Transcript Slide 1


OF STATE -1789-1800

Chapter 10

A New Ship On An Uncertain Sea      Population growth. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio Trans-Appalachian population was dubiously loyal Economy in poor shape.

Much of rest of world hostile.

Washington’s Pro-Federalist Regime   George Washington elected unanimously in 1789 Washington view of the presidency and presidential power  Cabinet

First Executive Departments    Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War: Henry Knox

The Bill Of Rights   First Congress addressed matters left undone by Constitution Bill of Rights   Drafted by Madison Ratified in 1791 as first 10 Amendments to the Constitution.

 Designed to protect rights of the people against actions of the government.

Key Provisions of Bill of Rights       First--Religion, speech, assembly Second – Bear arms Fourth--search and seizure Fifth-- life, liberty and property (Due Process); freedom against self-incrimination; double jeopardy Sixth--Speedy trial, trial by jury, assistance of counsel; public trial.

9 th —List not exclusive

10 th Amendment   Explicitly reserves all rights to the states not specifically delegated to federal government.

Makes clear the national government is one of specific and limited powers.

Judiciary Act of 1789      Created federal courts. Organized the Supreme Court Established the office of Attorney General 1st Chief Justice = John Jay One of the worst jobs ever

Hamilton’s Financial Plan

Hamilton’s Financial Plan     Hamilton wanted to correct the economic problems that plagued the young nation. Plan: shape fiscal policies in a way to favor the wealthier


 Why?

Plan has three parts:    Funding and Assumption of the Debt Tariffs and Excise Taxes National Bank Goals?

Funding and Assumption      National credit terrible because of all the unpaid debt Plan:   Pay national debt “at par” (full value) and assume the state’s debts.

This increases debt of US, but restores credit rating.

Makes a lot of wealthy people wealthier, too.

 Why?

Hamilton believed that assuming the nation and state debt would strengthen the unity of young nation.  Why?

Hamilton's Financial Structure Supported by Revenues

Customs Duties And Excise Taxes    National debt had soared to $75 million because of Funding and Assumption How to Pay?

  Tariff Excise Taxes Tariff depended on a vigorous foreign trade.  Britain is main trading partner  This is VIP to understanding Hamilton’s foreign policy toward GB

National Bank    Third leg of Hamilton’s plan Modeled on Bank of England,  Nature and purpose? Benefits:    Increase money in circulation by making US funds available for loans—stimulate business Provide stable bank notes (paper money)   Increases money in circulation Stabilizes the money in circulation Stabilizes private banks

Debate over Constitutionality of Bank     Jefferson argued that the bank was Unconstitutional.  10 th Amendment Hamilton argued was constitutional   Nec. and Proper Clause. Jefferson’s response Washington sides with Hamilton. Is a Federalist at heart.

Bank of the US chartered in 1791 for 20 years  located in Philadelphia with capital of $10 million.

Whiskey Rebellion This Mountain Tea Kettle as it was referred to in the 1800's is an authentic replica of the whiskey stills the pioneers hand forged out of pure copper to brew their shine    1794 in Southwest Pennsylvania Hamilton’s high excise tax hurt pioneers  Why? Defiant distillers brought collections to a halt. Tarring and feathering.

 Saw as little different than taxes imposed by the Brits.

Whiskey Rebellion     G. Washington alarmed.

He and Hamilton lead troops to put down.

Easily defeated Significance?

The Emergence Of Political Parties      Framers attitude toward political parties.

Began to arise in Washington Administration.

Reasons? Hamilton—Federalists Jefferson—Democratic Republicans

The Impact Of The French Revolution       French Revolution starts a few weeks after Washington inaugurated.

Dramatically affects US foreign policy for next 26 years.

Reign of terror.

Soon France and England at war.

Hamilton and Federalists tend to be nervous of revolution and favor the Brits.  Why?

Jefferson and Dem.-Rep. favor revolution and France. Why?

Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation      The Franco-American alliance of 1778 was to last forever.

What did the treaty require of US?

Many Dem-Rep. wanted to honor alliance and take another shot at GB President Washington felt war should be avoided at all costs.

 Why? Why do Federalists argue the treaty isn’t valid?

Neutrality Proclamation     Washington issued the Neutrality

Proclamation of 1793

  stated government’s official neutrality sternly warned American citizens to be impartial Significance: Jeffersonians were mad. Why?

Citizen Edmond Genet

Embroilments With Britain     British won’t leave forts.

 Reasons British aiding and stirring up Indians  Reasons

Battle of Fallen Timbers

   “Mad” Anthony Wayne Treaty of Grenville Significance British seize ships and impress sailor.


Jay’s Treaty     Washington sent John Jay to London in 1794 to try to settle difference. Jay's Treaty, in which the British promised to evacuate the chain of posts on U.S. soil and pay for damages for the seizures of American ships.

Britain stopped short of pledging anything about future maritime seizures or about supplying arms to Indians.

The treaty also called for the U.S. to continue to pay the debts owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary War accounts

 Terms    Britain will evacuate the chain of forts Agreed to pay damages from seizures of American ships.

But, refuses to stop future ship seizures or impressments   Refuses to stop supplying arms to Indians.

U.S. must ensure that Americans pay the debts still owed to British merchants on pre Revolutionary accounts.

Jay’s Treaty

Jay’s Treaty Consequences    Furthers the development of political parties Leads to Pinckney’s Treaty of 1795.


US gets:   31st parallel established as the border between the U.S. and West Florida Spain agreed to allow the U.S. free navigation of Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico and granted the right of deposit in New Orleans for 3 years.  Both nations agreed not to incite Indian attacks against each other.

Washington’s Farewell Address   Washington  Extols the benefits of the federal government    Warns against the party system Stresses the importance of religion and morality Warns against permanent foreign alliances. Washington’s Accomplishments

Election of 1796      Why do Federalists pick John Adams over Hamilton? Jefferson runs for Dem.-Rep.

Nasty and personal campaign John Adams won 71 to 68 in the Electoral College on the strength of the NE vote. As runner-up Jefferson is vice president (that isn’t changed until the 12th Amendment in 1804)

John Adams     Adams tactless, prickly, stuffy, intellectual. “His Rotundity.” In first 36 years of presidency, only president not a Virginian.  Only one-term president.

Inherits problems with England Hamilton fights him for control of party

XYZ Affair    France was upset with Jay's Treaty and it started capturing American merchant ships.

President John Adams sent John Marshall to France to negotiate in 1797. Hoping the meet Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, Adams's envoy was secretly approached by 3 go-betweens, later referred to as X, Y, and Z The French demanded a bribe of $250,000 just to talk to Talleyrand.

Americans refuse

Results of XYZ Affair    War hysteria. “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute.”

War Preparations:

   Navy Department was created The U.S. Marine Corps was established New army of 10,000 men was authorized Leads to 2 ½ years of undeclared naval warfare with France.

French Back Down      French actions are backfiring on France. How?

French receive new American envoy Bonaparte takes power and agrees to new treaty with US. Convention of 1800  Terms Significance

The Federalist Witch Hunt      Naturalization Act-extended from 5 to 14 years the residency prior to citizenship Alien Act-Authorized President to expel all aliens considered dangerous Alien Enemies Act- empowered Arrest in of time of war, or Banishment Alien & Sedition Acts 1798 Sedition Act- Made it a Misdemeanor for anyone (Citizen or alien) to conspire in opposition to “any measure or measures of

the gov’t or to aid any insurrection, riot,

unlawful assembly, or combination.” Fines & imprisonment for people who “write,

print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous and malicious writing bringing the gov’t into disrepute”


The Federalist Witch Hunt      Jeffersonian newspaper editors indicted Ten brought to trial, all convicted Law expired in 1801 Due to anti-French hysteria Federalist win big in the mid term elections Jeffersonians fight back - carefully p205

The Federalist Witch Hunt     Virginia and Kentucky Resolves Argued that the government was formed by a compact among the states and that the federal powers were limited to those delegated in the Constitution. The validity of laws passed by the government under supposedly unauthorized powers should be determined by the members of the compact, the states. Another resolution, passed by the Kentucky legislature in 1799, called for a formal nullification by the states of any law deemed objectionable..

  Other states reluctant to follow the two states' resolutions.

The principles stated in the resolutions later were used to support nullification and secession.



        Founder — Hamilton wanted rule by “best people” and advocated a strong central government Government should support private enterprise not interfere — this was liked by merchants, manufacturers, and shippers.

pro-British in foreign affairs a powerful central bank Restrictions of free speech and press.

Concentrated on seacoast Strong navy to protect shippers.


 Thomas Jefferson     appealed to middle class and underprivileged (common man) Weak central government.

States should have the bulk of power.

Strict interpretations of Constitution.

      Did not favor the national debt.

No special privileges for special classes like manufacturers.

Agriculture was favored branch of economy Followers were from the South and Southwest.

Rule of people Pro-French.