Lesson 35 Reading lesson *Miss Honey*s house*

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Lesson 35 Reading lesson
“Miss Honey’s house”
• Miss Honey is a teacher in a small school in R.
Dahl's book Matilda. One day she invited her
pupil Matilda to her house.
• Guess what house she lived in.
Check if you've guessed right.
• Matilda saw a narrow path to a tiny cottage. The
cottage was so small, it looked like a doll's house.
There were two little windows at the front and there
was no upstairs to the place. On either side of the path
there was long brown grass. A big tree stood near the
cottage. Matilda was a bit frightened of this place now.
It seemed so unreal and fantastic and so totally away
from the earth (далеко от земли). It was like an
illustration in Grimm* or Hans Andersen.* It was the
house where Hansel and Gretel lived and where Red
Riding Hood's (Красная Шапочка) grandmother lived
and it was the house of the Seven Dwarfs (гномы) and
the Three Bears. It was straight out of the fairy tale.
Choose the correct answer.
• A tiny house means
a small house.
a doll's (кукольный) house.
a colossal house.
• Miss Honey lived
in a doll's house.
in a cottage.
in a fairy-tale house.
• The house was
in a big city.
in the country.
away from the earth.
• Miss Honey lived
with the Seven Dwarfs.
with Hansel and Gretel.
• How did the author describe the house?
What adjectives did he use?
Narrow - wide
- big
- big
- short
- small, little
- real
fantastic - normal, real
• What are the antonyms to them?
Use your antonyms and put them in the
description. What house did you get?
The cottage was so (1) ______________ that it
looked like a (2)_________house. There were
two (3)_________windows at the front.
A (4) _________ tree stood near the cottage. It
seemed so (5) __________ and (6) ________
and so totally away from the earth.
• Who could live in such a house? (Кто мог бы
жить в таком доме?)
Miss Honey invited Matilda to come in.
a) Put in the missing words and you will know how the
room looked like.
You can come to the (1) __________
and help me to make the
tea," Miss Honey said, and they went into the (2) ________.
It was not much bigger than a clothes cupboard and there was one small
the wall.
Near another wall there was a (4) _________
for preparing food
and a (5) _________above
(над) the (6) __________.
They made tea and Miss Honey said, "Let's have it in the
living roomand she went to the other room. The room was small
and bare as a prison cell (пустая, как тюремная камера). The daylight (свет)
came from a tiny (8) __________
in the front wall, but
there were no (9) ____________.
The only objects in the room were
three wooden (деревянный) (10) ____________.
That was all. There
pictures on the walls, no (12) ________
carpet on the floor.
were no (11) __________
Miss Honey put the tray (поднос) on one of the (13) _________.
"Sit down, my dear, sit down," she said, "and we'll have a nice hot cup of tea."
• Listen to the story to check.
Which picture can be an illustration to
this story? Why?
• Was Miss Honey rich or poor? Why do you
think so?
Role play. Imagine that Miss Honey has
her new house look like?
I've moved to a new house.
There are ... rooms there.
There is ..., ..., ... and ... .
I've bought ....
I ... new curtains.
I ...
I ... a lot of tasty meal.
And I've invited all my friends.