Monograph Brief Records - Rutgers University Libraries

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Brief Record Creation
Federal Depository Material
Initial steps
• Choose "Cataloging" toolbar from the module
• In the "Title" wizard group, choose the "Add
Title" wizard
• If property screen does not display , then right
click on “Add Title” and choose properties.
• At top of “set property screen”, choose “Wizard
Startup” so that properties display every time you
begin the “Add title” process. This will allow you
to evaluate the default settings for each session
that you add titles.
Brief Record Properties-Defaults Tab
Always have
property page
display when
beginning brief
record process
List of entries
Record format
Call and Item
Fill in properties as
indicated on this page .
Be sure to choose the
appropriate library !
More Brief Record Properties- Behavior Tab
If adding large
quantities of
microfiche, in the
behavior tab of “Set
Properties “ check
off “Auto –generate
item ID when adding
item”, otherwise,
leave it unchecked.
All other behaviors
can be chosen as
indicated on this
These are indicators . No initial
article is present so “00” was
entered . The indicators
influence how the title is
If the title had begun with an
initial article, whether in English
(A, An, or The) or in a foreign
language, the first indicator would
be set to '0', and the second
indicator would be set to the
number of letters contained in the
initial article plus 1 - the ‘1‘ refers
to a single space (e.g. for the title
“The Journal of geography”, the
1st and 2nd indicators should
read '04‘, the ‘4’ representing
‘The_’ )
brief mono record created
from template
Class Scheme
Home location
Display results of call and item
with properties set
Choose the following for monograph brief records
Format: MARC ( Options for records other than monographs are: VM =visual material, MAP, SERIAL )
Entries Template: SELECT ENTRIES
074: Use item number from shipping list without format
086: Enter SuDoc number as indicated in slide 5 – pay attention to spacing.
245: Take from title page, if not available from title page, use cover page. For
microfiche , do not use fiche header, use TP from fiche if no TP use cover page.
246: Enter a 246 field after consultation with a Documents Librarian as to need.
260: Enter year only using the delimiter and the subfield “c”, e.g. |c 2010.
500: Copy shipping list number exactly how it appears from shipping list into first 500
field. ( e.g. 2010-0654-P , MF, E, S).
500: In 2nd 500 field enter “MONNEWPEN “(space) initials e.g. MONNEWPEN gs . This format must be followed
exactly in order to retrieve records in the future for upgrading. (For serials , use “SERNEWPEN “ (space) initials).
710: Search Split List by item # for appropriate agency name. Enter agency exactly as indicated , however, the country
“United States” is not found in the split list but is understood and should always be entered before the agency.–
e.g. United States. Veterans Administration.
(Almost all agencies will display as unauthorized after you create the record. )
Split list URL:
After record is created and overnight processing, a 596 (library name) is generated.
If you have any questions about the record creation, please consult a Documents Librarian or Elizabeth Leister.