New Ways of Working - A forum to Support West Cheshire PPGs

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West Cheshire PPG

Chairs Meeting Monday 20 th April 2015

New Ways of Working

Sarah Murray Programme Lead for Primary Care Chester  Ellesmere Port & Neston  Rural

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

What is the West Cheshire Way?

 Working across boundaries - joining up primary, community, social and hospital care to prevent ill health and improve self-care, helping patients to manage their health.

 Support people to be cared for at home. Community care will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

 Improve the management of long term and complex conditions

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

The West Cheshire Way is built on the needs of our population · · · People told us that they want: Seamless, coordinated services More information to manage their condition To be involved in developing care plans

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

How does this fit with national thinking?

   The NHS Five Year Forward View: Patients will have greater control of their own care There will be a shift of resources from hospital to primary care Investment in innovation and technology – radically improving patients' experience of the NHS

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

What is a multi-speciality community provider?

A new model of care where a greater range of services are delivered in the community in a more integrated way focused around a practice population.

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Who's involved in our multi speciality community provider?

• • • • • Primary Care Cheshire NHS West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group Cheshire and Wirral NHS Partnership Foundation Trust The Countess of Chester NHS Foundation Trust Cheshire West and Chester Council

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Primary Care Cheshire

A federation of our member GP practices. Operates as a community interest company which means that they want to use their profits and assets to benefit the community.

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund • West Cheshire awarded £3.7m

• One of 37 successful bids out of 156 submitted across the country. • Allows us to continue to focus on innovation, and continue to explore cluster based working for our practices

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund

The bid centred around four projects: • • • • Excellence in In Hours Access Excellence in Extended Access Excellence in Care for Vulnerable Older People Excellence in Care for People with Long Term Conditions

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Excellence in In-Hours Access • Using technology better, including the use of video consultations and e-advice where appropriate. • Transforming the receptionist role into navigators to help people access the right service • Introducing Wellbeing Coordinators to navigate the Voluntary Sector on behalf of our patients • Providing direct access physiotherapy services when appropriate

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Excellence in Extended Access • • • • • From 1 May, patients will be able to access appointments until 9.30pm through the week.

Additional appointments on Saturday, 9-2pm and Sunday, 10-3pm.

Additional sites in Neston and Malpas.

Full service in place by July. Additional 328 appointments per week

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Excellence in Care for Vulnerable Older People • Improving access and experience for vulnerable older people, and reducing the number of avoidable, unplanned admissions from this patient group. • Maximise the benefits of having the Integrated Community Care Teams (ICCT) at the heart of each cluster of practices. • Extend ‘early visiting’ service across the CCG

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Excellence in Care for People with Long Term Conditions • • • • Explore possibility to extend local pharmacy hours to allow patients to access our pharmacy First scheme to receive advice and treatment for a wide range of minor ailments.

Expand the number of Self-Management courses across the CCG.

Introduce Long Term Conditions Coaching. Use technology to help people to self-manage and understand their disease and care planning to reduce demand in general practice.

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Information Technology • Substantial investment in the ICT infrastructure in primary care.

• Better use of ICT to create innovative ways to care for patients.

• Support practices to work in clusters to enable truly mobile working for our health professionals.

• Use technology to help patients understand and manage their own health and care by use of mobile apps and other innovations.

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Talking to the People of West Cheshire

We want to hear from people who use our services You can help us

Making sure you get the healthcare you need

Any questions?

Making sure you get the healthcare you need