Bill Huebsch Family Catechesis presentation

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Transcript Bill Huebsch Family Catechesis presentation

Whole Family Catechesis

Coaching Parents to form their own children

If you want to read more…

Coaching parents

 A plan to have much

higher expectations

of our parents www.

Pastoral Planning


Goals in this presentation

  How can we succeed with restored order of initiation sacraments?

A conversation about the role of


  What should it be?

What doesn’t that always happen?

 What resources are there to support a greater role for parents?


Pastoral Planning



What is the toughest aspect of this for you as a parish priest?


Pastoral Planning


Decree on Bishops, #44

From Vatican II

Called for the development of a


to guide Catechesis

Already at that time

International Study Weeks

were underway: –Nijmegen, 1959 –Eichstatt, 1960 –Bangkok, 1962 –Katigondo, 1964 –Manila, 1967 –Medellin, 1968 A real turning point Shifted from teaching “about religion” to helping folks have an encounter with Christ

The study weeks led to… A wave of activity aimed at renewing



The church makes a shift

      ‘71: Gen’l Catechetical Directory ‘75: Evangelization in our Time 

Evangelii Nuntiandi

‘79: Catechesis Today 

Catechesi Tradendae

‘88: Catechumenate: RCIA ‘92: Catechism of the Catholic Church ‘97: Gen’l Directory for Catechesis

Evangelization Today

   1975 Pope Paul VI Very concise, very readable  One of the most important documents published in the church since Vatican II!

Evangelization Today

     Catechesis in a ministry of the


“It initiates church members… …into the meaning of Christian signs and symbols” It assumes that folks have


accepted the proclamation of Christ Conversion precedes catechesis!

 Catechesis is Christo-centric

Catechesis in our Time

     1979 From Rome Repeats the Christo-centric themes from EN Focus on catechesis 


the whole community 


the whole community Calls for it to be



The church…

Restored the Catechumenate…

after almost 1700 years of decline!

A fantastic, new, and powerful understanding of catechesis emerged!

Followed, in 1992 by… The Catechism of the Catholic Church

Which led to… The revision of the

General Directory for Catechesis

Signed by Pope John Paul II in 1997 Places the catechumenate in a central place and role Sets the stage for lifelong faith formation for all ages!

Which led to… The

General Directory for Catechesis In Plain English

Two Great Goals

Help folks turn their hearts to Christ, discover Christ in their lives & love the Church…


Offer all members some level of instruction in the faith to deepen their conversion…


We know

   More than 90% of adult Catholics    are active today because their parents were active only about 10% come to the church as adults What does this tell us?

Parents play

THE vital role



Pastoral Planning


until 1960

A timeline to help

Formation in the home Mass every week Feasts & Seasons Fasting & abstinence Confession

Religious Ed: filled in a tiny gap


Pastoral Planning


until 1960

A timeline to help

1960-70s The old “Catholic culture” ended Television & media Huge cultural shift in West At Mass less often

Religious Ed: bigger gap to fill


Pastoral Planning


until 1960

A timeline to help

1960-70s 1980-90s Religion classes at parish or in schools …with the parents mainly absent Participation in Sunday Mass on the decline Home life more secular & media oriented

Religious Ed: HUGE gap to fill


Pastoral Planning


until 1960

A timeline to help

help develop 1960-70s parents.

1980-90s Today The numbers tell the truth The leading indicator “Will they have faith?”

The role their parents played in their formation.


Pastoral Planning


Two groups of parents

  #1 Deeply engaged    Active in parish life At Mass every week Household of faith #2 On the edge of the parish    Show up when the kids need it Very tentative about faith Religion not central in life www.

Pastoral Planning


These two groups

 

The engaged

  – only about 16-20% Still reluctant about formation for their own kids Believes this is the job of the parish

The unengaged

– nearly 80-85%    Some are hungry for more But many are


so they don’t even feel the ache or longing… These are the ones we must love the most www.

Pastoral Planning


The outcome of this:

   The passing of faith from

Generation to Generation has slowed down or stopped


  Parents tend to remain absent… as long as we agree to do it for them.


Pastoral Planning


Many parents

   Feel un-equipped Don’t know their own faith Haven’t got the own hearts

fire of faith

in their  

So they drop their kid at the parish

And go shopping www.

Pastoral Planning


And we at the parish

  We accept these children And we do a pretty good job   But we will always be only the


Parents form their own kids

, even if they don’t take an active role www.

Pastoral Planning


Add to that…

  

Restored order of Confirmation

  The


will be gone What will hold them?

If they stayed only for the carrot, Our formation wasn’t working anyway  We aren’t losing very much

What seems to work

A combination of 3 things:  Focus on the goal of 

helping people know Christ Coach parents

to form their own kids 

Participatory liturgy

General Directory for Catechesis

From the GDC

#53 Conversion is first. It is the full and sincere adherence to the person of Christ and the decision to walk in his footsteps.

Faith is a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, the making of oneself a disciple and it demands a permanent commitment to think, judge, and live like him.


Pastoral Planning


General Directory for Catechesis

From the GDC

#98 What we find at the heart of all catechesis is not a book or a theology system, but a person!

The fundamental task of catechesis is to present Christ and everything in relation to him leading people to follow Christ in their lives.


Pastoral Planning


The Question of the Week

available on the site now -- FREE

 Breaking Open the Word   A process used in the RCIA A two step process:    Re-proclaim part of the readings from Sunday Mass Then ask first:   what touched me?

what word or phrase did I hear?

Followed by:  how does this affect my life?

The witness of pastors

   When you share what you believe In simple but honest words Others see belief as more possible for them  You may need to rehearse or practice this in front of a mirror or with each other.

Living Christ


     Friday evening and Saturday all day About 30 folks per retreat Leaders and host team from parish Working with your local team  Brendan, Chris et al.

Deepen communion with Christ  Grow in your ability to “die in Christ”

Living Christ


    Use YOUR leaders Do not make this complicated Start with those in your parish who are already evangelized through Cursillo or other retreats Provide follow up  Questions of the Week   Mini-Course gatherings or bible study Be ready with follow up pastoral care


There are many resources to help you implement this at

What seems to work

A combination of 2 things:  Focus on the goal of 

helping people know Christ Coach parents

to form their own kids 

Participatory liturgy

General Directory for Catechesis

From the GDC


The religious awakening which takes place in the home during childhood is, simply,




Pastoral Planning


General Directory for Catechesis

From the GDC

#227 The local parish must, therefore, help parents

by whatever means works best,

to prepare for and assume their responsibility,

of educating their children

in the faith.


Pastoral Planning


Whole Family Catechesis

 A new form of religious education  One where parents take the lead   With their children If parents can’t…  Grandparents  Older youth or others from the parish

The parents are the teachers.


Pastoral Planning


Coach your parents.

  When you coach parents to form their own children The parents also grow in their faith  You can’t just “send home a book”   Parents are intimidated It’s not community based www.

Pastoral Planning



To succeed

 You need 3 things:  #1

Leadership & vision

to see the whole picture of what it takes to

grow up Catholic

 #2 A

Parent-friendly resource

 #3

Motivate the parents

to jump in www.

Pastoral Planning


Coaching Parents

Baptism Prep for Confirmation and First Communion & Confirmation The years after Baptism …until about age 5 or 6 Key years after the First Sacraments Secondary school years www.

Pastoral Planning


These live in a “Catholic” The goal here is:

Growing up Catholic

from a Catholic publisher are night prep process, usually enough Baptism   One avenue for parents who are active and engaged  Another for those who are on the edge of parish life and faith www.

Pastoral Planning


I Claim You for Christ

 One example of a retreat-like process  Three sessions    Journey of Faith from their own baptism to the present moment Dying in Christ – Reconciliation Living in Community – Eucharist  A covenant about raising their kids in faith www.

Pastoral Planning


 Here’s what it looks like  Found on the web site  An E-product www.

Pastoral Planning


Coaching Parents

Baptism 

Post-baptism care

The years after Baptism …until about age 5 or 6   Who stays in touch?

Again, a dual approach  More for those who are are


engaged than for those who www.

Pastoral Planning


 

Entrusted to Your Care

Who’s got time

One example of a method for staying in touch

for this?

 E-product  Reproducible  Letters, e-mail, calendars, invitations, & prayers The key:

Stay in touch Relationship!


Pastoral Planning


 Here’s what it looks like  Found on the web site  An E-product www.

Pastoral Planning


Coaching Parents

Baptism The years after Baptism …until about age 5 or 6 Prep for early Sacraments  An ideal time to launch coaching  Parents


to be more involved 

Parents & kids attend together

 They work as a family through the lesson.


Pastoral Planning


Here’s one example:

 from

Growing Up Catholic

  Sacrament Prep

Coaching Notes

are all ready to use www.

Pastoral Planning


Confirmation before Eucharist

     4 Sessions for Confirmation Begin with their own baptism Turn to a treatment on Mary End with a strong understanding of the Holy Spirit Move on to Eucharist immediately   10 sessions total About one year of work

Growing Up Catholic

 Parents and children sit together    A strong resource is on the table A Catechist leads the process People called “floaters” are available  keeping an eye out for parent needs  Here’s a picture of the room: www.

Pastoral Planning


Food Prayer Table Food Supplies

1 The purpose of exercise is to understand & pray the Our Father.

2 First, read through the words of the Our Father with them. Read one line and invite your child to repeat it after you. Your child should know this prayer by heart. Affirm your child often as he or she learns.

3 Then help your child find the correct meaning of each phrase of this prayer. Draw a line to that. We have given you two clues to get you started. Here’s the key: 1 = 4 2 = 8 3 = 1 (given) 4 = 7 (given) 5 = 2 6 = 5 7 = 3 8 = 9 9 = 6 10=10

Creating the Resource

   

Number the steps Give the answers

in a key

Do this in a parish gathering

Make it interesting and fun  You will discover something:

Parents want to do this.


Pastoral Planning


1 We will now read about how Jesus is our friend, just as a shepherd is to his sheep. Begin by showing your child a Bible. Open it to show them this passage. 2 Tell them that we are going to read this story in words that we understand better.

3 Then close the Bible and ask them to read this passage aloud. Help them when needed. Ask your child to retell this story in his or her own words.

4 Time for a break! Help your child enjoy coloring this image of Jesus and the children. Coloring time is a good time to be close to your child without necessarily talking about faith. Don’t be afraid to during this time.

put your arm around your child 5 Your child may not be familiar with what shepherds do. Explain that they look after their sheep with tenderness and love. Jesus watches over us that way.

What about Confession?

 

Growing Up Catholic

has a 6-session prep process for Reconciliation BUT – should you wait until they’re older?

 Plus: we must

return to this sacrament

many times throughout life…

Heartily Sorry

Gathering with all ages

to learn about and celebrate Reconciliation   

Often with non Catholic spouses present


 Here’s what it looks like  Found on the web site  An E product

Coaching Parents

Baptism Prep for Penance and First Communion The years after Baptism …until about age 5 or 6 Key years after the First Sacraments www.

Pastoral Planning


After the Sacraments

Learning Centers for Parents

 Parents in one room    Kids in another room Prayer Then parents move between 15-minute quick sessions, coaching them on specific topics of faith 


 Little children     Primary school age Secondary age Theological background Seasonal suggestions for the Catholic home (Advent, Lent, summer, etc) www.

Pastoral Planning


After the Sacraments

Whole Family Catechesis

 Parents and children work together   Sitting at the same tables They learn about the topic and actually go through a lesson  Very similar to the

Growing Up Catholic

approach  The goal is to start a conversion about faith that will go home with them

Coaching Parents

 Follow the themes set out by the Church in the GDC:  Revelation  Trinity  Jesus Christ  The Church  Morality  Sacraments  The Kingdom of God  Scripture  Prayer  Social Teachings  The Mass  Our Hunger for God  Chastity  Sin and Grace www.

Pastoral Planning


 Here’s what it looks like  Found on the web site  An E product www.

Pastoral Planning


Another example

   

Faith on the Run Parables on the Run Miracles on the Run Learn to Love the Saints

    One fold fliers E-products: PDFs You print Used to encourage parents to insert a sacred moment in the busy-ness of life

Coaching Parents

Baptism Prep for Penance and First Communion & Confirmation The years after Baptism …until about age 5 or 6 Key years after the First Sacraments Secondary school years www.

Pastoral Planning


The period of “catch-up”

  For children ages 8 thru 12 or 13   

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Rooted in Sunday liturgy Excellent resources already exist For everyone older than 13 or so  


on the faith Content & conversion oriented


 

How do they work?

    Parents and youth sit together Open with something to break the ice Pray as one whole group Then move to small groups “Active learning”  With a strong way of teaching 

“Learn & Teach”


Pastoral Planning


Here’s one example

48 Study Guides Growing Faith Mini Courses

 

for Learn & Teach

Short, defined areas of study Combined with faith sharing

are all FREE

 Usually 6 to 10 sessions per Mini-Course  For example: 

What Does God Want?

Living the Commandments


Pastoral Planning


Learn & Teach

  Break the material into small chunks and assign each to a small group The group draws out the major points   Creates a one-page flip chart sheet on them  which will be presented to all And prepares one of the points for dialogue  in dyads in the larger group 

They learn by teaching


Pastoral Planning


Coaching Parents

Baptism The years after Baptism …until about age 5 or 6 Prep for Penance and First Communion & Confirmation Secondary school years Key years after the First Sacraments www.

Pastoral Planning


To succeed

 You need 3 things:  #1

Leadership & vision

to go forward under this plan  #2 A

Parent-friendly resource

 #3

Motivate the parents

to jump in www.

Pastoral Planning



  Try this:   “In today’s world, a lot of people are talking to your children about God… …Shouldn’t you be one of them?

 Come to St Mary’s – we’ll show you how.” Or this:    “Give your child what really matters: Share your Catholic faith.

Come to St Mary’s – we’ll show you how.” www.

Pastoral Planning



 

Don’t be tentative!

  We’d really like it if you’d take part, but of course, you don’t really have to … We don’t want to make you mad or anything, but this is really your job…but of course, we’ll do it for you if you don’t want to … You get lackluster results.


Pastoral Planning



    Personal invitations Coming from other parents Changing the ground over time so all will expect to be involved in the on going formation of their children Welcome all to Sunday Mass,  Regardless their situation in life


What does a fully developed parish look like?

The Core Work of the Parish Liturgy music & devotions Stewardship envelopes & buildings Pastoral care & outreach Formation Sac Prep Schools & RCIA

The Current Pastoral Plan Liturgy music & devotions Stewardship envelopes & buildings Pastoral care & outreach Formation Sac Prep Schools & RCIA

The Current Pastoral Plan Liturgy music & devotions Stewardship envelopes & buildings Pastoral care & outreach Formation Sac Prep Schools & RCIA Parish based process

where folks experience conversion

The New Pastoral Plan Liturgy music & devotions Stewardship envelopes & buildings Pastoral care & outreach Formation Sac Prep & RCIA Encounters & Retreats

The New Pastoral Plan Liturgy music & devotions Stewardship envelopes & buildings Pastoral care & outreach Formation Sac Prep & RCIA Encounters & Retreats

The New Pastoral Plan Liturgy music & devotions Stewardship envelopes & buildings Pastoral care & outreach Formation Sac Prep & RCIA Encounters & Retreats Lifelong Formation

to sustain conversion

The New Pastoral Plan Liturgy music & devotions Stewardship envelopes & buildings Pastoral care & outreach Retreats & Encounters Formation Sac Prep & RCIA Lifelong Faith Formation

5 Steps to get rolling:

  (1) Go home and form a Lifelong Faith Team  Pastor   People invested in these age groups   From baptism prep to high school Key volunteers & Parents (2) Study and read

Great Expectations

 Hold the discussions  Follow the book

Your team’s job:

      Plan with you to implement this Recruit new catechists & new assistants for the programs Work with you to schedule and carry out the various levels of faith formation Organize to invite parents personally into the process Pray with you for all who come forth

Your next steps…

 (3) Use the

Planning Guide

(free)  What elements of coaching work for you?

 What timeline might you follow?

 Who needs to be involved?


Pastoral Planning


Your next steps…

 (4) Schedule a parent & catechist meeting  Use the

Parish Workshop

 Provided free by us  The Workshop includes: 


for a two hour workshop   

Prayer sheets

– reproducible

Talks and Exercises

– all outlined

PowerPoint pres

ready to use or adapt if you wish www.

Pastoral Planning


To get these FREE tools

The Planning Guide The Parish Workshop

Pastoral Planning.


 

Parent Coaching Center

(on the home page) www.

Pastoral Planning


Get started

 (5) Start slowly   Sacrament Prep?


 Keep adding one group after another  Think long term www.

Pastoral Planning
