Changes in the Workplace

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Changes in the Workplace
Deanna Weihs & Kopi Majara
Job Decline
Bank tellers
Switchboard operators
Trading Floor Messengers
Film processors
Sales clerks
Job Rise
• Sewing Machines – clothes
prices dropped – more
demand – thousands of new
• WWW created 100,000 new
jobs in 1996
• Chip industry
• Jobs other than sales clerk in
retail stores
• New technology = new jobs
More or Less Jobs with Technology?
• Mass unemployment?
• 1993 – 2002
– 309.9 million jobs ended
– 327.7 million jobs created
• Net increase: 17.8 million
– Hard to measure
Changing Skill Levels
• Pace of improvement in computers = job disruption
• High skilled jobs being eliminated?
• Robots
• What about the future?
– Will we have anything to do?
• “By 2004 12% of US IT
companies had moved their
operations to other countries”
• Example: customer service
center in India
– pwc sends pdf’s to India to
type – work different
Problems & Benefits
– Greed
– “2.5% of mass layoffs come
from offshoring jobs”
– Language barrier
– Just reading manuals
– Data Security
• Benefits
• Cheaper labor - both low-skilled
and high-skilled
• No Tax breaks for outsourcing
– Thoughts?
• Will US manufacturing jobs ever come back?
– Is it bad if it doesn’t?
– Natural progression?
Ethics & Offshoring
• Hiring in U.S. vs. offshoring
• Utilitarianism
• Kant
– Exploiting others for cheaper
– Poor working conditions?
• Is this valid?
Searching for Jobs
• Different ways to learn about jobs
• Can search for features you want
– Ex. “no overtime”
Applying for Jobs
– Strong correlation
between Facebook
and how you will do
on the job
Interviewing for the Job
Work Environment – Work Anywhere
Work Environment – Work Anywhere
• Benefits
– Decreases overhead for
– Increase productivity
– Reduces expenses for
– Flexible hours
– Return to involvement in
your community? – Joel
Work Environment
• Problems
Reducing boundaries for home & work can be stressful
Some people work to much others too little
Miss mentoring relationships & opportunities for
• Social isolations – lower morale
• Security issues with home computers
• Some zoning areas working at home illegal
Employee Monitoring
Computers can make crimes easier
Also make monitoring easier
– Monitoring has changed over time:
• Time clocks
• Surveillance cameras
• Electronic monitoring
Employee Monitoring
Today: More constant, detailed, and unseen by workers
– Can lead to:
Low morale and confidence, stress, etc.
But also less theft
Location Tracking
– Ex: Nurses & Truckers
Voicemail & E-mail
Is this ethical?