Transcript Slide 1

Helen Barker, Emma Edwards, Jatinder Virdee
University of Wolverhampton, School of Legal Studies
Effective Legal Study
Level one, semester one module
Almost 400 students
LLB, CJ, Law Joint, Social Welfare Law
A core team of four members of staff
Define what it means to be a student studying in
legal subject areas in higher education
To outline academic expectations and conventions
for legal studies
To address employability issues
Our approach
 Shorter lectures
 Longer, more frequent, smaller group seminars held
in computer labs
 Group discussion
 Subject-specific tasks
 Feedback and reflection
Why e-portfolio?
 e-portfolio is pivotal to the module
 Introduced in week one
 Accessed and developed every week
 Used to make initial links with personal tutors
 Formative assessment - introduction of a blog in
September 2009
 Summative assessment - CVs submitted and online,
personal feedback provided
 Tool to support students’ studies, not a bolt on!
 Significant amount of work being produced on e-
portfolios – case studies, best practice
 Online learning shifts focus “from teachers teaching
to learners learning and from students as passive
recipients to active creators of knowledge” (Condie
and Livingstone, 2007, p.339)
 Do not assume all students are prepared / interested
(Gibson, 2001)
 “Wear four hats” (Maor, 2003)
 Continuing professional development
 Implementation within the profession
 Research conducted with law firms – Higher
Education Academy projects
.html accessed 13 May 2009
How does it work?
 A webfolio template is created and students make a
 Gateways groups established
 Students submit to a gateway at the beginning of the
module. All subsequent work is automatically
 Link to example
The benefits
 Enables us to meet University’s blended learning targets!
 Opportunity for formative feedback and early summative
 Reflection encourages students to take responsibility for
their studies (Morgan et al, 2006)
 Allows them to see how far they have come
 Plan ahead for the future
 Opportunities for ePDP
 Encouragement to maintain and refer back to for other
 Student / staff engagement requires attention
 Marking workload “The assessment of portfolios
adds significantly to teachers’ workloads”
(Klenowski, 2002, p.86, cited in Scrivens, 2007)
 Large classes are more difficult to manage and
require significant planning
 Monitoring / feedback is key
 Recognise the diversity of the group
Has it worked?
 Over 100 students completed an anonymous, online
 86% felt that the module was either very useful or of
some use in developing their academic skills
 64% felt the e-portfolio had either been very useful or
of some use in supporting their studies
 Top three topics the students found most useful:
Using Westlaw / Lexis – 43%
Using the e-portfolio – 32%
Referencing – 26%
Student comments – what did
you find most useful?
 “The skills that you learn because it can be applied
to all sorts of modules and different backgrounds
and not just the law sector.”
 “I enjoyed using the eportfolio and looking at
 “Learning and understanding how to use eportfolio
as it means that there is somewhere were all of my
experience and other activities done in uni can be
 “Excellent introduction to studying law”
Student feedback – what was
least useful?
 “e-portoflio, because I do not think I will need it in the
 “I didn't really find using the eportpolio useful
because it hasnt been really explained to me and its
purpose and use and how it fits into helping me pass
my degree”
 “referencing- difficult, confusing, not enough time
spent on it”
 “I cannot think what part i did not enjoy and find
Moving forward
 Engagement early on in the course is vital
 More detailed explanation of the rationale for using e-
 Link to other modules?
Implementing the e-portfolio:
 Consider how it will be managed
 Train staff to ensure that they are engaged
 Invest time in training students
 Pilot and test! Take a proactive approach (Richards,
 Overall:
 Attendance improved
 Engagement increased
 Fewer problems with using the e-portfolio as increased contact
 Increase in submission of assignments
Any questions?
 Barrett, H.C. (2005) White paper: researching electronic
portfolios and learner engagement. The reflect initiative:
Researching electronic portfolios: Learning, engagement,
collaboration, through technology
 Condie, R. and Livingston, K. (2007) Blending online learning
with traditional approaches: changing practices. British Journal
of Educational Technology. 38 (2), pp.337 – 348
 Gibson, I.W. (2001) At the intersection of technology and
pedagogy: considering styles of learning and teaching. Journal
of Information Technology for teacher education. 10 (1), pp.37
– 61
 Klenowski, V., Askew, S. and Carnell, E. (2006) Portfolios for
learning, assessment and professional development in higher
education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.
31(3), pp.267 - 286
 Maor, D. (2003) The teacher’s role in developing interaction
and reflection in an online learning community. Educational
Media International 40 (1), pp.127 – 137
 Morgan, J., Rawlinson, M. and Weaver, M. (2006) Facilitating
online reflective learning for health and social care
professionals. Open learning:The Journal of Open and
Distance Learning. 21 (2), pp.167 – 176
 Richards, C. (2006) Towards an integrated framework for
designing effective ICT-supported learning environments: the
challenge to better link technology and pedagogy. Technology,
pedagogy and Education 15 (2), pp.239 - 255