Transcript Document

Information Governance
Recent Headlines
What is a breach of confidentiality?
Confidentiality Breaches
• Accessing records you have no legitimate reason to see,
for example your own, your relatives and friends health
records, even with their consent (unless it is within your
job role to deal with such requests)
• Displaying or leaving records open, unattended or
• Giving out information over the telephone, by fax or
email to inappropriate people
• Holding conversations about individuals where others are
likely to overhear
Reporting and Accountability
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the
UK’s independent authority set up to uphold
information rights in the public interest, promoting
openness by public bodies and data privacy for
The Information Commissioner governs the
provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the
Freedom of Information Act 2000. The ICO has the
power to serve monetary penalties of up to
£500,000 on data controllers (such as Barts Health)
Potential Penalties
• Penalty fines issued for:
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust:
10,000s of highly sensitive personal patients and staff
found on hard drives bought off the Internet in Autumn
2010 - £325,000
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust: serious breach of
1000s of patients’ and staff sensitive personal data being
compromised. Failure to report the incident to the ICO £225,000
Stockport Primary Care Trust: new purchaser found 1000
highly sensitive records regarding 200 patients left in
decommissioned NHS building - £100,000
• Deliberate actions – staff disciplined
• Loss of patient trust and public confidence
Information Governance
Incident and Risk Reporting
• Please immediately report Information Governance
incidents to your Line Manager/senior person on
duty and the Information Governance Team, and
enter the incident on Datix.
• If you identify an Information Governance risk
please discuss this with your Line Manager and risk
assess if appropriate.
Senior Information Risk Owner
Barts Health NHS Trust SIRO:
Ian Walker, Director of Corporate Affairs and Trust Secretary
• Oversees all aspects of Information Governance, promoting a culture that
fosters good values in protecting and using information
• Reviews and agrees action plans in respect of identified information risks
• Ensures that the Trust’s approach to information risk is effective in terms of
resource, commitment and execution and that this is communicated to all
• Provides a focal point for the resolution and/or discussion of information
risk issues
• Ensures the Board is adequately briefed on information risk issues
Caldicott Confidentiality Guidelines
Justify the purpose of
Only use it when absolutely necessary
Use the minimum required
Allow access only on a strict need-to-know basis
Understand your responsibility
Understand and comply with the law
The duty to share may be as important as the
duty to protect confidentiality (NEW)
Caldicott Guardian and
Barts Health NHS Trust Caldicott Guardian:
Dr Steve Ryan, Medical Director
• Responsible for protecting the confidentiality of patient and
service user information
• Enabling appropriate information sharing
• Ensuring high standards when handling patient identifiable
Data Protection Act 1998
Legal obligations
• Inform people how we use information
• Comply with individuals rights – Subject
• How data is used and shared
Practical obligations
• Accurate
• Up to date
• Not kept longer than necessary
• Keep secure
Data Protection Act 1998
“Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more
specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further
processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose
or those purposes”
 What is your justification or reason for using
personal data?
 Where are you getting the data from?
 Have you sought informed consent?
Freedom of Information Act 2000
 Freedom of Information (FoI) requests:
• Can be made to any member of staff; all staff have a
legal duty to assist individuals to obtain information
• Can require the release of emails
• Do not need to refer to or mention the FoI Act
• Must be made in writing giving a name and address
 The Trust must respond within 20 working days
 If you receive an FoI request, please immediately
contact the FOI Coordinator
Information Security Issues
 Data disclosed to the wrong people
 Check entitlement and identity. If unsure, neither
confirm or deny and take callers contact details
 Staff accessing data about their relatives, colleagues
or friends
 There must be a work-related justification
 Data/files/equipment not disposed of correctly
 Follow the Records Retention and Disposal Policy
 Information Governance spot checks
ICT Related Information
Security Issues
 Unauthorised access to confidential data
 Lock unattended computers and keep passwords private
 Personal Identifiable Data (PID) discovered on
personal devices (home PC or mobile phone)
 Only use Trust encrypted laptops, VPN or USB drives for
opening or storing patient data
Risks of Transferring Information
 Loss of data/files/equipment while travelling
between sites
Keep information on your person within a marked
envelope in inconspicuous and secure bag
Transport information by secure email, courier, Safe
Haven FAX, post or internal mail
 Emails/faxed documents sent to the wrong place
 Send securely, minimise, password protect, encrypt
and check recipient details. Use email rather than fax
and Secure File Transfer
Records Management
 Ensure that records are:
 Clearly titled and given logical names
 Stored in secure structured manual or electronic central filing
 Secured and easy to locate (tracked)
 The Trust’s Records Retention and Disposal Policy provides record
management guidance and states the length of time records must
be kept.
 The Corporate Records Team can advise on general record
management issues.
 The Trust’s Corporate Records Centre provides storage for some
types of corporate/administrative records.
Further Information
• Information Governance Code of Conduct
• Information Governance Email Guidance
• Barts Health Intranet Sites:
• Information Governance
• Records Management
• Freedom of Information Act
Your Information
Governance Team
Information Governance
Corporate Records
Matthew Hall
Daniel Scott-Davies
Information Governance Manager
Corporate Records Manager
Martyn Steers
Laura Hynds
Deputy Information Governance Manager
Assistant Corporate Records Manager
James Cook
Pam Wood
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Coordinator