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FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE ON THE SUSTAINABLE USE OF PESTICIDES What is new for Member States and stakeholders?

Paul Speight European Commission DG Environment Unit B.3 (Biotechnology, Pesticides & Health) Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

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Legislative proposals of the Pesticide Package

Regulation revising Directive 91/414/EEC COM(2006) 388 final Regulation on the collection on statistics on PPP COM(2006) 778 final

Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

Framework Directive on the sustainable use of Pesticides COM(2006) 373 final Directive on the placing on the market of pesticide application equipment (to be adopted by 2008) Slide 2

Overall objective

Achieve a more sustainable use of pesticides by reducing the risks and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment and promoting the use of IPM and of alternative approaches such as non chemical alternatives

Fill the EU legislative gap regarding the use-phase of pesticides Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

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National Action Plans

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National Action Plans (NAP) are established with stakeholders’ participation and set up:

Quantitative targets, measures and timetables to reduce risks

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Monitoring of the use of pesticides containing active substances of particular concern, especially if alternatives are available Timetables and targets for use reduction, in particular if it constitutes an appropriate means to achieve risk reduction

Measures to implement measures under Art.5 to 14 Reporting obligation for the Commission: on NAP content in 2014 / on target implementation in 2018 Review of NAPs at least every five years Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

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Integrated Pest Management

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Promotion of low pesticide-input pest management, notably IPM and organic farming Establishment or support of necessary conditions for the implementation of IPM:

Tools for pest monitoring

Tools for decision-making and advisory services General principles of IPM (see Annex III) implemented by all professional users by 1 January 2014 Crop or sector-specific IPM guidelines to be developed by public authorities and/or organisations of professional users: implementation on a voluntary basis Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

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Additional measures

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Access to training for professional users, advisers, distributors / awareness-raising programmes for amateurs Regular inspection of application equipment in professional use to check compliance with requirements (see Annex II) -> certification Prohibition of aerial spraying with derogation possibility Protection of the aquatic environment and drinking water Prohibition or minimisation of pesticide use in specific areas Handling, storage and waste of pesticides, remnants, packaging Use of risk indicators to monitor progress made Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

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Implementation phase

Second-reading agreement found

Publication in OJCE in the Spring

Two years for transposition (some delays for establishing certain provisions) -> Essential to render things concrete on the ground: advisory services, crop-specific guidelines, etc.

Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

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All the documents are available at:

Thank you for your attention !

Workshop on NAPs and IPM – Brussels, 21-22 January 2009

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