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Multimedia Interactive A/V Language Learning System


 DBS, a perfect solution for multimedia language lab based on its grand interaction and superior performance. The main feature is multi-directional

Video/Audio/MIC broadcasting

that teacher can freely send teaching material, dialogue with students, guide student mouse/keyboard for flexible teaching.

 It not only includes practical teaching functions such as dialogue, demonstration, group discussion and so on, but also featured by elegant voice quality and real-time signal transmission. Furthermore, pure hardware structure make DBS compatible with any computer brand or OS.

 With DBS, a vivid teaching and efficient learning environment can be easily accomplished to both PC-based classroom and non-PC training room.


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Multi-direction Broadcasting

Support 3-direction video/audio/microphone transmission (teacher to student, student to teacher, and student to student).

Multimedia Integration

Integrate teacher devices (PC/NB/DVD/Digital Camera etc) and switch the source by control panel.

Interactive Teaching & Learning

Enhance interaction between teacher and students with practical functions like Dialogue/Student Demo/Group Discussion/Keyboard & Mouse Control etc.

Real-time Broadcasting

Signal transmission without delay to reach elegant voice quality and smooth HD video playing.

Flexible Application

Able to apply to both of PC-Based and Non-PC classroom.

Simple Operation

All functions are executed by control panel with simple function keys.

Superb Compatibility

Pure hardware structure to support any kind of computer brands or systems.


Teacher Panel


Teacher Console



BT-2088A Operation Panel to execute all DBS functions.

Connect to teacher PC/NB.

Student Unit


AV Converter

DM-316BV(option) Connect to student unit and support up to 80 students.

Keyboard/Mouse Control

BSNT (option) One unit support 2 student PC.

Able to connect 2 VGA (PC/NB) and 4 A/V devices such as DVD/DVR/Digital Camera etc.

Teacher can control student’s mouse and keyboard and vise versa.


Panel Layout


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Broadcast either teacher or student’s audio, video and microphone to all or selected students.

Student Demonstration

Assign student to broadcast audio/video signal to others.


Teacher can monitor student’s PC rotationally or respectively.


Teacher can darken all or selected screens of students’ PC.


If the students need aid, they can push help button for teacher’s help.     


With headsets and among any function executed, all/the selected students can dialog with each other.

Group Discussion

Group self practice and discuss. Assign a leader to demonstrate.

AV Broadcast

Broadcast 4 AV signals to all students by combining AVC Converter

Remote Control

Control selected student’s keyboard and mouse.

Center Monitor

Teacher can broadcast his/her screen on the center monitor in order to comply with teaching method.

Functions I

1. Broadcast (Video/Audio/Mic.) Teacher’s PC Student PC1 Student PC2 Student PC3 Student PC4 2. Student Demonstration Teacher’s PC 3. Observe Teacher’s PC Student PC1 Student PC2 Student PC3 Student PC4 Student PC1 Student PC2 Student PC3 Student PC4

Functions II 4. Dialog

Teacher’s PC Student PC1 Student PC2 Student PC3 Student PC4 Teacher can freely join the conversation during student dialog.

5. Group

Teacher’s PC Group A 4 3 2 1 No.1 PC broadcast to Group A Group B 8 7 6 5 No.8 PC broadcast to Group B Group C 12 Dialog practice 9 11 10

Functions III

6. Darken Teacher’s PC 7. Center Monitor Teacher’s PC Student PC1 Student PC2 Student PC3 Student PC4 Student PC1 Center Monitor Student PC2 Need to purchase an extra monitor for every 2 students 8. Remote Control (3 way) Teacher’s PC Student PC1 Student PC2 Student PC3 Keyboard/mouse control: 1. Teacher to student 2. Student to teacher 3. Student to student


Language Laboratory/Computer Laboratory/Multimedia Classroom University/College/Senior High School/Junior High School/Elementary School/Adult Education/Training Center…