Transcript Document

Chapter 8
Political Parties, Candidates, and
Campaigns: Defining the Voter’s Choice
Political Parties
“Political parties created democracy and … modern
democracy is unthinkable save in terms of the
-E.E. Schattschneider-
• The history of democratic government is virtually
synonymous with the history of political parties
Political Parties
• The first American political parties emerged
from the conflict
between small farmers and states’ rights advocates
those favoring commercial and wealthy interests
• Political parties serve to
educate the public
recruit candidates
formulate platforms
link the public with its elected leaders
enable people with different backgrounds and opinions to act together
offer the public a choice between policies and leaders
narrow voters’ electoral options
Party Competition and Majority Rule:
The History of U.S. Parties
• The first parties
o George Washington• Warned of the “baneful effects” of
factions (political parties)
o Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton
• Hamilton
o Federalists
• Jefferson
o Democratic-Republicans
o transforms into Democrats
Party Competition and Majority Rule:
The History of U.S. Parties
• Andrew Jackson and
Grassroots Parties
o 1824- won the popular vote
but not the Electoral
o 1828- won the presidency
by building his party from
the ground up, or
• Committees and clubs at
the local & national level
• Membership open to all
registered voters
A Graphic History of
America’s Major Parties
Party Competition and Majority
Rule: The History of U.S. Parties
• Republicans versus Democrats: realignments
and the enduring party system
o Enduring two-party system since Civil War
• Democrats & Republicans have endured because of their
ability to adapt to changing circumstances
o Partisan realignments during crises
• Issue of slavery gave birth to Republican party
o Realignment: four basic elements
• Divisive issues—disruption of existing political order
• Election—voters shift support strongly toward one party
• Major change in policy brought about by that party
• Enduring change in party coalitions to favor of dominant
o History of realignments:
• Civil War—Republicans gain control
• 1896—Republicans solidify control
• 1932—Democrats gain control
Party Competition and Majority
Rule: The History of U.S. Parties
• Today’s party alignment and its origins
o Republicans
• Dominant in South
• Controlled presidency twice as often as Democrats
since 1968
• Controlled both houses of Congress a third of the time since 1968
• Missteps of Nixon and George W. Bush weakened power
o Democrats
• Dominant in Northeast
• Civil rights stance caused loss of power in South- “the Solid South”
• Less dominant party since 1968
o Analysts divided on which party will have greater power going forward
• Parties and the vote
o Strength of party identification
o Rarity of true independents
o Straight-ticket voting
• An indication of strong party loyalty
o Split-ticket voting
• Most prominent during the 1970’s
Partisan Identification
Electoral and Party
• Single-member-district system of election
o Encourages two-party system
o Contrast with multiparty system and proportional representation
• Multiparty Systems
o 3 or more political parties have the capacity to control the
• Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden
o Proportional Representation
• Proportional representation systems encourage the formation of
smaller parties by enabling parties to win legislative seats even
though they do not receive a majority of votes in elections.
• The major reason for the persistence of the American two-party
system is the existence of single-member election districts
• Politics and coalitions in the two-party system
o Seeking the center: median voter theorem
o Party coalitions
• Broad and overlapping but far from identical
• Gender gap
The Vote of Selected Demographic
Groups in Recent Presidential Elections
Hispanics’ Party
Electoral and Party Systems
• Minor (third) parties
Single-issue parties
• Greenback Party- wanted currency based on paper money rather than gold or
o Factional parties
• Most important type of minor party in the 20th Century
• 1912 Bull Moose Party- Theodore Roosevelt’s 27% to Taft’s (R) 25%
• Led to election of Woodrow Wilson
o Ideological parties
• Populists, Green Party, Socialist Workers Party, Libertarian Party,
• Tea Party???- not an actual party…
o Reform parties
• Progressive Party
Problems for 3rd Parties
Financing campaigns
Getting candidates on all 50 states ballots
If a minor party gains a large following, it is almost certain that one or both major
parties will absorb its issue, and the minor party will lose support
Party Organizations
• The weakening of party organizations
• During the 20th Century, American parties have lost
complete control over:
o Platforms
o Financing
o Nominations
• Primary election/direct primary
o The most direct blow to organizational strength of U.S. parties
• Loss of party control to candidates
o Staffing of government jobs
• Loss of party power over patronage
• patronage-rewarding party workers for their loyalty
Party Organizations
• The structure and role of party organizations
o U.S. parties are loose associations of national, state, and local
• Highly decentralized & fragmented- due to Federalism
o Local party organizations
• 95 percent of party activists work at local level
o State party organizations
• Smaller role than national or local offices
• State Chairperson organizes the day-to-day operations
o National party organizations
• Do not dictate the day-to-day decisions of the state and local party
• For Congressional candidates:
o Service relationship
• helping candidates conduct their personal campaigns
Formal Organization of the
Political Party
Party Organizations
• The structure and role of party organizations
o National party organizations
• Structure of the national parties
• Major role in campaigns is raising and spending of money
o Hard money
• Goes directly to a candidate
o Soft money
• Used to support party activities
• 527 groups
o IRS Code Section 527- governs not-for-profit political groups
• MoveOn & Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
• Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)
o SCOTUS found corporations and unions could not be
banned from spending money on campaigns
National Party Fundraising,
The Candidate-Centered
• Candidate-centered politics encourages:
greater responsiveness to local interests
greater flexibility in electoral politics
LESS long-term consistency in policymaking
introduction of new blood to politics
an increase in the power of special interest groups
• Campaign funds: money chase
o Avg. U.S. Senator fundraising per week- $20,000
• Organization and strategy: political consultants
o Modern campaign key-players:
• Pollsters
• Media producers
• Fundraising specialists
• Campaign consultants
o James Carville, Dick Morris, and Roger Ailes are all examples of campaign
strategists who have earned legendary reputations
o Packaging: highlight aspects of candidate’s positions and background
thought to be attractive to voters
The Candidate-Centered
• Voter contacts: pitched battles
o Air wars
• Main battleground: advertising through media
• ½ of all spending is devoted to TV
o Many democracies besides the U.S. provide free air time to
political parties to make their pitch
o Some do not allow candidates to purchase air time
o Ground wars
• Get-out-the-vote efforts
o Web wars
• 2008 presidential election- Obama used the Internet most successfully
to attract followers
The Rise in Negative
Campaigning, 1960-2008
Parties, Candidates, and
the Public’s Influence
• Stronger relationships between voters and
o Most citizens have confidence in their local representative
• Weaker relationships between voters and
representative institutions
o Most citizens have a low opinion of Congress
• Candidate-centered campaigns add flexibility
• Candidate-centered campaigns decrease
• Prospective Voting
• Based on knowledge of candidates’ positions
• Retrospective Voting
• Based on past performance
Sleaziest Political
Ads of 2012