Aircraft Vertically Separated Approaches [VSA] Takeoffs

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Aircraft Vertically Separated
Approaches [VSA] -Takeoffs
[VST] and Split-Runway [SR]
Presented at:
46th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit
Reno, Nevada
January 7-10, 2008
Author: Daniel Gellert
P.O. Box 3640
Sequim, WA 98382
• Airport delays are causing the FAA and
Department of Transportation to initiate the
reduction of airline schedules and also to
consider charging peak hour user fees.
• New York airport problems are considered
to account for about 75% of the nations
airline delays and scheduling difficulties.
• New York’s J. F. K. International Airport is
recognized as most critical for delays.
• Most large domestic and international
airports are locked into expensive real
estate, with houses businesses nestled on
their borders.
• Therefore, in most cases, land is not
available for new airport construction or for
major airport expansion.
• Even a new runway construction will cost
a billion dollars or more, if at all possible.
• The inexpensive division of long runways
medially, creates two separate and fully
functioning runways for B-737, A-320 and
EMB-190 type airliners: one for landing another for takeoff. Since these airliners
are the most frequent in flying from JFK
and other airports, the Split-Runway, [SR]
process provides exactly the same benefit
as building an additional new runway.
• While delays resulting in airport gridlock
are limiting the growth of air transportation,
especially at New York’s JFK, the only FAA
solution is to cut airline schedules and
force airlines to pay higher user fees.
• FAA is also considering auctioning off to
the highest bidder, landing slots currently
owned by airlines flying in an out of JFK.
Requirements for New Generation
Air Traffic System Improvements
Eliminate airport gridlock through SR
Use VSA and VST technology
Bypass en-route chokepoints
Establish Continuous Descent Approaches
Establish Jet Climb Corridors
Airports provide and pay for ADS-B
Airlines equip some airliners for ADS-B
Develop RNP approaches & departures
Eliminate Airport Gridlock
• As an example: divide the JFK 14,571 ft. long
runways 13R and 31L medially, than use the
approach end as an independent 7,000 ft.
runway for landings, and use the 7,000 ft. far
end as an independent takeoff runway for B-737,
A-320 and EMB-190 type airliners. This will
double operations.
• The full length will continue to be used for
‘heavy’ A-380 and B-747 type airliners.
Heavy & Large Airliners
JFK Split-Runways 13L 13R
Are Split-Runway Operations OK?
• B-757 airliners, which are considerably
larger than B-737 airliners, are currently
landing and taking off on Chicago Midway
Airport’s 31L and 31R runways, which are
only 6,519 feet long.
Therefore the 7,000 feet Split-Runway
[SR] procedures planned for JFK and the
other major domestic and international
airports are close to 500 feet longer/safer.
Midway 6519 & 6102 Ft. Runways
New York LGA 7,000 ft. Runways
• Because the FAA approved me to fly
500,000 pound [250 ton] heavy L-1011
airliners from LGA’s 7,000 runways, the
FAA cannot logically oppose to implement
Split-Runway [SR] flight operations for
large 170,000 pound [140 ton] B-737
airliners at JFK by splitting the 14,571 ft.
runways into two 7,000 ft. independent
landing and takeoff runways.
LGA 7,000 ft. Runways
JFK and LGA Comparisons
JFK SR Missed Approaches
JFK Airport Runways 31L & 13R
JFK Runways 4L & 4R
Washington [DCA] 6989 Runway
• Washington DCA Airport’s longest runway
is 6,989 feet long and handles up to B-757
airline traffic.
• This is further evidence that the 7,000 feet
long JFK Split-Runway [SR] operations
are practical, FAA approvable and safe.
• I have personally flown B-757 airliners
from this 6,989 DCA runway.
Washington National Airport DCA
FAA Regulation for Low Approach
• FAA 3-131 authorizes low approaches to
not less than 500 feet above an aircraft in
takeoff position on the runway.
• Since during SR flight operations at JFK,
for instance, the takeoff airliner would be
on the takeoff runway some 7,000 ft. from
an approaching aircraft, this would be
considerably safer under FAA 3-131, than
current FAA approved low approaches.
FAA Same Runway Separation
• FAA 3-122 provides in part: “Separate an
arriving aircraft from another aircraft . . . (2) the
aircraft is airborne, it need not have crossed the
runway end if the following minimum distance
from the landing threshold exists: [c] When
either is a category III aircraft – 6000 feet.”
• [FAA category III in this case applies to jets.]
• Since the 7,000 ft. distance of the takeoff runway
at JFK is 1,000 feet more than 6,000 ft. required
by the FAA - the departing airliner is more than
1,000 ft. beyond the required 6,000 ft. minimum.
Therefore, SR runways are in FAA compliance.
Split-Runway [SR] Safety
• Split-Runway operations will prevent the
type of crashes, such as a USAIR B-737
landing on top of an airliner positioned on
the end of a LAX runway awaiting takeoff
clearance. This cannot happen with SR.
• Split-Runway operations are unique in that
these are independent runways, marked
as such, and are dispatched accordingly.
SR Implementation Policy
• Phase One: aircraft cleared into position
for immediate takeoff after landing aircraft
safely on runway. This phase provides for
training and for operational confidence.
• Phase Two: takeoff to commence when
approaching aircraft has landing assured.
• Phase Three: simultaneous landing and
takeoff operations.
SR Requirements
• Captain only landings, unless emergency
is declared.
• Prior to SR landing clearance, report of
three green, landing gear down and locked
must be reported to ATC.
• Aircraft must be configured for landing
prior to final approach fix [FAF] or missed
approach must be initiated.
Special SR Crew Training
• Flight crews must have training in SR flight
operations and procedures.
• For all flight operations the avoidance of
hydroplaning is essential. Pilots must
know the hydroplaning speed and use
engine reverse to drop below this speed.
• 7,000 ft. runway is sufficient under most
conditions for B-737 type airliners, still
proper braking should be emphasized.
Gee-I-Didn’t See Him Coming
Blue Angel-Ground Effect on Water
St. Thomas Restricted Airport
Special/Restrictions St. Thomas
Split-Runway [SR] Benefits
• B-737, A-320 and EMB-190 type SR
capable airliners departing JFK, do not
have to taxi long distances to the far end
of the long 14,571 ft. runway as today.
• SR operations saves about 700 gallons of
jet fuel, reduces crew costs, increases
aircraft utilization, eliminates passenger
confinement on departing airliners since
takeoff sequences are greatly increased.
Vertically Separated Approaches
[VSA] and Takeoffs [VST]
• VSA and VST are offered as a means to
reduce approach and takeoff distances
between ‘heavy’ and other airliners to the
minimum 3 miles of separation required to
avoid collision of aircraft in flight.
• Airliners use Vertical Separation [VSA] &
[VST] technology to fly safely above wake
turbulence when following ‘heavy’ aircraft.
Vertically Separated Approaches
• B-737 type airliners on
VSA approaches follow
heavy airliners 3 miles
behind and flying above
the wake turbulence land
7,000 feet down on the
second half of the SplitRunway.
Vertically Separated Approaches
Can Also Be Used By Two Similar
Airliners To Expedite Landings
Vertically Separated Takeoffs [VST]
• The B-737 type aircraft
following a ‘heavy’ aircraft
takeoff climbs on a
minimum 15 degree
divergent course to 1,000
feet above the heavy.
VSA and VST Diagram
Dangerous LAX Runway Incursions
• Los Angeles International Airport, LAX has
continuous runway incursions. LAX is
relocating/moving two runways to create
taxiways between the two north and also
the two south parallel runways.
• LAX should install colored taxi crossing
lights to supplement voice instructions on
radio and build Split-Runway crossings.
Los Angeles [LAX] Airport
Bypass En-Route Chokepoints
• Establish the use of INS/IRS, GPS and
FMC-offset free-flight for en-route traffic to
bypass the presently existing chokepoints
on airways.
• Air traffic with out operating systems to self
navigate can be vectored around these
chokepoints by ATC.
Create CDA and JCC Corridors
• Continuous Descent Approaches [CDA]
and Jet Climb Corridors [JCC] operations
take up less airspace, save fuel, create
less noise, less controller work load, more
efficient, cause considerably less airport
delays, and are safer by avoiding near
miss incidents.
Airports Buy and Pay for ADS-B
• Airports, especially JFK should buy their
ADS-B equipment to eliminate delays.
• Airlines should equip and dedicate some
of their aircraft to fly into these selected
and ADS-B equipped airports. This will
make it possible for airlines to take
advantage of the RNP approach and
departure technology.
• If the the Department of Transportation or
the FAA had a plan or idea how to solve
the airport delays and gridlock, they would
not be cutting airline schedules.
• The break-through Split-Runway [SR]
VSA, VST technologies are the only
registered possibilities offering hope to
resolve these major disruptive problems.
LAX Crash
TWA 800 Fuel Explosion
American B-757 Cali Crash
American B-757 Page 2, Cali