Post 16 2013-14 - Netherhall Sixth Form

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Transcript Post 16 2013-14 - Netherhall Sixth Form

Transport and 16-19 Bursary
Entitlement 2013 / 2014
2013 / 2014
The Netherhall Sixth Form
Sam Surtees – Manager of Admissions, Transport and
Education Welfare Benefits
Lisa Derrett – Transport and Admissions Officer
What will be covered?
• An Introduction to Raising Participation
• 16-19 Bursary Fund
• Transport Entitlement
• Useful contact details
• Questions and Answers
Raising Participation Age (RPA)
• From September 2013, the Education and Skills
Act 2008, requires that all young people
continue in learning, or training, until the end of
the academic year in which they turn 17.
• From 2015 they will be required to continue in
learning, or training, until age 18.
• This change is known as Raising the
Participation Age (RPA).
Young people will be able to choose one of
the following options:
• Full time education, such as school, college or
home education
• Apprenticeships, work-based learning
• Part-time education or training if they are
employed, self employed or volunteering for at
least 20 hours a week
• The introduction of RPA has not, therefore,
changed the statutory school leaving age nor
local authorities’ duties with regard to the
provision of home to school/college transport.
• This was confirmed in guidance issued by the
Department for Education in March 2013.
16-19 Bursary Fund
What is the 16-19 Bursary Fund?
• The Government has set aside some
money for schools, colleges, training
providers and local authorities to allocate
to young people who need financial
support to stay on in further education or
Am I eligible?
• To be eligible you must be at least 16 years old
and under 19 years old on 31st August 2013.
• You must also be taking part in full-time or parttime further education or training.
• Further information and advice regarding the 1619 Bursary Fund is available from the Education
Funding Website –
Who will the bursary be paid to?
• The Netherhall Sixth Form have agreed to
apply a common set of principles and
priorities in relation to the allocation of the
bursary funds.
• They are as follows –
• Vulnerable Student Bursary
• Discretionary Bursary
How much will I receive?
• Students entitled to the Vulnerable Student
Bursary will receive up to £1200, payable
in 6 equal instalments over the academic
• Students entitled to the Discretionary
Bursary could receive a payment of
between £400-£800 payable in 6 equal
instalments over the academic year
How do I apply?
• If you believe you are eligible for a
payment under the 16-19 Bursary Fund,
please complete an application form.
• The 16-19 application form can be
downloaded from the following webpage –
• Or paper copies are available from The
Netherhall Sixth Form
How will I know if my application
has been successful?
• If your application has been successful
you will be notified in writing showing how
much you have been awarded and when
you can expect your first payment
Important Information
• Applications for the 16-19 Bursary Fund
can be submitted to your post-16 provider
at any time during the academic year
• There is a limited amount of funding
available. Applications will not be
considered once all funds have been
Transport Entitlement
Do I qualify for assistance with
post-16 transport costs?
• Under Cambridgeshire County Council’s
transport policy eligibility for transport
support for post-16 students is based upon
students attending the nearest appropriate
post-16 centre to their home address.
You will be entitled to transport
assistance if you are:
• Resident within Cambridgeshire
• Attending your nearest appropriate post16 centre (NAC)
• Enrolled on a full-time course with a
minimum of 15 taught hours per week
• Over compulsory school age but under 19
on 31st August 2013
• Live more than 3 miles away from your
What is the cost?
• If you live within the Stagecoach Megarider zone
(Cambridge city and certain surrounding
villages) it is cheaper for you to purchase your
ticket from Stagecoach directly
• If you live outside the Megarider zone you can
purchase a subsidised pass via Cambridgeshire
County Council at a cost of –
• £618 for the academic year (September to July)
• £206 per term
• £103 per half term
Do I qualify for free transport?
• In order to qualify for free transport you must meet all of
the entitlement criteria and be claiming or have a
member of your household claiming one of the following:
Income Support
Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act
• Guarantee elelment of State Pension Credit
• NHS Tax Exemption Certificate
What if I plan to cycle to College?
• A termly allowance of £40 is paid to
students who are entitled to free or
subsidised transport but choose to cycle to
• A claim form needs to be completed at the
end of each term. These are available
from The Netherhall Sixth Form
Useful Contact Details
• 16-19 Bursary Fund
• Post-16 Transport
Education Welfare
Benefits Team
Box No CC1206
Castle Court
Social & Education Transport
Team (SETT)
Box No CC1301
Castle Court
Tel: 01223 703200
[email protected]
Tel: 0345 045 52 08 or
Tel: 01223 699790
[email protected]
Any Questions?