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4. Who developed TCP/IP, the original specification for the Internet’s
a. Tim Berners-Lee
b. Steve Case
c. Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf
d. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
• Which of the following is the address for
where Web pages are located?
• a. http
• b. url
• c. HTML
• d. TCP
• All U.S. television broadcasting became digital
in which year?
• a. 2007
• b. 2009
• c. 2010
• d. 1999.
• PBS attracted its first significant audiences
with which of the following programs?
• a. Sesame Street
• b. Barney
• c. Masterpiece Theater
• d. Arthur
• Nielsen Media Research says the average
American spends ____ hours a day watching
• a. 2
• b. 4
• c. 6
• d. 8
• The show I Love Lucy was controversial when it
first came out for which of the following reasons?
• a. It showed Ricky and Lucy sharing a bed.
• b. It showed Lucy pregnant.
• c. It had the white Lucille Ball married to the
Cuban American Desi Arnaz.
• d. It showed Desi Arnaz shaking his hips during
dance numbers.
In North America, ____ percent of the
population has access to the Internet at home.
• a. 4
• b. 16
• c. 32
• d. 73
• . Radio and the Internet have which of the following in
• a. They both were initially developed as tools for
machine-assisted interpersonal communication.
• b. They both were initially developed as media of mass
• c. They both are owned and operated by the
government in the United States rather than by private
• d. They replaced other forms of mass communication,
which were then driven out of business.
Cable television was initially developed as a way
of doing which of the following?
• a. providing uncensored movies in the home
• b. delivering broadcast television signals to
communities with poor reception
• c. increasing revenue for the NCAA basketball
• d. delivering networks like TNT, CNN, and MTV
• Twitter’s big innovation was:
• a. connecting mobile Internet, mobile phones,
and computer-based Internet as part of a single
• b. combining GPS and mobile phones.
• c. allowing people to post mobile phone video to
the Web.
• d. allowing people to “tag” where they had
observed different birds.
What are telenovelas?
a. Spanish-language action-adventure shows
b. short course auto races
c. children’s stories on Spanish-language
• d. Spanish-language television soap operas
Who developed the earliest portable movie
• a. Thomas Edison
• b. Auguste-Marie and Louis-Jean Lumière
• c. Étienne-Jules Marey
• d. Eadweard Muybridge
The method of recording sound that involves
storing it in a series of numbers is called which
of the following?
• a. long-playing recording
• b. analog recording
• c. social recording
• d. digital recording
Social music is which of the following?
• a. music that people perform for each other in a
social setting
• b. music that is performed for a large group of
• c. music that is recorded for mass-market
• d. music that comments on social concerns
Which of the following developments occurred
during World War I?
• a. Amateurs helped decipher German radio
• b. The military took over radio broadcasting.
• c. David Sarnoff translated radio signals for codes.
• d. KDKA broadcast the results of the 1916
The most popular radio drama of the late 1920s
• a. The Guiding Light
• b. The Shadow
• c. Amos ‘n’ Andy
• d. Focus on Africa
• . The BBC no longer tries to provide news in
multiple languages around the world.
• a. True
• b. False
• How does notated music differ from nonnotated music?
• Noted music can be written down using
standard musical notation. Non-noted music is
not written down. It is either memorized or
• A major advantage of the Internet as a source
of news is that only accurate information gets
• a. True
• b. False
• The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the
address of content placed on the Web.
• a. True
• b. False
• Social media are online sites that allow users
• a. generate content
• b. comment
• c. tag
• d. all of the above
• In a brief essay, explain why video games are
considered by many to be a new form of mass
media. Use specific examples.
• There are a number of examples that students might
use to answer this question. These include: video game
consoles are media content delivery devices; video
games have characters that become significant cultural
icons; video games are a new venue for advertising;
online video games have become social communities;
video games can generate as much or more revenue as
blockbuster movies; and video games are seen as part
of the synergy for major media franchises.
• In a brief essay, explain how recording artists
have responded in the twenty-first century to
the threats of file sharing and other new
digital media to their ability to make a living.
• There are a number of ways they can respond:
selling music directly to consumers;
performing live; using free music on the Web
to attract new listeners; including bonus video
and other materials in their CDs.
• Media journalist Ken Auletta writes that
television has been undergoing an
“earthquake in slow motion.” In a brief essay,
explain what Auletta means by that, what
initially caused the “earthquake,” and what
keeps it going today.
• See the chapter for a discussion of the concept of
the earthquake in slow motion. Auletta is talking
about the gradual loss of network television
viewers in the late 1980s and early 1990s to
cable, satellite, and home video, and how the
networks largely ignored it as it happened. The
earthquake is starting up again now with new
digital alternatives to broadcast television.
• In a brief essay discuss how television has
become more diverse over the last ten years.
What are the reasons that have driven this
move to diversity? How have television
networks gone about becoming more diverse
in what they present?
• Television networks are facing increasing
competition from cable and the Internet, and so
they are working to attract larger audiences. One
way they can do so is by appealing to a broader
audience, including ethnic and racial minorities.
There are several examples in the chapter of how
casts of new shows are multi-ethnic and even