Jim Mcguire.

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Transcript Jim Mcguire.

Water Services Training Group
13th Annual Conference
10th September 2009
Meeting the Challenges of the
Changed Economic Environment
Annual Conference September 2009
Energy Efficiency Benchmarking
Jim McGuire
Senior Engineer
North Tipperary County Council
Meeting the Challenges of the
Changed Economic Environment
Annual Conference September 2009
WRC , Swindon
 Department of Environment, Heritage
and Local Government
 Eoin ODonoghue, NTCC
 Tipperary Energy Agency
Energy: Why Worry?
Reducing availability
 Peripherality
 Climate Change
 Energy costs
Policy Drivers
Kyoto Accord
 EU Targets
20% reduction CO2 emissions by 2020
Irish National targets
33% energy reduction in public sector by
Energy use in Local Authorities
water services
public lighting
Energy: how much are we using, where
are we using it and how do we compare
with each other?
 What is the benchmark for energy
efficient treatment?
 What can be reasonably achieved in
terms of further efficiencies on a sitespecific basis?
Meeting the Challenges of the
Changed Economic Environment
Annual Conference September 2009
Project Partners
Meeting the Challenges of the
Changed Economic Environment
Annual Conference September 2009
Is this a good apple?
Can we compare?
Project Phases:
Phase 1 - Development
Develop benchmarking programme
 Develop Software
Phase 2 – Implementation at pilot scale
Phase 3 – Roll-out to other works
Project Development
Benchmarking best practice review
 Develop energy performance indicators:
Water treatment
 Wastewater treatment
 Sludge treatment and odour control
Establish measurements &
measurement frequency
 Develop software
Steps to build a new site
Gain access to web-based software
 Build the schematic
 Enter static data
 Upload time series data
 Batch run
 Display reports
Model Building
and Outputs
Water: Coolbawn Schematic
Waste Water:Nenagh Schematic
Static Data Input
Data input (time series data)
Fill in excel
Upload data onto site
View loaded data
Waste Water: New Meters
Electrical Sub-meters
Inlet works
Rotors O.D No. 1
Rotors O.D No. 2
WAS pumps
RAS Pumps
Flow Meters:
Water: Coolbawn New Meters
Electrical Sub-Meters
Raw water abstraction pumps
 Back wash pumps and blowers
 Dewatering
 Finished water high lift pumps
Flowmeter, Sub-Meters
Benchmarking Software output
Routine reports
 Graphs
 Detailed reports
Comparison reports within company
Comparison reports between companies
Software output (Water)
Routine report (table) for each process and
whole works
 Energy performance indicators
Actual/Theoretical EPI (kWh/Ml)
Actual/Theoretical EPI (kWh/Ml/m) (Pumps)
Routine reports (Wastewater)
Wider range of Energy Performance Indicators
(EPI) for Wastewater
Actual/Theoretical EPI (kWh/Ml)
Actual/Theoretical EPI aeration efficiency
(Activated Sludge)
Actual/Theoretical EPI (kWh/kgBOD)
(Activated Sludge)
Actual/Theoretical EPI (kWh/kgNH3-N)
(Activated Sludge)
Actual/Theoretical EPI (kWh/Ml/m)
Water: High Lift Pump Coolbawn
Comparison with other sites:
 Energy Performance Indicator:
Water: Abstraction Pump Coolbawn
Comparison with other sites
 Energy Performance Indicator:
Wastewater Pumping: Nenagh
Comparison with other sites
Energy Performance Indicator kWh/1000m3/m
Water: Abstraction Pump Change
Waste Water: Activated Sludge
Comparison with other sites
EPI is kWh/1000m3
Waste Water: Activated Sludge
Comparison with other sites
EPI is kWh/kgBOD
Water: Energy Use Coolbawn
Waste Water: Energy use
Other Features of Project Website
Practice Area
 Updates
of Software Users Guide
 Report on EPI
 Report on Measurement
 Report on Sub-metering
 Reports on Innovation
Software allows
International comparison of processes
 Within company comparisons
 Best Practice Area
 Discussion Area
Possible Improvements
More participation
 Greater time frame flexibility
 Focus on high energy processes