Guide on the Side - Chinook`s Edge School Division No. 73

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Transcript Guide on the Side - Chinook`s Edge School Division No. 73

This page is for planning purposes only.
Strategic Education Plan and Report
Guide on the Side
Within the Guide you will find:
 Reflective Questions to consider during the development of
your plan.
 Tips, Tools and Resources for developing the report and for
ADCOS and/or board presentations.
 Criteria to Remember – items from Ed Planning Criteria
 Grey Text – replace with your information
Quick Link:
CESD Ed Planning and Reporting (All Ed Planning resources)
Quick Link: Ed Planning Guide for Leaders (Board Presentation schedule included)
Quick Link: CESD Ed Planning Template (Original template)
[School Logo]
Strategic Education Plan and Report
[A few defining statements about your school,
About Us
Mission: [Why we exist]
CESD Mission Statement: Chinook’s
[What we hope to become]
[How we behave]
Edge School Division will engage every student
in meaningful learning by challenging,
encouraging and believing in them.
Vision Statement: Chinook’s Edge School
Division will be universally recognized as a
collaborative learning community where
learning is personalized for all students to
achieve success as compassionate and
innovative global citizens.
Reflective Question: Alignment
Is your school’s mission, vision and values clearly evident in the
“About Us” section and does it all align and converge toward our
main purpose in CESD of improving student learning?
About Us
Goal #1: [i.e.. Reading Literacy…]
[Inquiry Question: Will a strategic, clearly communicated plan…]
Goal #2: [ i.e.. Collaborative Inquiry…]
[Inquiry Question: Will a collaborative team of teachers
who are committed to reflection… ]
Reflective Questions: Collaborative Leadership
What was the process of identifying your school goals?
Did your planning process solicit input from staff, students and parents?
Do your goals support the CESD mission, vision and purpose?
Tip: What is integral to your school’s success and
contributes to you reaching your goals?
[Collaborative planning and Inquiry
- U of Lethbridge (David Townsend and Pam Adams)
- Critical questioning of practice]
[i.e.. Health and Wellness]
[i.e.. Fine Arts Focus]
[i.e. Safe and Caring School]
[i.e. Collaborative Problem Solving]
[i.e. Coaching Culture]
[i.e. Intellectual Engagement]
Results and Data
Quick Links:
This Page is for planning purposes only.
CESD Results (PATs and DIPs)
Criteria to remember: Include Accountability Pillar, PATs/DIPs, and other school
generated data. Provide links to data plus a summary.
Accountability Pillar results
Achievement Tests Results
School Generated Data
Diploma Exams Results
Quick Link: Extranet
780-427-5318 Toll free 310-0000
This page is for planning purposes only.
Criteria to Remember:
Accountability Pillar Report Card
If an area is highlighted RED – there MUST be a detailed
explanation and significant strategies that address
improvement in this area.
When inserting a graph from the Accountability Survey
report: it is better to cut and paste the graph directly from the word
document from the extranet site.
Results and Data
Back to Results
Annually, parents, staff and grade 4 students complete surveys that
provide feedback to Alberta Education. Schools can then reflect
upon results to make improvements and develop programs.
[Educational Quality]
Educational Quality
School overall - ###%
Province overall – ###%
School overall – ###%
Province overall – ###%
Results and Data
Back to Results
Area of Focus :
Language Arts
Key Strategies
• [Differentiation - Purposeful Instructional Strategies]
• [Personalization of Learning]
Results and Data
Back to Results
[Safe and Caring]
Staff: Safety of School Environment - ###%
Caring Atmosphere - ###%
Students: Safety of School Environment – ##%
Caring Atmosphere - ###%
Feel Welcome – ###%
Parent: Safety of School Environment - ###%
Caring Atmosphere – ###%
Feel Welcome – ###%
Results and Data
Provincial Achievement Test Results
Back to Results
Graph from
Accountability Pillar
[L.A./Math Five Year Roll-up (Grade three)]
Acc / Exc
Acc / Exc
Acc / Exc
Acc / Exc
Acc / Exc
Language Arts
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
## / ##
Results and Data
Back to Results
Parent Satisfaction Survey - October 2012
Example only,
replace with
your school
Safe and Caring – ##%
Continuous Improvement
within the school – ##%
Effective communication
between home/sch – ##%
[A brief summary and analysis of Results: what did your results tell you?]
[Areas of Growth: Academic and Satisfaction]
Reflective Question: Are there any unexpected trends (pos/neg) that emerged
from the data? What are they and how will you address them?
What new provincial goals tell us…
An excellent start to learning
◦ There are no required performance measures for this goal.
Success for every student
◦ students demonstrate proficiency in literacy and numeracy, students achieve
educational outcomes, students demonstrate citizenship and entrepreneurship
and we eliminate the achievement gap between First nations.
Quality teaching and school leadership
◦ Teacher preparation and professional growth focus on the competencies
needed to help students learn. Effective learning and teaching is achieved
through collaborative leadership.
Engaged and effective governance
◦ The education system demonstrates collaboration and engagement. Students
and communities have access to safe and healthy learning environments.
This page is for planning purposes only.
[School Goals and Strategies – Next few Pages]
Strategies which reflect on school results and data analysis, School Goals
and Provincial goals.
Reflective Question: Quality Teaching
How does your planning process reflect the following CESD
Criteria to Remember
statement? We believe that continuous school improvement
Goals and strategies are:
and student success in their learning depends on the quality
of instruction in classrooms.
Specific - clear
Measurable – measure for success and improvement
Relevant – consistent with CESD and school mission and vision
Time - Specified
QLE – goals and strategies are designed to improve the QLE within the school
Reflective Questions: Evidence
How will you measure your school’s success? What will success
look like if it is achieved?
FMNI, Library, Technology, Pyramid of supports (student services), school
communication plan, etc…
Reflective Question: Closing the Gap
How do strategies within your plan narrow the academic gap
between FNMI students and other students?
Goal #1:
Inquiry Question:
[Specific school goals]
Criteria to Remember
Goals and Strategies are: clear, concise, based on
research and best practices, focused on the QLE and
there are concrete links to the CESD and provincial
Reflective Question: Educational Research
On what research are the strategies within your plan
grounded ?
The QLE guides instructional practice within CESD. How are
your goals and strategies linked to the various components
that collectively form the QLE?
Goal #2:
Inquiry Question:
[Specific to school goal]
Reflective Question: Leadership Development
Distributed leadership within a school requires high levels of
collaborative interaction. Does your plan address the
development of distributed leadership within your school
and the subsequent time requirements for collaboration ?
Quick Link: Developing School Leadership Competencies using a collaborative Inquiry Model (2011-12)
Alberta Education Chinook’s Edge
[School name]
An Excellent Start to
• Children are reaching emotional, social,
intellectual and physical development
[School Goals or Strategies]
Success for Every
• Students achieve student learning
outcomes, demonstrate proficiency in
literacy and numeracy, demonstrate
citizenship and entrepreneurship and we
eliminate the gap between FNMI students
and other students.
[School Goals or Strategies]
Quality Teaching and
School Leadership
• Teacher preparation and professional
growth focus on the competencies needed
to help students learn. Effective learning
and teaching is achieved through
collaborative leadership.
[School Goals or Strategies]
Engaged and Effective
• The education system demonstrates
collaboration and engagement.
[School Goals or Strategies]
• Students and communities have access to
safe and healthy learning environments.
* What is on the horizon that requires awareness from all stakeholders?
* Are there challenges that are unique to our school or community?
[Year-end BBQ]
[Special Events
and Speakers]
[Halloween Dance]
Key messages and large scale
indicators of success
and improvements.
Reflective Question: Values Audit
When you ask, do your stakeholders (teachers, students, parents and
community)say that your school values what you claim to value as a school ?
This page is for planning purposes only.
Presentation to the Board Tips
Education Plan
Be Authentic.
Consider the Time Factor – 30 min (20 presentation + 10 Q and A)
E-mail the ‘PDF’ to Mandy. – Current version on planning page.
Trustees have online access to your plan via the planning page. No need for
paper copies.
Checklist from Planning Guide.
Tell a story – Be engaging
What do you need from us?
Questions from Board will be focused on academic success and collaboration
Talk about class sizes, QLE, Instructional Leadership (time and support)
Memory Stick