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Transcript ECDL/ICDL IT Security

Year 10 ICT
What is it about?
 This module sets out essential concepts and
skills relating to the ability to understand
main concepts underlying the secure use of
ICT in daily life. It also teaches us to use
relevant technologies and applications to
maintain a secure network connection, use
the internet safely and securely, and manage
data and information appropriately.
Goals of this Module
 Understand the key concepts relating to the importance of
secure information and data, physical security, privacy and
identity theft.
Protect a computer, device or network from malware and
unauthorised access.
Understand the types of networks, connection types and
network specific issues including firewalls.
Browse the World Wide Web and communicate on the
internet securely.
Understand security issues related to communications
including email and instant messaging.
Back up and restore data appropriately and safely, and
securely dispose of data and devices.
1 Security
This section will introduce
the main concepts underlying the secure use of ICT in daily
life. It will explain threats to your data, and give you an understanding of measures you
can take to protect it.
Data Threats
 When working with Data, it is important to be
aware of potential threats that may pose a
security risk through theft or loss of data.
 Once you are aware of potential threats, it is
easier to protect yourself against them.
Distinguishing between Data
and Info
 Data is facts, images and/or numbers that are
collected to be examined and considered in
order to help make decisions.
 Information is the interpretation of this data in a
structured way.
 Example: You ask 200 people what type of phone
they have. The answers you receive are classified
as data. When you analyse this date, you get
 Cybercrime is the use of any computer, or network, to
commit a crime.
Financial Scam
Computer Hacking
Downloading Pornographic Images from the Internet
Virus Attacks
Stalking by email
Creating Websites that promote racial hatred
Identity theft
Social Engineering.
Hacking, Cracking and
Ethical Hacking
 A hacker is an individual who attempts to
bypass the security mechanisms of a network
or information system.
 A cracker is someone who exploits the
weaknesses and security holes with malicious
intent such as blocking accounts, or stealing
Hacking, Cracking and
Ethical Hacking
 Ethical hackers are computer security
experts. They are employed by a company to
attempt to bypass the security of said
company’s information systems. The
company can then act on this information,
making their network safer.
Threats to Data
 Force majeure relates to unforeseen events
beyond the control of the company. Items
include war, natural disasters, system crashes
and corruption.
 Employees can pose a risk to confidential
information. They could pass information on
to other people, or use it for their own
advantage. They could even accidentally
delete it.
Value of Information
 Personal Information is any info or
combination of information that enables the
identification of an individual.
 Personal information must be protected to
 Internet based fraud
 Identity Theft
Value of Information
 Commercially Sensitive Information includes:
 Statements of financial information
 Information of a company’s pricing structure
 Information in the nature of operating and
financial information
 Current client lists, production costs, hourly
rates etc.
Value of Information
 Commercially sensitive information must be
protected to prevent:
 Theft
 Misuse of client details
 Misuse of financial information
Preventing Unauthorized
Access to Data
 Using a username and have a good password
 How strong is your password? (school, social
media, home)
Protecting Data
 Data Encryption
The process of transforming information
(plaintext) using an algorithm (cipher) to make
it unreadable to anyone except those
possessing special knowledge. The resulting
product is encrypted information (ciphertext).
Reversing the process is called decryption.
Data and the Law
 The way computers can process, store and
transfer data has necessitated some form of
legislation to protect the privacy of
Data and the Law
 Anyone with personal data on their computer
(Data Controllers) must ensure that:
 Personal data is processed fairly and lawfully
 Personal data is always processed in accordance with
good practice
 Personal Data is only collected for specific explicitly
stated and legitimate purposes.
 Personal data is not processed for any purpose that is
incompatible with that for which the information is
 Personal Data that is processed is adequate and
relevent in relation to the purposes of the processing.
Data and the Law
 No more personal data is processed than is necessary
having regard to the purposes of the processing.
 Personal data that is processed is correct and, if
necessary, up to date.
 All reasonable measures are taken to complete,
correct, block, or erase data to the extent that such
data is incomplete or incorrect, having regard to the
purposes for which they are processed.
 Personal data is not kept for a period longer than is
Personal Security
 Social engineering is a way to manipulate or
influence people with the goal to illegally
obtain sensitive data.
Social engineers gather this information
through phone calls, phishing and shoulder
 Phishing: A technique of fraudulently
obtaining private information. Usually in the
form of a fake email, that appears to be from
a legitimate business requesting verification
of information.
 Shoulder Surfing: Looking over someone's
shoulder to see information they are entering
into a computer.
Implications of Identity
 Personal
 Can be devastating, causing emotional distress, anxiety, and even
triggering depression.
 Financial
 Financial histories and credit records can suffer from identity
theft leading to the loss or misuse of one of more existing
 Business
 Particularly in credit and financial fields, also suffer financial
losses. A business can suffer from lost time and productivity
when the victim is an employee.
 Legal
 Re-establishing a legal identity, including personal details,
passport and tax records.
Methods of Identity Theft
 Information Diving
 The practice of recovering technical data
 Skimming
 An electronic method of capturing a victim’s personal
information used by identity thieves. The skimmer is a
small device that scans a credit card and stores the
information found in the magnetic strip.
 Pretexting
 Creating and using an invented scenario to engage a
targeted victim.
Setting Macro Settings
Setting a Password on a
Advantages and Limitations
of Encryption
 Advantages:
 Protect information stored on your computer
from unauthorised access
 Protect information while it is in transit from one
computer system to another
 Deter and detect accidental or intentional
 Verify whether or not the author of a document is
really who you think it is.
Advantages and Limitations
of Encryption
 Limitations
 If you forget your password then there is almost
no chance of recovering your data
 Some forms of encryption only offer nominal
protection and can be broken easily.
 Encrypted files attracts a suspicion as to what it is
you are trying to protect.
 Cannot prevent deletion of data.
 The process of intentionally accessing a
computer without authorisation or exceeds
access is known as:
 A) Cracking
 B) Phishing
 C) Hacking
 D) Pretexting
 The process of intentionally accessing a
computer without authorisation or exceeds
access is known as:
 A) Cracking
 B) Phishing
 C) Hacking
 D) Pretexting
 Which of the following is not a basic
characteristic of information security?
 A) Confidentiality
 B) Locality
 C) Integrity
 D) Availability
 Which of the following is not a basic
characteristic of information security?
 A) Confidentiality
 B) Locality
 C) Integrity
 D) Availability
 Encryption is the process of transforming
plaintext using an algorithm to create
________ and make it unreadable by the use
of a key
 A) Pretext
 B) Short Text
 C) Gibberish Text
 D) Ciphertext
 Encryption is the process of transforming
plaintext using an algorithm to create
________ and make it unreadable by the use
of a key
 A) Pretext
 B) Short Text
 C) Gibberish Text
 D) Ciphertext
 Which one of the following terms describes
the process of someone monitoring you
keying in your ATM pin with malicious intent?
 A) Shoulder Surfing
 B) Phishing
 C) cyber Bullying
 D) Cracking
 Which one of the following terms describes
the process of someone monitoring you
keying in your ATM pin with malicious intent?
 A) Shoulder Surfing
 B) Phishing
 C) cyber Bullying
 D) Cracking