Transcript Document

Research Sign-up
System (Sona)
Department of Psychology
Iowa State University
Sign up for Studies
 Track your progress
 Access the system
Getting Started
User Id = Net Id
Click “Research Sign-up System”
[email protected]
Password is emailed to you from the Research Sign-up
Forget or Lost Password
Logging In
Once the Research Sign-up system has emailed your login
Changing your password
Click on Profile
Research Studies
You may sign up for studies that interest you!
Cancel a sign up until 2 hours before
Before signing up, check the study description
Completion time requirements
 Eligibility Requirements
Viewing Studies
Click “Studies” from the top toolbar
Viewing Studies
You will see a list
of studies in
random order
The list has:
Brief description
of each study
Viewing Studies
Studies with
timeslots will reflect
Signing Up For Studies
Find a study you like
Click on study name
You will be shown a list of eligibility requirements
(e.g., “Right-handed people only”) & researcher
contact information
 Some studies require a Special Password – this is
given to you by the researcher (i.e., it is different
than your Login password)
Signing Up For Studies
Once you have determined that you meet all the
requirements, click on View Timeslots for This
Signing Up For Studies
You will see a list of available timeslots
Choose a timeslot that is convenient for you and click “Sign
Different Types of Studies
One Time
Most typical type of study
Must sign up for both parts
 Take note of the number of days separating the two
Online Survey
Will be asked to complete immediately
Canceling a Sign-Up
Click “My Schedule & Credits”
You will see a listing of the studies you have signed up for and those
that you completed
Click the cancel button next to the study you have signed up for
No cancellations within 2 hours of scheduled participation
Tracking your Progress
Click “My Schedule/Credits”
You will see how many credits you have already
earned and number of credits required for the
Reassigning Credits
If you belong to multiple courses
You may move credits between courses
To do this, simply use the Reassign link that appears when
you view your progress. This link appears under the
course entry for each item in your progress listing.
Logging Out
When you are finished using the system make sure to log
If you are leaving the machine, also make sure to close all
the browser windows that are currently open
Note Available Resources
May be found on the Department of Psychology
website by clicking: Research Participation >
This PowerPoint
 Using the sign-up system (.pdf)
 Frequently Asked Questions