Ingen lysbildetittel

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Transcript Ingen lysbildetittel

Local Area Network
Management,Design and Security
• Linux
– Kap.9 i kursboken
Linux ”facts”SB
Linus Thorvalds Helsingfors universitet.
Utgick från Minix, skapat av Professor Andrew S. Tanenbaum, för
att skapa ett eget operativsystem för Intel-processor.
Blev inledningen på det största gemensamhetsprojektet i vår tid.
• Kernel 2.6.4 (2.6.x stabil / 2.5.x instabil)
• GNU is Not Unix av Free Software Foundation (FSF)
GNU General Public License (GPL). Allt ska vara fritt även
källkod, men är också Copyrighted till skaparen.
Fritt att använda och att vidare- distribuera men allt nytt som
skapas utifrån ”källan” ska också var under GPL- licensiering.
Linux structure
Tools and
Help functions
LINUX shell
command interpreter
Core (Kärna)
Låga krav på hårdvaran
i386-> , + många andra processortyper
>64 MByte RAM om GUI
2 GByte HDD om GUI
Dual boot möjligt och vanligt
Partitionering av HDD med fdisk, disk druid eller
FIPS (The First nondestructive Interactive
Partition Splitting program).
• Installation från CD eller FTP.
(även HTTP eller över share används)
Kernel (Kärnan) SB
File system NFS SB
• Network file system (NFS)
Nätverkstjänsterna tillhandahåller även ett filsystem
över nätverk. Denna tjänst (NFS), utvecklad av
Sun, lurar applikationerna till att tro att filsystemet
finns lokalt, emedan det egentligen finns någon
Det finns egentligen ingen begränsning på var
datorn/hårddisken finns. T.ex. har KTH en
filserver här hos Umdac. Det upplevs inte som
segt så länge förbindelsen är snabb.
File system layout FSSTDN SB
Mount points for other filesystems:
• /home
Användarnas hemkataloger
• /usr
Vanliga unix-program
• /var
Log-filer ,köer mm
Ex. mount jupiter:/export/appl /usr
Filesystem, lite djupare SB
”root-directory” som innehåller alla andra ”directoryn”.
Grundläggande kommandon
Commands needed during bootup that might be used by normal users
Device files
– Kräver lite extra uppmärksamhet. UNIX känner igen två olika typer av
- ”random-access block device”
(hårddisk t.ex. /hda1)
- ”character-device”
Ett device i UNIX representeras av en speciell fil i /dev. Parallellport 1 (dos lpt1:) representeras av /dev/par0 i UNIX. För att ”accessa” denna parallellport
behövs inget speciellt program. Man kan skriva ut en fil på skrivaren på detta
sätt, (om man har skrivrättigheter på den filen dvs):
>cat filen > /dev/par0 (> = skicka resultatet till)
Normalt finns det dock user-level program som tar hand om skrivning/läsning
på device.
För utskrifter är det lpr som gör jobbet, på ett mycket smartare sätt dessutom.
Normalt installeras alla device-filer i /dev fastän det inte finns just de devicen.
Det blir enklare sen om man vill installera något senare.
Like /bin but the commands are not intended for normal users.
File system, lite djupare /etc SB
Configuration files specific to the machine. (Viktiga inställningsfiler)
Inställningar X-windows
Inställningar för FTP-server
Innehåller startupscript 1/tjänst
Inställningar MAIL
Runlevel0 scriptanrop
Halt, förbereder avstängning
Runlevel1 scriptanrop
Single user, kör inga demoner
Runlevel2 scriptanrop
Multiuser, normal
Runlevel3 scriptanrop
Multiuser, normal
>init 0
Runlevel4 scriptanrop
Multiuser, normal
Runlevel5 scriptanrop
Multiuser, normal
Runlevel6 scriptanrop
Reboot, som 0 fast med omstart
fil med användare
fil med lösenord, endast root har rättigheter.
fil med definition av grupper
File system, mer SB
Standardkatalog för applikationer
Log-filer ,köer mm
Files used by bootstrap loader e.g. LILO. (Kärnan +
LILO/GRUB (Linux loader/GRand Unified Boot loader ) i MBR
(Master Boot Record )
Temporary files. Raderas vid uppstart
(Programs running after bootup should use /var/tmp)
Shared libraries needed by programs on the root filesystem
Loadable kernel modules, especially those that are needed to boot
the system when recovering from disasters
(e.g.,network and filesystem drivers)
Förlorade filer hamnar här vid diskcheck
Mount point for external temporary mounts by system
mount jupiter:/export/swap /mnt
Många kommersiella program vill installera sig här jmf. /usr
Home for user root
I primärminne. Se nedan !
/proc (i minnet) SB
RPM RedHat Packet Manager
Installera bara dom komponenter som du behöver, RPM gör det enkelt att
komplettera senare.
• rpm –i package.rpm
• rpm –e package
 installera package
 ta bort package (-q visa status, –qa alla)
Vanliga ”installationsalternativ”:
– Printer support
– X-windows GUI
– Mail/WWW/News
– Networked workstation
– SMB (Samba)
– Web-server (Apache)
– Emacs/Vi (Text editor)
– C Development
– Extra documentation (Man-sidor, nås med >man filnamn)
– + more
Att visa innehållet i en fil
>cat filnamn.ext 
Hela filen filnamn.ext visas
>more filanmn.ext 
Stannar för varje ”fönster”
>less filnamn.ext 
som more men du kan scrolla
>tail filnamn.ext 
visar slutet, bra för loggfiler där
sista raderna är senaste händelserna.
>cat filnamn.ext|grep ”…” visa bara rader
som innehåller: ”…”
• text-editor
du kan även redigera innehållet
Några kommandon för att hantera filer/Kataloger
cp  copy file
mv  move file
rm  remove file
mkdir, rmdir
cd ,cd .. ,cd /
 Skapa, ta bort katalog
 Lista kataloginnehåll
 ”Byt” katalog
Skapa en user/grupp
>useradd john
>chfn -f "John Tonnessen" -p 22215512 john
>passwd john
New UNIX password:tr5fgty
Retype new UNIX password:tr5fgty
>cat /etc/passwd|grep john
john:3lnEkcBOE:537:537:John Tonnessen,,22215512:/home/john:/bin/bash
>userdel john
userdel john
 användaren tas bort
userdel –r john
 hemkatalog tas också bort
Det finns ”parametrar” att använda!
>groupadd employees
(editing of group-file with an editor: Vi or Emacs)
>cat /etc/group|grep employees
Process handling
3626 p1 S 0:00 su john
3627 p1 S 0:00 bash
3768 p0 S 0:00 /bin/login -h -p
3769 p0 S 0:00 -bash
3782 p0 R 0:00 ps
PID – Process ID, identifierar varje process unikt.
TTY – Vilken terminal som startat processen
STAT – Aktuell status Sleep/Running
>kill 3782
top (kommando)
top – ger systemets status kontinuerligt var 5:e sekund
10:15am up 305 days, 19:03, 3 users, load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00
52 processes: 51 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 1.3% user, 2.6% system, 0.0% nice, 96.1% idle
Mem: 63152K av, 60436K used, 2716K free, 26216K shrd, 30336K buff
Swap: 66492K av, 0K used, 66492K free
16852K cached
Processer SB
• Kärnan hittar periferienheter (eg tgb, mm)
• Monterar root-filsystem
• Startar processen Init
• Init: Aktiverar swap
• Kontrollerar root-filsystemet
• Monterar root-fs
• Laddar eventuella moduler
”Parent”-process läser kommando från terminal
Skapar ”child”process mha fork
• Kontrollerar övriga filsystem •
child använder exec för att utföra kommandot
• Monterar lokala filsystem
parent använder wait och väntar på exit från child
• Konfigurerar upp nätverket
parent går tillbaka till läge 1
• Monterar nätfilsystem
Vanliga processer
• fork
Tar en kopia och kör den
• Exec
• wait
• daemon
Program i bakgrunden (demon)
• shell
Din ”prompt” (Du kan ha flera igång samtidigt, Multitasking)
Andra Processer SB
• SYSLOG Kärnan och många systemprogram
skapar fel, varning och andra meddelanden.
Syslog finns tillhanda för att ta emot och arkivera
dessa meddelanden.
• CRON OCH AT program för att köra program
– Cron
– At
– körs periodisk på en viss tidpunkt.
– kör program en gång på en viss tid.
• >shutdown - ! Stäng av
(>shutdown now)
• >logout eller >exit - loggar ut.
GUI Graphical User Interface
program som körs i fönster
Windows handlers
(fvwm2, windowmaker)
använder X-system/X-protocol
Windows systems/protocols
(X Windows) regler för GUI
Applikationer för Linux
X-term – ”commandoprompt” flera samtidigt
Text editor – Vi, Emacs, Pico(editor i pine)
Pine – Email text/meny baserat
Word – StarOffice/WordPerfect/ApplixWare
Development – gcc/g++/gdb/gdd/Perl/Python/Java
Webserver – Apache
E-mailserver – sendmail/imap
Samba – Kommunikation med windowsvärlden
+ många fler
Samba SB
• smbd (the SMB daemon)
• nmbd (Provides NetBIOS nameserver support to
• configuration file
= /etc/smb.conf
• log file
= /var/log/samba-log.%m
• lock directory
= /var/lock/samba.
• (/usr/bin or /usr/local/samba/bin)smbstatus
(Lists the current SMB connections for the local host)
• Webmin is a web-based interface for system
administration for Unix. Using any browser that
supports tables and forms (and Java for the File
Manager module), you can setup user accounts,
Apache, DNS, file sharing and so on. Webmin
consists of a simple web server, and a number of
CGI programs which directly update system files
like /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/passwd. The web
server and all CGI programs are written in Perl
version 5, and use no non-standard Perl modules.
Approaching LDAP Migration
By: Brian K. Jones
Topics: LDAP , Administration LDAP is not your father's naming and directory service. Application
vendors large and small, commercial and open source alike, have embraced LDAP as a centralized service
for authentication and 'white pages' type information. These days, if you're not wearing a 'got root?' t-shirt
and yelling at the suits to get LDAP, you're probably the suits wondering if LDAP is right for your
environment. With features for security and integration far beyond that of other services, LDAP is probably
something you should spend at least a bit of time discovering. Let's get started!
I've asked a number of friends (including consultants, administrators, and managers) about the idea of migrating
to LDAP. Generally they get a look on their face like I just asked them to quit smoking or stop eating fast
food. The look says, "I know it's probably the direction I should be going, but I dunno." Then they usually
ask something like "Where do I start?" or "Will it work with (insert name of application or platform here)?".
This, the first of a new series of weekly columns on for system managers, offers a few things to
consider before beginning the migration, and lays out some steps you can follow to get you moving.
Why Move to LDAP?
Let's start by taking a look at some of the reasons behind a migration to LDAP:
• Sun will discontinue NIS and NIS+
Sun reportedly will not bundle NIS server or client software in the next release of Solaris. NIS+ will stay
around for another version, but even Sun's NIS+ clients have been advised that they should begin
migrating, as NIS+ will also be going away sometime after the release of Solaris 10. If you're
unfamiliar with NIS and NIS+, have a look here for a 5-minute crash course, or see the Sun docs on
NIS and NIS+.
It probably comes as no surprise that what Sun is recommending as an alternative to these solutions is their
own SunONE Directory software (formerly iPlanet Directory server), which is conveniently bundled
with Solaris 9. Some of the reasons Sun recommends LDAP are the same reasons I'll discuss here.
I don't like to expound upon things about which I have little knowledge, so my security comparison
will be NIS-specific -- though the facts I give you about LDAP should be readily available for
comparison with whatever naming or directory system you currently use.
Due to the fact that LDAP is not a database, but rather a standardized protocol for accessing your
directory's data, LDAP makes a fitting gatekeeper for your environment's information. There
are clear and visible lines between the implementation of the protocol and the implementation
of the data storage mechanism. (The two parts can be configured separately.) As such, the data
storage mechanism can concentrate on storing data, while the access protocol can be configured
to secure it.
LDAP is designed for very granular security. This is at least partially attributable to LDAP's data
model, which looks similar to an object/attribute hierarchy rather than a flat file full of strings.
For example, the fields of a user entry stored on a Linux box in /etc/passwd as a single string
would be quite different in LDAP, which identifies a user as a single object in the directory, and
all of the other /etc/passwd fields (login shell,home directory, GECOS, etc.) become attributes
of that object. This means you can restrict access at the attribute level -- the equivalent of being
able to restrict access to individual fields in any given NIS map.
Furthermore, access can be configured using access control lists (ACLs) that restrict not only which
pieces of data can be accessed, but the operations that can be performed on the data. For
example, you may allow anybody to read the list of user names on a system, but not allow them
to read the encrypted password string for individual users. And while a user can certainly be
granted read access to all of the data pertinent to himself or herself, you may decide to
standardize things like the GECOS (optional information about the user) field, and deny write
access to it, reserving that right only for administrators.
I don't think the powers-that-be would be silly enough to try to push administrators toward a
NIS/NIS+ replacements that won't give them at least the same level of integration as these two
services. Over the years, naming and directory services tend to become dependencies for most
applications in the environment in which they're working.
Although there are still a few areas where LDAP support is not where it should be, for many
environments LDAP works with everything NIS does, and then some. A couple of quick examples:
• Apache can use LDAP to perform authentication.
• Sendmail can use LDAP for authentication, mail routing information,and alias lookups.
• Samba can use LDAP as a backend authentication mechanism.
• Autofs can retrieve automounter maps from LDAP.
• FreeRADIUS can authenticate against LDAP
Wow! And these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to system services, many companies
use LDAP as a corporate "white pages" solution, because so many email and calendar applications
are LDAP-compatible. Netscape, Mozilla, Evolution, Outlook, KMail, and many more email clients
have robust support for LDAP, and even text-based clients like Mutt and Pine can do address
completion based on an LDAP search.
File type
”-” means file
d means directory
10 Byte
Rights i UNIX
User Group Others
d r w x r w x r w x
r - Read
w - Write
x - Execute
>chmod g+w minutes200699.txt
för ugo, +/- lägger till/tar bort rättigheter(rwx)
>ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 john employees 562 Jun 20 09:09 minutes200699.txt
>chmod 664 minutes200699.txt
Sätter rättigheter för ugo!
>ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 john employees 562 Jun 20 09:09 minutes200699.txt
>chmod 777 minutes200699.txt
chown  Ändra user
>chown root minutes200699.txt
chgrp  Ändra grupp
>chgrp othergroup minutes200699.txt
chmod  Ändra rättigheter
>ls –l
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root othergroup 562 Jun 20 09:09 minutes200699.txt