Transcript Document

Lee Severino

• ITSG, Inc.

Information Technology Services Group is an IT organization based in Virginia. We focus on technology solutions for Medical Practices to ensure they are operational at all times to ensure patient care is never jeopardized. We will provide state of the art products that will ensure overall profitability is maximized.

Top Reasons Practices are Holding Off!!

Waiting for Medicare to actually reduce the payments Not computer savvy and no in-house expertise Confusion of Meaningful Use Administrators or Office Managers are overwhelmed with current operations Don’t have the numbers of Medicare or Medicaid patients to qualify for stimulus Everyone is selling EMR- who are the long term companies Drop in production There seems to be as many Horror stories as Success Stories Tied to a hospital through the use of their system Consistent recommendations are difficult to come by for a single product

Fear of Change!

Over 2,300 providers have attested to Meaningful Use!

Some benefits Reduces paperwork and space requirements Reduces administrative staff and expenses Improves delivery of preventative care More accurate patient information Reduces transcription costs Greater legibility of notes Improves collection rates Greater accessibility of charts Enhanced clinical documentation Improved coordination of treatment by more than one provider Fewer medical errors/improves patient safety Improved accuracy of coding

Increased Revenues and Faster A/R Cycle

Today's falling reimbursements, the ability to manage daily charges is imperative to the survival and profitability of today's medical offices. By reducing missing charges, denied claims, and improper ABN notices - most practices can realize a sizeable increase in earned revenue from ambulatory patient visits. Providers tend to give more time and attention to pertinent issues than what is actually billed for in fear of being audited. Current electronic systems will provide the appropriate codes that back the level of care that has been administered. Some EMR’s have the ability to provide the appropriate code in relation to time spent with the patient.

Reduce Patient Callbacks With the use of internal messaging, assigned tasks through an EMR and patient remote access similar to Banking internet access current staffing levels may be reallocated to assist in the enhancement of patient care!

Through most remote access patients will be able to view their records, request Rx refill, make schedule change/cancellation requests and be able to send messages to the practice for general information.

Reduce Supply Expenses

Encounter forms prescription pads Folders Labels Paper With a comprehensive and integrated (billing, scheduling, and charting in a single system - on a single database) EMR system, these costs are dramatically reduced.

Repurpose Storage Space into Revenue Producing Areas

By freeing up chart rooms and storage space, many practices repurpose the space for revenue-generating activities. Costly on-site storage areas can become additional exam, testing, or procedure rooms.

Clinical Benefits and Improved Patient Care

•Increased Patient Safety. There is mounting evidence that ePrescribing alone has the potential to save thousands of lives in the United States each year through improved clinical contraindication warnings. Furthermore, improvements to patient safety can clearly impact the bottom line through reduced malpractice insurance premiums. •Prevent Medication Errors. Automated alerts warn providers of potential adverse drug reactions and unsafe drug combinations - helping to prevent dangerous (and preventable) medical errors.

•Reduced Insurance Premiums. Some malpractice insurers will reduce premiums through effective negotiations using your newly implemented EMR key point to reduce your premium.

•Patient Satisfaction. Instant access to charts with real-time information so they can provide accurate and timely answers to patients on the phone.

Preventative Care

Some EMR’s will provide notifications for scheduling and clinical staff as to appointments and test/exams that may need to be executed to ensure the patient is cared for properly. These appointments can be scheduled at times that a patient is not already in the office for another issue, thus producing additional billable opportunities while keeping the patients long term health as the main objective.


Find a system that interfaces with proven dictation interface capabilities. With the press of two buttons and a trained dictation system your transcription cost can be alleviated. Use the Dictation software on a word document while your EMR is going through the implementation phase to get it trained to the way that you speak for the greatest success.

Multi Provider Practices All providers within a practice will have access to all patients records if you collectively choose that ability. There is no more deciphering another providers notes. All aspects for all visits are clearly laid out and you have the ability to move instantly to the pertinent piece of a specific note to provide the patient better care for that specific inquiry or visit.

Implementation and Training This is the Key to success!!!!!!

You have so many choices, make sure that the company that you choose will provide the ample training and the proper implementation of your system. Require on site training as part of the contract phase. Web Seminars work, however there is nothing like face to face interaction. Make sure that you have a subject matter expert in your practice that has learned the methods of building the techniques that the system has provided you to reduce time for follow-up visits or common diagnosis that are given on a repetitive basis.

Your success will enhance tremendously through the use of all aspects the system that best fits your practice.


Does the system have a clearing house affiliated with it, what is the cost associated with the service. If you are currently using a billing service and paying approximately 7% you may find that by going with an EMR that has a clearinghouse associated with it you can bring a staff member on board to do the adjustments and save a considerable amount of the monthly fee’s that you are currently incurring. You also have the option of renegotiating your contract with your billing company to reduce your percentages as their job will become much easier!

System Updates/Upgrades

Most systems will be updated and backed up throughout each day. This will ensure that all Diagnosis codes and Rx changes are accurate. Again, as you have options, find out what the hidden costs may be. What is the cost of system upgrades? Are your monthly fee’s per provider or per user? These can be major issues that could affect profit margins.
