the daily folders in
the front of the room.
Extra Help
• I will be available during activity or after-school most days.
Academic Honesty
• Cheating in any form is unacceptable! Don’t do it, it is not worth it!
Classwork & Participation
This is a college-level class, which means:
• You are responsible for being prepared with all class
materials and for taking your own notes!
• You must be prepared for class discussion and activities
by completing outside assignments.
• You are also expected to do supplemental research on
what we are learning in class. This offers alternate
perspectives and ways of doing things that you or others
may find more suitable to your individual writing style.
• You are expected to actively engage in your own
learning. I will give you tools, but it is up to you to adopt
them and apply them to your compositions.
• If you do not understand what we are doing in class, it is
up to you to conduct further research or to see me for
• Senior journals are due every Friday by 3:15.
The minimum length requirement is 1 ½ pages. If
you miss a week, you may not make it up the
following week.
• Your journals are graded as follows: You have
either done it and met the length requirement or
you haven’t. Journal grade = total entries
completed/total entries assigned.
• Most weeks will be a free write assignment, but I
will often give you topics. You must address the
assigned topic, but do not have to write about it
for all 1 ½ pages.
Journals (cont.)
1. No names. This applies to both adults and
students. Do not be in the habit of using this as
a forum to talk badly or gossip about others.
2. Do not share the business of another, even if
you don’t “think” he/she will mind.
3. I must report anything written that suggests
illegal activity or danger to yourself or others.
4. No swear words. If absolutely necessary, use
cartoon language.
5. Be creative.
6. Nonsense entries will not be accepted.
All major writing assignments must be
submitted to Turnitin.com to verify originality
Compositions must receive an originality report
citing at least 90% originality (In other words,
10% or less)
Work failed to be submitted by the Turnitin due
date and time will not receive credit even if I
have a hard copy
Allow ample time for the website to process
Submit a hard copy to me as well
Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines
Be sure to meet deadlines. I cannot use the
ACCOUNTABILITY often enough!