NDC Powerpoint Presentation

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The National Directory
for Catechesis
An Introduction for
Parish Catechists
Catholic School Teachers
A Document for Our Times
Go, therefore, and
make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them
in the name of the
Father, and of the Son,
and of the holy Spirit,
teaching them to
observe all that I have
commanded you.
MT 28:19-20a
Renewal of catechesis called for by Vatican II
General Catechetical Directory: 1971
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: 1972
On Evangelization in the Modern World: 1976
U.S. National Catechetical Directory: 1979
Catechism of the Catholic Church: 1987
General Directory for Catechesis: 1998
U.S. National Directory for Catechesis: 2005
Goals of the New Directory
To provide basic theological and pastoral
principles for catechesis in the U.S.
To offer guidelines for the application of these
principles that will continue the renewal of
catechesis in the U.S.
To set for the nature, purpose, object, tasks,
basic content, and various methodologies of
Relationship to the
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Catechism provides the content for
The National Directory for Catechesis (NDC)
focuses on the context, meaning, and
methodologies for catechesis.
The NDC also provides a concise summary
of the catechesis of the Catechism.
General Overview of the NDC
The Context and Meaning of Catechesis
(Introduction, Chapters 1 and 2)
The Content and Method of Catechesis
(Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6)
The People Who Do Catechesis
(Chapters 7, 8)
Organization and Resources for Catechesis
(Chapters 9, 10)
Chapter 1:Proclaiming the
Gospel in the United States
Wide variety of ethnic cultures and religious
practices across the United States
The general characteristics of U.S. culture:
freedom, pragmatism, science/technology,
globalization, and mobility
The important influence and role of the
Catholic family in faith formation
of U.S. Catholics
Population: more than 62 million
Better educated and more affluent than at Vatican II
Ethnic balance similar to that of US.
(Exceptions: slightly fewer African-American; more
More ethnically diverse than Church in any other
Significant differences in attitudes among
Half million Eastern Rite Catholics in U.S.
Pastoral Life in U.S. Church
More Catholics, fewer priests
Number of parishes without resident priests
has increased 11% since 1980.
Size of parish populations growing
Fewer young people in Catholic schools;
more in parish religious education
One third of all parishes minister to more than
one ethnic group.
One third of parishes are rural.
For Discussion
What are three cultural issues or
influences in your parish or
What effect do these issues have
on how you catechize?
Signs of Vitality
in Catechesis in the U.S.
Strong published catechetical programs
Increasing ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity
Greater emphasis catechist formation
Growth of lay ministry
Wide implementation of RCIA
Stronger sense of Church’s mission in
Stronger efforts in adult faith formation
More Signs of Vitality
Strengthening of Youth Ministry
Outreach of Catholic schools to the poor and
Growing emphasis on Church’s social justice
Attention to communication technology in
Chapter 2: Catechesis
and Evangelization
Evangelization is the call of every Christian.
Evangelization to the world and to members
of the Church as well
A “New Evangelization”:
Called for by John Paul II
Addressed to the Church herself
To the baptized never effectively evangelized
To those whose faith needs refreshing
To those who are alienated
The Goal of Catechesis
Catechesis aims to bring about in the believer
an ever more mature faith in Jesus Christ, a
deeper knowledge and love of his person and
message, and a firm commitment to follow
NDC 1.19A
Catechesis as a Moment in
the Process of Evangelization
Inspired by baptismal catechumenate
Source of catechesis: Scripture and Tradition
Object: intimate relationship with Jesus Christ
Knowledge of the Faith
Participation in liturgical and sacramental life
Moral formation
Learning to pray
Preparation and participation in community
Developing a missionary spirit
Inculturating the Message
Inculturation both adapts the message to
each culture and attempts to correct the
culture where necessary.
Catechesis must be inculturated so that it will
take root effectively.
Inculturation allows faith to connect with life
so that people will be disposed to receive
For Discussion
What would make your catechesis
more evangelizing?
What is one way that you have tried
to inculturate the Gospel message?
3. The Faith of the Church
Chapter 3 summarizes the criteria for
authentic presentation of the Gospel
Scripture, the CCC, the General Directory for
Catechesis, and the NDC are complementary
sources for the message.
Scripture guides catechesis.
The NDC looks to the CCC as the norm for
catechetical content.
Authentic Presentation
of the Faith
Trinitarian, yet centered on Christ
Presented as Good News of salvation and liberation
Comes from and leads to the Church
Presents the message within the context of its
relationship to salvation history
Comprehensive, yet recognizes the hierarchy of
Inculturates the message
Teaches the dignity of the human person
Provides learners with a common language of faith
4. Divine and
Human Methodology
God’s methodology:
 Engages persons in light of their
circumstances and capacity
 Realized gradually
 Fully achieved in Jesus Christ
 Told in Scripture and Tradition
 Source and model of the pedagogy of the
Human Methodologies:
The Ways We Come to Faith
Human experience
Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ
Living in a Christian community
Living in a Christian family
The witness of catechists
Learning by heart
Practicing the Christian way of life
Apprenticing oneself to faithful Christians
5. Catechesis in a
Worshipping Community
Intrinsically linked with liturgy and
sacraments: precedes liturgy and springs
from it
Places Eucharist at the center
Incorporates liturgical and personal prayer
Helps to make the signs, symbols, and
actions of the liturgy both known and loved
Sacramental Catechesis
Appropriate to the age level and maturity of
those being catechized
Involves the whole community of faith
Involves parents in the children’s formation
Integrates with a comprehensive catechetical
Focuses on the symbols, rituals, and prayers
in each rite
Offers an experience of mystagogy
Art, Music, Time, and Space in
Sacramental Catechesis
Acknowledges God’s presence in time
Teaches religious customs and traditions
Uses Christian art to catechize
Teaches the significance of Church
architecture and furnishings
Introduces learners to Christian music from
the tradition
Incorporates sacramentals and popular piety
6. Morality: Catechesis for
Life in Christ
Catholic Morality:
 Rooted in the dignity of the human person
 Respects every human as a free and responsible
 Recognizes that humanity is capable of sin
Moral Catechesis:
 Presents principles and practice
 Integrates principles with lived experience
 Demonstrates the social consequences of the
Social Justice
Imbedded in the Gospel message
A body of doctrine and a living tradition
A constitutive element of the Magisterium
Individual responsibility for social injustice
Obligation of the Church to train members to
apply Christian principles to contemporary
Content of Moral Catechesis
Ten Commandments and Beatitudes as
reference points for moral behavior
Commandments and Beatitudes to be
learned by heart
Includes Scripture stories, lives of saints,
spiritual and corporal works of mercy, virtues,
capital sins
NDC provides guidance for teaching each
Commandment or Beatitude
For Discussion
and who has influenced your faith the
What insights did you gain from chapters 4,
5, and 6 about how to catechize others?
What area of catechesis seems most
challenging to you?
7. Catechizing the
People of God
Growth in faith is related to human growth.
Catechesis is lifelong.
Adult catechesis is the norm.
Adolescent catechesis promotes active
discipleship and spiritual growth.
The role of the family is crucial to faith
Structured programs support the family, not
vice versa.
Catechesis of Children
School-aged children require a structured parish or
school catechetical program.
Home-based programs must be coordinated with the
Programs must promote respect for pluralism.
People with disabilities must be included.
Catechesis on ecumenism and religious life must be
included, especially regarding Judaism.
9. Norms for Catechists and
Religion Teachers
Catechists and teachers of religion must be trained
through diocesan-approved programs.
Requirements for catechists:
A love of God and the Church
A faithful practice of the Christian life
Personal prayer life
A missionary zeal to proclaim the Good News
Active participation in a parish, including attendance at
Sunday Eucharist
A devotion to Mary and the Eucharist
Conclusions about the NDC
Provides the fundamental theological and
pastoral principles for catechesis in the U.S.
A source of inspiration for the “new
evangelization” and the renewal of catechesis
Guided by the Holy Spirit and dedicated to
the Virgin Mary, the first and model disciple of
Jesus Christ