CODICertified Organization Development

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CODI Certified Organization Development Professional Designations

“Putting the pieces together – as a community”

December, 2014

What is a Professional Designation?

• A professional designation is a “warrant of competence” or “warrant of expertise” denoting that the practitioner’s experience, knowledge and skill have been measured against a standard of practice (or competencies) for the profession • A professional designation confers to a practitioner the right to use a designated professional title and initials after their name

What do the CODI Professional Designations Confer?

• Successful completion of the CODI “Knowledge and Skill Path” designation process confers the right to use the title “Certified Organization Development Professional” and the right to use the initials “CODP” after your name • Successful completion of the CODI “Portfolio Based Path” designation process confers the right to use the title “Certified Senior Organization Development Professional” and the right to use the initials “CSODP” after your name

What do the CODI Designations Demonstrate?

The CODP and CSODP designations are a mark of quality. They demonstrate to the public that the OD professional has: • • • • • • • Met educational and training requirements Obtained experience in the field of organization development Passed a knowledge and skill examination (for the CODP) Demonstrated competence through a portfolio of documented and validated experience (for the CSODP) Obtained professional references Agreed to uphold the CODI Ethical Guidelines Committed to continuing professional learning and development

Benefits of Designation to the Individual

• Enhanced professional credibility based on a validation of professional achievement and a recognized standard level of knowledge and skill • Increased career advancement and job mobility • Greater client/employer confidence and trust • A sense of pride and personal accomplishment

Benefits of Designation to the Profession

• A recognized standard level of knowledge, skill and professional practice • A recognized professional code of conduct • A common understanding and language • Increased confidence in the service provision of the profession

Benefits of Designation to the Employer/Client

• A feeling of confidence knowing that when they choose an OD professional with a designation granted by CODI they are choosing an individual whose knowledge and experience has been reviewed, assessed and verified • The OD professional’s commitment to a professional code of ethics • The OD professional’s commitment to continuing professional development • Standards for use in hiring, performance management, learning and development, and evaluation practices

Research On Other Professional Designations

In developing the CODI designations, we have done best practice research both nationally and internationally on the following related professions: • • • • • • Coaching Training and Development Human Resources Change Management Organization Development Strategic Planning

2 CODI Designation Paths

CODI designation paths include: 1. Knowledge and Skill Path, leading to the CODP 2. Portfolio Based Path (for senior practitioners), leading to the CSODP

Designation Requirements

To receive a CODP or CSODP designation from CODI, candidates must demonstrate fulfillment of 4 components: • Education component or degree component • Experience component • Knowledge and skill component (requiring a knowledge examination or submission of a competency portfolio) • Ethics component

Knowledge and Skill Path

• University degree in a related field • 3-4 years* full time or full time equivalent experience along with 3 references from employers or clients who can validate the experience • Successful completion of the CODP Knowledge Exam with a score of 70% or more • Documented agreement to uphold the CODI Ethical Guidelines for the profession *4 years full time experience or 3 years full time experience along with the Master’s Certificate in Organization Development (MCOD) or other related Master’s program specifically focused on OD

Portfolio Based Path (for Senior Practitioners)

Evidence based point system which addresses the following: • • • • Education (degrees, certificates, diplomas, continuing professional education, and teaching) Experience/Competence o Minimum of 10 years full time OD experience (validated through alignment to the CODI Knowledge and Practice Dimensions) o Demonstrated competence through documented and validated portfolio of experience Contributions to the field of OD/Thought Leadership (published work, public speaking, research, awards and leadership in OD) Documented agreement to uphold the CODI Ethical Guidelines for the profession

Knowledge Path and Portfolio Path Summary

Requirements Experience Education Knowledge References Knowledge Path 3 year – 4 years* full time Degree in related field plus Portfolio Path 10 years + full time Degree in related field plus

• • • •

CODP Knowledge Exam based on knowledge and practice dimensions 3 hour exam 150 multiple-choice questions 70% to pass Portfolio documentation to provide validation of work experience, competence and achievements in the field plus plus Provide 3 Provide 3 references with validation letter from each

Education Component

• For both the knowledge and portfolio based paths candidates are required to provide evidence of successful completion of a university degree in OD or a related discipline • Related disciplines include: social science, sociology, adult education, organizational psychology, and human resources

Knowledge Component: Knowledge and Practice Dimensions

With input from highly experienced OD and systems change practitioners and academics from across Canada, CODI has identified 6 Domains of Knowledge and Practice for the OD and systems change profession

Domain 1: Principles

focuses on the principles, values and ethics that inform the choices and guide the actions of organization development and systems change professionals

Domain 2: Frameworks

focuses on the foundational, contemporary and emerging theories that inform OD and systems change work

Knowledge and Practice Dimensions

Domain 3: Roles and Capabilities

focuses on the roles of the internal and external OD practitioner and the interconnections between roles and practitioner capabilities •

Domain 4: Processes

focuses on the change, consulting, project management, facilitation and coaching processes OD practitioners utilize

Knowledge and Practice Dimensions

Domain 5: Interventions

focuses on the interventions commonly used in OD and systems change practice

Domain 6: Prospective

focuses on the future of OD and systems change practice

Knowledge Examination

To fulfill the Knowledge Component of the Knowledge and Skill Path candidates are required to pass the CODP Knowledge Exam • • • • • Rigorously tests knowledge across the 6 domains 150 multiple choice questions Accessible on-line Score of 70% required to pass Examination Preparation Kit available

Examination Preparation Kit

• Designed to help candidates prepare for the exam • Assists candidates in reviewing their knowledge and reflecting on their practice in the 6 domains • Helps candidates to identify and fill in any gaps they may have in order to successfully complete the knowledge exam • The kit is designed to enable candidates to adapt it to their personal learning needs and style and to whatever timeline they choose

What is in the Kit?

• • • • • • A brief overview of each of the 6 domains The specific dimensions candidates need to review in order to prepare for the exam Focus questions for each dimension designed to help the candidate reflect on their knowledge and practice as well as to help them focus their review of the readings Recommended readings comprising short, practitioner focused, best practice articles written by known theorists and accessible free via an internet search Sample exam questions to test their knowledge Personal reflection questions

Experience Component

• To fulfill the experience component candidates are required to have full time (or full time equivalent) experience in work where they have been applying some or all of the 6 dimensions • Candidates are required to provide references from employers or clients who can validate their experience

Experience Component

Requirements Experience Knowledge & Skill Path Portfolio Based Path

4 years full time *3 years full time with completion of the MCOD or other related Master’s program specifically focused on OD 10 + years full time

Ethics Component

• To fulfill the Ethics Component candidates are required to read and sign the CODI Ethical Guidelines agreeing to uphold the code of ethics for the profession • The CODI Ethical Guidelines focus on practicing and promoting ethical standards in 4 key areas: 1. Responsibility to the client and client system 2. Responsibility for professional development and competence 3. Responsibility to the profession 4. Social responsibility

Certification Maintenance

• Proposed recertification every 3 years • Development of certification maintenance criteria (e.g. continuing education units/points for experience) • Development of certification maintenance logs/journals • Development of potential continuing education partners and pre-approved courses

Call for Engagement

CODI welcomes your participation and engagement!

• 3rd call for CSODP applications – Spring 2015 • Pilot of CODP Certification Examination – Spring 2015 • Volunteer participation on various CODI committees and working groups – Ongoing