Question of the Day - LCMR School District

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A population frequently studied to
best assess the relative effects of
nature vs. nurture is
 A.
identical twins
 B. identical quadruplets
 C. adopted children and their adoptive parents
 D. couples who have been married for many years
 E. families with genetic diseases
Ans: A.
Identical twins
 Since they share the same genes, the differences
between them would be a result of nurture.
 Identical quadruplets are extremely rare and so would
be hard to find a large enough sample size.
After watching cartoons in which characters hit,
punch and kick other characters, nursery school
students engage in more aggressive behavior
than after watching Barney. This observation
best supports
 A.
psychoanalytic theory
 B. psychodynamic theory
 C. Social learning theory
 D. humanistic theory
 E. opponent process theory
C. Social learning
 Supports Albert Bandura’s social learning theory of
aggression studied in the Bobo doll study
The smallest unit of language
that carries meaning is a
 A.
 B. word
 C. phoneme
 D. morpheme
 E. grammar
D. Morpheme
 Although a phoneme is smallest unit of language it
may not carry meaning.
 Unit 11
Which of the following perspective is
most concerned with self-esteem and
actualizing one’s potential?
 A.
 B. behavioral
 C. cognitive
 D. psychodynamic
 E. sociocultural
A. Humanistic
 Maslow placed self esteem and self actualization on
his hierarchy of needs
A pigeon trained to peck at a green
lights pecks at a yellow light also. This
 A.
 B. discrimination
 C. extinction
 D. spontaneous recovery
 E. shaping
A. generalization
 When he sees yellow instead of green he generalizes
his pecking response to a similar stimulus
More than half of the volume of
the human brain is composed of
 A.
Cerebral cortex
B. septum, amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate
C. medulla, pons and cerebellum
D. hypthalamus and thalamus
E. Olfactory bulb, optic chiasma, pituitary gland and
reticular formation
A. Cerebral cortex
 It is responsible for higher thought processing and
covers all of the other structures of the brain.
Although Andy wanted to cut class and attend
the season opener of the Phillies game, he came
to class to take a quiz. According to Freud this
behavior evidences a strong
 A.
 B. super id
 C. id
 D. super ego
 E. libido
Ans. D. Superego
 Superego operates on the morality principle and over-
rides the impulse to cut class
Which neurotransmitter is most closely
associated with Parkinson’s disease and
 A.
 B. dopamine
 C. serotonin
 D. endorphins
B. Dopomine
The perceived volume of a tone is
mainly determined by its
 A.
 B. timbre
 C. amplitude
 D. overtones
 E. saturation
C. amplitude
 The height of the sound wave (amplitude) has to do
with loudness
In daylight, objects that reflect all
wavelengths of light appear
 A.
 B. white
 C. dull
 D. ultraviolet
 E. infrared
B. white
 White is the appearance of reflected wavelengths of all
Joy notes the behavior of people as they
wait in line for tickets to rock concerts.
Which of the following research methods is
she using?
 A.
naturalistic observation
 B. survey
 C. controlled experiment
 D. quasi-experiment
 E. case study
A. naturalistic observation
Of the following, which provides the most
valid and reliable data about individuals as
they progress through various stages of
 A.
cross-sectional studies
 B. surveys
 C. transactional analysis
 D. longitudinal studies
 E. correlational studies
D. Longitudinal studies
 Longitudinal studies follow same group of people for a
longer period of time.
Dan read a list of 30 vocabulary words only
once. If he is typical and shows the serial
position effect, we would expect that the
words he remembers two days later are
 A.
at the beginning of the list
 B. in the middle of the list
 C. at the end of the list
 D. distributed throughout the list
 E. unpredictable
A. at the beginning
 According to the serial position effect words at the
beginning of the list are stored in your long term
memory, at the end are stored in your short term and
forgotten, and words in middle have poorest recall
A therapist used the Rorschach inkblot
test to help him analyze his patient’s
problems. He was most likely a
 A.
 B. person-centered therapist
 C. behavioral psychologist
 D. certified clinical social worker
 E. psychiatrist
A. psychoanalyst
 Projective test which is designed to reveal the
unconscious mind and is used by psychoanalytic
Which of the following best exemplifies
sensory adaptation?
 A.
enjoying a song the more you hear it.
B. responding immediately every time the fire alarm
is sounded
C. not realizing how cold the pool is after you are
under the water for a few minutes
D. relying heavily on your hearing when you are
walking down a dark alley
E. not knowing what other people at a cocktail party
are saying while you are attending to one conversation.
C. pool water
 You become accustomed to the temperature after
being exposed to it for a while.
After collecting and analyzing the responses of
2000 randomly selected study participants, Adele
finds that college juniors who work at paying jobs
15 hours a week get higher grades than juniors
who don’t work. Which of the following research
methods did Adele use?
 A.
 B. naturalistic observation
 C. case study
 D. survey
 E. quasi-experimental
D. Survey
 Obtains large samples of responses through
questionnaire or interview. No variables have been
manipulated as in an experiment.
Tests that have been pretested with a
sample of the population for whom the test
is intended and have a uniform set of
instructions and administration procedures
 A.
 B. Standardized
 C. reliable
 D. fair
 E. predictive
B. Standardized
During WWII, millions of Jews and other
minorities were slaughtered because they were
blamed for the financial and social problems of
Germany. Such scapegoating illustrates
 A.
Sour grapes rationalization
 B. displacement
 C. sweet lemon rationalization
 D. projection
 E. reaction formation
B. displacement
 A Freudian defense mechanism allows us to express
feelings toward a group or individual perceived to be
less threatening to us, rather than the direct target or
The scores of Brian’s team on the
quiz were: 8,6,9,7,10,9,5,4,9. the
median of the team’s score is
 A.
 B. 8
 C. 7.5
 D. 7
 E. 6
B. 8
 The median is the measure of central tendency
achieved by ordering the numbers consecutively and
determining the middle number. Here there are nine
numbers so the 5th number, 8, is the median.
What type of test is the Advanced
placement test in psychology?
 A.
 B. projective
 C. achievement
 D. intelligence
 E. individual
C. Achievement
 It measures what you already know unlike an aptitude
test which measures your ability to learn.