Слайд 1 - educontest.net

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Transcript Слайд 1 - educontest.net

• Do you celebrate any holidays?
• What is your favorite holiday?
• How do you celebrate your
favorite holiday?
• With whom do you usually
spend your holiday?
On the 25th of December there
is the greatest holiday of all in
England – Christmas. People
send X-mas cards to their
friends and relatives. People
buy a Christmas tree and
decorate it with toys, coloured
balls and lights.
Children wake up early to find
stockings full of small presents
on their bed.
New Year
New Year’s Eve all
British celebrate on the
31st of December. Most
people see with friends
and relatives.
At midnight they sing
New Year songs and
wish a happy New Year.
St. Valentine’s day
On the 14th of February there is St.
Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s
cards to someone they love. Usually they
don’t sing them – you must guess who
sent cards to you.
Mother’s day
In March there is a holiday
for English women –
Mother’s Day.
People in the family try to
help her.
On that day they visit their
mothers and give them
presents and “A Mother’s
Day Card”
The 17th of March is a
national holiday in
Ireland – St. Patrick’s
day. On that day people
wear a shamrock. A
shamrock is a plant
with three leaves. It is
the national symbol of
St. Patrick was a man
who had wonderful
power. He cleared
Ireland of snakes.
In April or at the
end of March
English people
celebrate Easter
On Easter Sunday
children get
chocolate eggs and
April Fool’s Day
April Fool’s Day is
on the 1st of
April. English
children like this
day very much.
They play jokes
and tricks on
other people, even
on teachers.
Father’s day
In June English
people celebrate
Father’s Day.
On that day
children send
cards and give
presents to their
In Great Britain
don’t go to school
on the 1st of
They begin to
study on the
second Tuesday
of September.
On the 31st of October
there is Halowe’en. The
symbol of this holiday is
"Jack o'lantern". People
make it from a pumpkin.
Children like Haloween
parties, they put on witch’s
and ghost’s dresses. They
go “trick or treat”.
Independence Day!
It is a national public holiday. On this day in
1776 America signed the Declaration of
Independence. «Americanism, democracy,
free enterprise».
Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for
rich harvest. On Thanksgiving Day, family members gather at the
house of an older relative, even if they live far away. All give thanks for
everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional
meal to the homeless.
Foods, eaten at the first thanksgiving, have become traditional. The
traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey stuffed with herbflavoured bread, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie. Other
dishes may vary as to region: ham, sweet potatoes, creamed corn.
Friendship Day was first declared a holiday
by the US Congress in 1935.
It is celebrated on the first Sunday of August.
In Russia and other countries
Victory Day , or 9th May, is one of
the great holidays of the year.
Татарский национальный праздник
Sabantuy is perhaps the most popular festival. It is a celebration of
the plough (in tatar language “saban” means “plough” and ‘tuy”
means “festival”).Sabantuy doesn’t have a set date. It takes place
at the beginning of summer, after the first haymaking. Initially the
festivals are arranged in villages, followed by sabantuy in rural
districts, and the final ones taking place in major cities.
• Maslennitsa
• Maslenitza is one of the
most favourite holidays in
our country. It lasts from
Monday till Sunday.
• It comes either at the end
of February or at the
beginning of March, this
is so-called movable
• New Year’s Day
• March 8
• Mother’s Day
• January 7
• Easter
• November 26
• Christmas
• April 1
• Women’s Day
• January 1
• All Fool`s Day
• April, first Sunday
… is celebrated on the … of …
Father’s Day
St Valentine’s Day
Independence Day
Thanksgiving Day
Merry Christmas
Mother’s Day
All Fool`s Day
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
Make a Paper Tree
from Little Hand Prints
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