Truman & Eisenhower

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Truman & Eisenhower
Chapter 23 Section 1
Return to a Peacetime Economy
• American feared that a return to a peacetime economy would
have a negative impact.
- Millions of Soldiers returning from War.
- Unemployment
- End of military production
Return to a Peacetime Economy
• This Was not the case.
- G.I. Bill gave returning soldiers $$$ to establish business’,
go to college, or buy a house. This money boosted the economy due
to increased consumer spending.
* As cost of living rose , many workers went on strike for higher
wages, many would get it.
Truman’s Programs
• Truman looked to expand on FDR’s New deal.
-expansion of Social Security
- Raising the Minimum wage
- Public housing
• Truman also asked congress to pass a Civil Rights Act that would
protect blacks right to vote, eliminate poll taxes, and make
Lynching a federal crime.
- the Majority of this civil rights legislation would not be
approved by congree
Election of 1948
• Division amongst Democrats (over Civil rights legislation) made it
seem as though Truman would lose the election.
• Truman gained momentum by attacking congress (which had a
republican majority) by calling them a Do- Nothing congress.
Congress had actually been very active. It passed the Marshall
Plan, created the CIA and passed the national security Act.
-Since most Americans were not effected directly by congesss’
actions’, Truman’s Allegations stuck.
Truman Wins Election of 1948; Dems take control of Congress
Fair Deal
• A continuation of FDR’s New Deal. Focused on social issues to help
the country.
- Minimum wage was raised to .75/hr
- Increased Social security benefits
- National housing Act provided low-income housing.
* Not all New deal legislation was passed, some examples include
civil rights legislation. Federal aid for schools and Subsidies for
The Eisenhower Years
• Due to Korean war Truman’s popularity declined so much that he would
not seek reelection. Republicans nominated WW@ hero Dwight
Eisenhower, who would become the U.S.’s 34th President.
• Dynamic Conservatism referred to balancing economic conservatism with
activism in areas that would help the country.
-Eisenhower felt Government was misspending too much $$$ and cut
many new deal programs
-Slashed aid to public housing
-Vetoed school construction bill
-Cut aid to business’
Eisenhower Years
• Federal highway Act is the largest public works program in
American history. Congress approves $25 Billion for the project
which would construct more than 40,000 miles of interstate
• Eisenhower also pushed for an act that would allow for the great
Lakes to connect to the Atlantic Ocean.
• Eisenhower would also extend some Social security benefits,
raised minimum wage, and extended unemployment benefits.