Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to eDMR
This PowerPoint presentation is
designed to show eDMR users how to
login and begin using the eDMR
To access the eDMR system go to
Click on the eDMR Login link.
On the next screen you will be prompted to enter your Username and
Keep in mind that they are case sensitive.
If this is your first time logging in to the system, you will be
prompted to change your password. When you have completed all
the fields below, be sure to click the Save button. When you see
the message indicating that your password change was successful,
you can continue with the eDMR process.
To begin entering data into a new eDMR report, click on
Create a New Report.
To find the report you would like to work on, select the facility from
the Facility dropdown menu. The page will automatically refresh to
display the permit number. Enter the date range of the monitoring
period or the report due dates of the report you would like to work
on. Click the Search button. A list of all the reports within the date
range will be displayed. Keep in mind there may be more than one
page of reports. Select the report you would like to work on by
clicking on the Online Entry icon. You may also view the report in a
html format by clicking on the View Form icon.
If you select Online Entry, be sure the radio button for Online Entry
Form is selected. Click on the Continue button to proceed with filling
out your eDMR.
If you select View Form, the html version of the eDMR will look much
like a paper DMR. This form gives you a preview of what will be
expected as you work through the online entry process.
After you click the Continue button for the Online Entry Form, you
will be able to enter your data into the eDMR fields. Select the
desired outfall from the Monitoring Point dropdown menu. As you
highlight each parameter, the fields that require entry will be
highlighted in red. Be sure to enter the number of violations of
effluent limits for the specific parameter in the Excursion No. box at
the bottom of the screen. If there was no discharge for a particular
outfall, check the No Discharge box.
Be sure to save your changes as you go by clicking the Save Changes
When you have entered all the data required for each parameter for
each outfall, click on the Next button at the bottom of the screen
You will now have an opportunity to add comments to your
eDMR. Although the comments and the operator information
are not necessary, we do encourage that you include these
details. Please save any information you have entered by
clicking on the Save Current Page button. Click the Next button
to proceed.
You will now have the opportunity to attach any supplemental
reporting forms that you are required to submit with your eDMR.
Click the Browse button. This will allow you to search your
computer for the file you would like to attach. The Choose
File window should appear.
Select the file you would
like to attach and click
the Open button.
The file information will auto-populate the File field. Give the
file a descriptive name and include more details in the
Description of the File field. Click the Add button.
The attached files will be listed at the bottom of the screen.
Follow the same steps to attach all supplemental forms
required by your permit. When all forms have been attached,
click the Next button.
You will now be given the opportunity to review your report on the
Report Summary page. You can view the data you have entered by
clicking on the View Form icon, and you can view the attached files
by clicking on the file’s icon. At this point, if you are not a certifier,
you may click on the Cancel button. As long as you have saved
your work, all the data you have entered and the supplemental
forms you have uploaded will be available to the next user to login
to eDMR. The certifier for the facility will have to complete the
If you are a certifier for your facility, click the Next button.
Once you have logged in to eDMR, select Edit an Open Report
from the Report Management menu.
Just as when you created a new report, select your facility and
define the date range of the report you would like to edit. Click the
Search button and all the open reports for that facility will be listed
Click on the Edit icon to choose the report.
Using the radio buttons, indicate if you would like to edit the Online
form or an Attachment. Then click the continue button.
You will now be taken to the Online Entry Form and be able to
make changes as appropriate.
To edit an attachment, select the appropriate radio button and
click the Continue button. You must remove the attached
document from eDMR, edit it on your own computer, and then reattach the revised document.
To remove the
attachment, click the
Delete icon.
Once an eDMR report has been submitted, you can view the report,
save a copy of the report to your computer, or print out the report.
It is also possible to revise a submission.
After logging in to eDMR, select Submittals/Revisions from the
Report Management menu.
Just as when you created a new report, select your facility and
define the date range of the report you would like view. Click
the Search button and all the submitted reports for that facility
will be listed. Click on the Detail icon.
You will be taken to the Summary page of the submitted report.
To view the report, click the View Report icon.
An html version of the report will pop up. This report can be
printed or saved to your computer. To save the report to your
computer, click on File, then Save As. The Save Web Page
window should appear. You can now name the file and
indicate where it should be saved. To print the report, click
on the Print icon at the top of the screen.
To view an attachment, click on the icon next to the document
you would like to view.
To make a revision to a submitted report, click on the Revision
button in the upper right corner of the screen.
You will be asked to give an explanation for your revision.
Then, click the Revise button.
Follow the procedure for editing an open report as
described on previous slides.
Along with your monthly Discharge Monitoring Report, your permit
probably requires that you submit supplemental forms as well.
Several of these supplemental forms are available for download on
the eDMR website. To access these forms, navigate to Click on eDMR Supplemental.
Enter your eDMR Username and Password, then click
the Log In button.
At the bottom of the page there is a list of all the supplemental
forms available for download. These are provided for your
convenience. If you have electronic copies of these forms, please
feel free to use them. The requirement of any supplemental form is
that it includes all the information required by the supplemental
forms that accompanied your NPDES permit. Click on the name of a
form to start the download process.
The File Download window
should appear. Click the
Save button.
The Save As window should appear. Indicate where you
would like your copy of the form to be saved and what you
would like to name it. Then click Save.
The form will now be available on your computer for
you to fill out and attach to your eDMR submissions.
Another supplemental form you will need to attach to your
eDMR submission is a daily monitoring form. The daily
monitoring form will track all of your data points for the
month as well as the monthly average for each parameter.
Many facilities already have an electronic spreadsheet that
accomplishes this. We encourage you to continue to use a
spreadsheet that has worked for you in the past and simply
attach it electronically to your eDMR.
If you do not have an electronic document that tracks data for
your facility, there is a supplemental spreadsheet available to
eDMR users online that you might find useful. Once you have
logged in to the eDMR Supplemental screen, you will see a list of
permits associated to your user account. To download the
spreadsheet, click the Get Spreadsheet button.
Follow the same steps as for downloading the other
supplemental forms.