Business Objects at Penn: XI3

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Transcript Business Objects at Penn: XI3

Student Data User Group - 2/25/2013
Rick Dunn: New Exit-Action
Fran Seidita: Using Contact Hours from SRS
Susan Collins: Using the new Student_APS table
Overview of new data collections
News – Recent & Upcoming Changes
 Effective TODAY: New Sr VP for ISC - Thomas H. Murphy
 NGSS status update
 Business Objects patch installed 2/8/13:
 Able to open in Excel (without being forced to save locally first)
 No longer uses default location; You specify save as location.
 New columns:
 New tables:
 New Collections:
 Country Codes Maintenance, Career Tracker
New Exit Action
• Rick Dunn, School of Arts & Science
• “First Drop”
• Dwadmin.degree_pursual_all_v.exit_action=“D1”
Using Contact Hours
Fran Seidita, Budget & Management Analysis
• Due to to the Affordable Care Act, Penn must offer health care benefits to
employees working > 30 hours /week, starting July 2014.
• How to use Contact Hours (SRS screen 132) to “determine“ which
part-time faculty might meet the criteria.
New table: dwst.Student_APS
In the STDTCANQ universe, the Student APS table (SAPS) appears in a class at the bottom of the universe structure.
It is joined to Person_all_v on Penn_ID. There is a direct correspondence between the data in the SAPS table and what
can be seen on SRS screen 110.
Below is a comparison of one student in the SAPS table and the same student in the Degree Pursual table (DP):
Notice how the data on the different rows in SAPS is “rolled up” into one row in DP, displaying only the latest information.
Note also that while SAPS has a separate row for the AM degree received, that same AM appears in DP as the “Alternate Degree
For many reasons, it is NOT advisable to swap the SAPS table with the DP table in most of your queries.
Most of the time, you probably want to work with DP, because it will give you one row per person per degree pursued.
Using Student APS (SAPS)
A big advantage of having the Student APS (SAPS) table in the warehouse is that we can now easily retrieve
the primary major associated with a degree pursual. This has been done for you in the STDTCANQ universe.
Below is a comparison of a student in Degree Pursual (DP) with the lookup to get the Primary Major from
SAPS, compared to the same student in Major Minor Term Last (LA,MMT):
This is useful for situations where you want to get a record from DP, and include the student’s primary major in
that program. Up until now, we have had to go over to Major Minor Term (making sure to pick the correct
MMT folder in STDTCANQ!), get the Major_Minor, where Major Minor Type = ‘M’ and Major Minor Order = 1…
Now that same “latest primary major” is in the DP class. This is the same major that appears on SRS Screen 110.
Note: if you write your own SQL, you will need to join on DP_Link_id from DP to SAPS to get the major.
Student_APS main points
 Use this table for things that you cannot see anywhere else, but exercise caution:
you will get back multiple rows per degree pursued, and if you are in STDTCANQ,
it’s joined to Person…you will need to establish your own joins on anything other
than Penn_ID using query filters.
 Student_APS is useful for specific investigations: when you need to see what is
happening with a particular student’s matriculation history, you no longer have to
log in to SRS and navigate around the 110 screen… unless you want to.
 We can get the “latest primary major” from this table, without having to go to
Major_Minor_Term and get the query filters right (make sure it’s in the right term,
filter on type = ‘M’, filter on major order = 1.) In STDTCANQ, this is what the new
object called Primary Major does for you.
New Data Collections
 Career Tracker
 eForm required : Separate from the Student collection.
 From School of AS application of same name.
 Job History for PhD graduates (& EdD)
 PhD Dissertation titles
 Employers categorized by sector, external and/or custom segments.
 Documentation on DW website -> Student
 Country Codes Maintanence
 eForm not required – available to all DW users
 Notification to ISC when local systems add, delete, change codes
 Master list maintained.
 Documentation available on DW website -> Cross-Collection
Next Student Data Office Hours: April 4/4/13
Register in KnowledgeLink
Next SDUG Meeting: April 25
We are seeking…
Suggestions for topics/ presentations/ speakers
Volunteer(s) to present
Thank you for coming!