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At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Banner EDW in the UAE
Evelyn R. Babey, Ph.D.
Ministry of Higher Education
and Scientific Research, UAE
March 23, 2009
Course ID 0784
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Course ID 0784
Evelyn R. Babey, Ph. D.
Senior Consultant/Data Warehouse Project Director
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Monday, 23 March 2009
Course ID 0784
• Rationale for and implementation of SunGard Higher
Education Enterprise Data Warehouse by the Ministry of
Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR),
the United Arab Emirates
• Why performance management analytics is critical to
the UAE’s developing a work force that meets the
country’s current and future needs
• How performance management analytics will be the
basis for funding for the three federal institutions in the
• Understand SunGard Higher Education Enterprise Data
Warehouse can be implemented without other Banner
Course ID 0784
The presentation will discuss the following topics:
• Organizational context of Data Warehouse Project
• History of the MOHESR Data Warehouse Project
• Need for performance management analytics to drive
the development of higher education in the UAE
• Project goal
• Vendor selection
• Uniqueness of the implementation
• Implementation overview
• Lessons learned
• Summary
Course ID 0784
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Organizational Context
Organizational Context
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR)
Higher Education Policy, Planning and Coordination (HEPPC) – Data Warehouse
United Arab Emirates
University (UAEU)
Higher Colleges of
Technology (HCT)
Federal Institutions’ Data
Course ID 0784
Zayed University
National Admissions
and Placement
Office (NAPO)
Commission for
Accreditation (CAA)
Federal Institutions
Admissions/Placement Data
Private Institutions’ Data
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
History of the MOHESR Higher
Education Data Warehouse
Not a New Idea
• Cabinet Decision no. (1) of 1992 establishing MOHESR
included the “preparation of studies and provision of
the required database and information for higher
education planning. . .” as a responsibility
• NAPO Gateway to Higher Education Opportunities, Final
Strategic Document, March 23, 1997 suggested that the
National Admissions and Placement Office (NAPO)
“identify those areas where research is required and
serve as the catalyst to make sure that research
Course ID 0784
Not A New Idea
• Proposal for Centre for Education Statistics and
Research in NAPO, March 3, 1999
• “Educating the Next Generation of Emiratis: A Master
Plan for UAE Higher Education” published in 2007
highlighted the need for MOHESR to organize and
manage data to support higher education decision
• “Student Based Funding for Higher Education in the
UAE,” a study presented to the Ministry of Presidential
Affairs in December 2007, stressed the need for a
federal database to support the proposed funding model
Course ID 0784
Not A New Idea
• Recent UAE Federal strategic plans and MOHESR
strategic plans included the implementation of a data
warehouse to support decision making as a key
strategic initiative for the Department of Higher
Education Policy, Planning and Coordination (HEPPC)
and its predecessor office
Course ID 0784
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Need for Performance
Management Analytics
Need for Performance Analytics
• To support better decision making and promote
accountability for achieving higher education goals
and objectives
• To address the significant increase in the number
of unemployed UAE nationals by developing higher
education programs and training programs that
better match the skills of national job seekers with
short term and longer term labor market needs
• To determine the funding level for federal
institutions of higher education by a student-based
funding model
Course ID 0784
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Project Goal
Project Goal
• To implement a data warehouse for the purposes of
centralizing data from federal and non-federal
institutions of higher education and other sources.
Centralized data will enable sophisticated data analyses
for research, reporting, policy analysis and strategic
planning purposes related to developing a system of
higher education that meets the current and future
needs of the UAE
Course ID 0784
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Vendor Selection
Vendor Selection: Why Banner EDW
• Simplified set-up and importing of data from three
federal institutions of higher education (Banner
• NAPO Oracle database structure similar to Banner
tables and field names (upload admissions data to
• CAA Oracle database structure similar to Banner tables
and field names
• Accepts data in many different formats
• On-going support is local
• Written documentation provided
• Active user lists and help desk support
• Does not require other Banner module to implement
Course ID xxxx
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) 1.4
Operational Data Store (ODS) 3.1
Cognos BI 8.2.1
Banner Student 7.4.1
Oracle Database 10g Rel 2
Oracle Application Server 10g Rel 2
Oracle Forms & Report Server 10g Rel 2
Oracle Developer Suite 10g Rel 2
Oracle Reports Services 10g Rel 2
Oracle Warehouse Builder 10g Rel 2
Course ID xxxx
• Sun Solaris Unix servers
— Banner Production Database Server
— ODS/EDW Production Database Server
— Test/Development Database Server
— Banner Self Service Application Server
— Banner ERP Application Server
— Test/Development Application Server
— Cognos BI Application Server
— Cognos BI Web Server
Course ID 0784
• Other Hardware
— Banner Forms Developer Workstation
— Sun Storage Tek 2540 SAN
— Sun Storage Tek C2 Tape Autoloader
— DVD Unit
— Sun Storage Cabinet
• Back-up system
— Veritas back up software—5 client license
— Single drive unit with 8 cartridge library
Course ID 0784
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Uniqueness of Implementation
Uniqueness of Implementation
• First time Banner EDW implemented in Middle East
• First time Banner EDW implemented without a
supporting Banner module
• First time Banner EDW fed by five distinct data
Course ID 0784
Course ID 0784
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Implementation Overview
Course ID 0784
Implementation Overview– Project Plan
• Developed formal project plan
• Developed a formal project organizational structure
• Microsoft Project to track work breakdown
structure (WBS)
• Project designed in several phases
— Build phase
— Five reporting phase, each with a
different set of reports to be delivered
Course ID 0784
Implementation Overview—Project Risks
• Lack of depth in IT staff skill set
— No PL/SQL programming skills
— No Solaris administration experience
— Limited Banner experience
— No experience using sophisticated reporting software like
Cognos BI suite
• Lack of DBA at the beginning of the project
Course ID 0784
Implementation Overview-Calendar
• March 2008, contract signed
• April 2008, software and hardware delivered
• May, 2008, kick off meeting
• May, first meeting of Federal IR Directors to discuss
federal data to be mapped to DW
• May-June, software installed in test data bases
• June, identified data elements from Federal Institutions,
NAPO and CAA to mapped to DW
• June, agreed on data definitions, data elements, data
• June, Cognos administrator training
• June-July ETL mappings with SunGard Higher
Education consultant (no DBA)
Course ID 0784
Implementation Overview-Calendar
July-mid-August, vacation
August, Cognos Report Studio training
September, ODS/EDW Technical training
October, ODS/EDW Functional Training
October, finalized ETL processes, built Star Schemas
and Dimensionally Modeled Relations (DMRs) for
Federal institutions’ data
• November, live on test data bases
• November, Framework Manager training
• December, began producing basic federal institution
enrollment reports
Course ID 0784
Implementation Overview-Calendar
• November-December, CAA collects September data
for accredited private institutions
• January CAA writes reports with accredited private
institutions’ data
• Funding model report delayed as institutions did
not provide all necessary data to MOHESR
Course ID 0784
Implementation Overview—Future Plans
• Install production databases
• Cognos Transformer training to create actual EDW
• Current Project Plan has project ending in August, 2009.
In reality, projects like this never end! They just become
part of every day life.
• Future includes
— importing data from additional data sources
— additional reports, statistical analyses, research projects
and in-depth performance management analyses
Course ID 0784
At SunGard Summit, come together as a community
dedicated to education.
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned
• Without Banner Student as a base, client has to develop
all ETLs, cubes and reports
• This meant that training, particularly Cognos BI training,
as usually delivered by SunGard Higher Education and
Cognos was inappropriate for MOHESR environment
• Seasoned Oracle DBA at start of project absolutely
necessary to timely success of a project like this one
• Delay in hiring an Oracle DBA delayed installation of
production databases
• Lack of dedicated project space and training facility
impacted project management activities.
• Calendar difficulties
Course ID 0784
Lessons Learned
• Teamwork and cooperation make a project work no
matter what the impediments
• Thanks go to all the MOHESR Data Warehouse Project
Team members and to ITS staff, Cognos staff and
SunGard Higher Education staff who gave the help and
support to make our “go live” date
Course ID 0784
• Top leaders must be fully supportive of the project and
fund necessary requirements, e.g., staffing, dedicated
training space and equipment and dedicated project
• If key staffing is not in place at beginning of project
consider delaying the project until available
• If you plan a “unique” implementation discuss with
vendor(s) any changes that should be made to standard
implementation schedule, particularly training, before
the project begins
• Out-of-scope activities can change the original focus of
the project
Course ID 0784
Questions & Answers
• Any questions, comments?
Course ID 0784
Shukran! (Thank You in Arabic)!
Evelyn R. Babey, PhD
[email protected]
Please complete the online class evaluation form
Course ID 0784
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Course ID 0784