Labor Unions in America

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Labor Unions in America
An association or organization
among workers designed to
deal with management about
wages and hours of work,
seniority and job control and
disputes against management
 Started to gain popularity in the
20th Century
Labor Unions in America
1930s- the U.S. Government’s
policy toward labor unions was
put into legislation and labor
unions began to grow
 Businesses often tried to block
the attempts of workers to
Labor Unions in America
American Federation of Labor
Formed in 1886
 Dominant labor union in the US
until 1936 when the Committee
of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
was formed; the two later
Labor Unions in America
Major Legislation
Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932)prohibited many anti-union
 Wagner Act (1935)- Gave labor
the right to organize; prohibited
unfair acts by management
Labor Unions in America
Major Legislation
Taft-Hartley Act (1947)- Made
certain unfair practices of unions
illegal; regulated the internal
operations of unions
Women in the Labor Market
Estimated that 81% of all
eligible women are currently in
the workforce; as opposed to
50% in 1970
 36% of managers and
executives are now females
 1/3 of all business school
graduates are female