Mother Teresa

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Transcript Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa
 Mother Teresa was born as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje,
Macedonia, August 26, 1910.
 She lived in a small town in Skopje in Albania.
 Mother Teresa’s father, Nikolle, and her mother, Drana were
important parts of her life.
Personal History
 Her family, the Bojaxio’s, never turned anyone away who
needed help; this lesson stuck inside her head.
 Mother Teresa and her family were Roman Catholics.
 Agnes traveled to the Loreto Abbey in Ireland in 1928 to learn
English and began her life as a Loreto nun- this was her first
 She applied to join Loreto when she was 18 years old.
 Mother Teresa took her first vows and adopted her religious
name, Teresa, when she was 21 years old.
Personal History
 She was sent to teach geography and history at St. Mary’s, a
Loreto School in Calcutta.
 In 1948, she choose to leave the Loreto convent in Calcutta to
live and work among the poor; this was known as her “Call
within a Call.”
Choices that
made Mother
Teresa a Great
 She choose to use two rooms in a Hindu Temple in Calcutta
becoming her first hostel, where she cared for the dying.
 She dedicated her life to the sick and hungry.
 She set up homes for the dying, gave refuges care and
taught orphans and children. She built hospitals for
leprosy, centers for refugees and alcoholics as well as
street people.
How she
 She founded the Missionaries of Charity.
 Mother Teresa cared for others for about 50 years!
 A school was dedicated and named after her called the Mother
Teresa Catholic Elementary School.
 After she died her missionaries had set up hostels for the sick and
the poor in more than 100 countries – including the United States
and Canada.
This video clip is from a documentary about Mother
Teresa that shows just a few reasons why she earned
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Her call within a call
was just the beginning of her selfless, loving, peaceful
giving in Calcutta.
Mother Teresa
 Additionally, Mother Teresa received these awards: Pope John
XXlll Peace Prize (1971); Nehru Prize for her promotion of
international peace and understanding (1972); Balzan Prize (1979);
and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards.
Nobel Peace
Prize Award
Populations in Calcutta
This graph shows the rises and
decreases in population in
Calcutta, India. The graph begins
in 1950, about two years after
Mother Teresa began her service.
As you can tell, the population
dramatically increased, though
slowly. In the year 1995, one of
her last years of service, the
population was higher than ever
before. The population growth in
Calcutta may be due to the fact
that Mother Teresa and the
Missionaries of Charity were
serving, and keeping more people
clean, educated, and the sick and
dying were kept separate so they
wouldn't spread disease, which
would cause less death.
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Timeline of Mother Teresa
1910- Agnes was
born in Skopje in
1922- When Agnes
was 12 she received
her first call form
God which was to
become a nun.
1931- Takes her
first vows.
1937- Takes her
final vows.
1928- Joins the
sisters of Loreto
order in Ireland and
then goes to in
1948- Mother
Teresa receives her
“second call to call.”
1929- Begins to
teach at St. Mary’s
High school, in
1950- Founds the
Missionaries of
Timeline of Mother Teresa
1952- Opens her
home for the dying.
1980- Opens
home for drug
1965- Opens 1st
home outside of
India, Venezuela.
1966- Missionaries
of Charity Brothers
1985- Opens
home for people
with Aids in New
York City.
1997- Resign as head
of the missionaries of
charity due to ill
1971- Opens
1st home in
U.S, in South
Bronx, New
1997- Mother Teresa
dies on September 5,
in Calcutta, India.
Mother Teresa was a great and positive impact on society, but she was also
very inspirational. She had a very positive view on life, and love radiated out
of her. As seen in the first quote, she sees the good in everyone, and always
finds time to serve everyone in her life, friend or stranger. In the second quote
we see that she cared for all, no matter their economical, financial, or social
status. She knew everyone hungered for love. In the third and final quote, we
see that she knew the importance of life, and she knows that life is meant to
be enjoyed, meant to be full of love, meant to be full of kindness.
Morgan, Nina. “Mother Teresa Saint of the poor.” Italy : Steck- Vaughn
Company, 1998. Print.
A biography of Mother Teresa, a Roman Catholic nun who became a
nun when she was 18 years old. She founded the Missionaries of
Charity in Calcutta, won a noble peace prize, and dedicated her life
helping the sick and poor. The site was useful because it gave us the
history and the background of Mother Teresa, which was used in our
Hacker, Carlotta. “Humanitarians” New York: Crabtree Publishing
Company, 1999. Print.
A biography of Mother Teresa, a brief story about her history and
background about her childhood and important events like when she
founded the Missionaries of Charity and when she helped the sick and
poor. This source was helpful and useful because it gave us a timeline
about important events that we utilized in our presentation.
Friedman, Philip. “Teresa”. Encyclopedia Americana. Danbury,
Connecticut. Friedman, Philip. 2001. Print.
This encyclopedia article provided a detailed yet small section on the
life of Mother Teresa. It explained that she gave up her home and
possessions to help the sick and poor, along with teaching the children
of Calcutta literacy and basic hygiene. I explained her religious life and
what she did to improve the lives of many. It proved it’s usefulness by
answering the question, How did Mother Teresa inspire society to be
better and what did she do to improve society? This was used in our
presentation in multiple slides.
McGovern, James. “Mother Teresa”. World Book. Chicago, Illinois.
Martin, Robert. 2004. Print.
The encyclopedia article summed up the life of Mother Teresa and
explained many great details in her life and how she helped society,
answering the question, How did Mother Teresa inspire society to be
better and what did she do to improve society? The book was
informational, and obviously valid, as it is a printed source. We used
this information to help our audience understand the good Mother
Teresa did in her life.
Guntzelman, Joan. ”Who Was Blessed Mother Teresa?” American Catholic.
2015. Web. March 24, 2015.
This site provides a short biography on the life of Mother Teresa in order to
explain how she strengthened the Catholic church and society. While the site is
useful, it received all of its information directly from a book about her. Even so,
the page proved its validity by citing its source, Blessed Mother Teresa. It
answers all three of our questions with a biography of her life, including many
important events. This information was put into our presentation helping our
audience understand Mother Teresa’s personal history.
"Mother Teresa - Facts". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 24 Mar
This webpage provides a small biography on the life of Mother Teresa, with a
two paragraph summary on how she started her work, why she started, and
how she did it. The page, proved valid and useful by answering question, How
did Mother Teresa earn the Nobel Peace Prize and did she earn other awards? It
explained that she was an excellent role model and avoided biased information
by stating that others did not always approve of her works, because she
accepted hospital treatment, while denying it to others.
Unknown. “Population Estimates for Calcutta, India, 1950-2015”.
Monga Bay. Monga Bay. 2015. Web. March 26, 2015.
This site,, shows the estimated populations in
Calcutta, India for the last 65 years. It proved both valid and
useful in many ways, including answering the question, How did
Mother Teresa inspire society to be better and what did she do to
improve society? From the site, we learned how Mother Teresa
saved lives and how she and the Missionaries of Charity were able
to help many people throughout the city, which we put into our