Geometry Section 8.4

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Geometry Section 8.4

Properties of Rhombuses, Rectangles, and Squares

Rhombus  A parallelogram with four congruent sides

Rectangle  Parallelogram with four right angles

Square  Parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles

Corollaries 1.



A quadrilateral is a rhombus iff it has four congruent sides A quadrilateral is a rectangle iff it has four right angles A quadrilateral is a square iff it is a rhombus and a rectangle

Rhombus Diagonal Theorem  A parallelogram is a rhombus iff its diagonals are perpendicular

Theorem  A parallelogram is a rhombus iff each diagonal bisects a pair of opposite angles

Rectangle diagonal thorem  A parallelogram is a rectangle iff its diagonals are congruent

Rhombus  Four congruent sides  Diagonals are perpendicular  Diagonals bisects a pair of angles  All parallelogram properties also apply!

Rectangles  Have four right angles  Diagonals are congruent  All properties of parallelograms apply!

Squares  Have four right angles and four congruent sides  All properties apply!

Assignment  Section 8.4

 Page 537  Problems # 19-24, 26-30 even, 32-49 all  Page 532 # 5 step up to writing---hand in