Transcript Document

Community Links International
Immersion Trip Proposal for
River Glen Families
Jim Petkiewicz, Founder
April 04, 2012
Community-Based Education
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Environmental Work
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Cultural Immersion
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 Who We Are
 What We Do
 Logistics & Accommodations
 Safety & Health Concerns
 Travel and Cost
 Sample Activities and Excursions
 References
 Contacts
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Who We Are
Community Links is an environmental, service-learning,
immersion, volunteer, and international educational
organization. Through cross-border, cross-cultural
immersion experiences we provide people of all ages
and backgrounds the chance to learn about the
interconnectedness of our local, national, and global
realities. We also teach participants to recognize how
our lifestyles, values, choices and consumption patterns
affect people, cultures and the environment the world
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Through our project we work with local NGO's,
community leaders, local governments, families,
friends, and other organizations at the grassroots,
regional, and international levels in order to develop
opportunities of encounter and solidarity among
people from both hemispheres in the Americas.
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 Nov 2000 – Founded by Jim Petkiewicz and Arturo
 Jan 2003 - Incorporated in the state of California as
an LLC.
 2007 - transferred organizational status to 501(c)(3)
and received tax-deductible status
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Why pick CLI?
 The CLI team has more than 25 years of
experience working as a non-governmental
organization in Oaxaca, Puebla and
throughout Mexico
 Hundreds of Immersion Trips Organized since
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What We Do
 Solidarity and Service Trips to Mexico and South
America focusing on language, cultural exchange
and immersion
Middle Schools
High Schools
Organizations / Corporations
 Seminars, Workshops & Retreats at our ranch in San
Juan Bautista, California
 Holistic development projects in the countries in
which we have a presence
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Areas of Work
 Environment - organic composting and gardening,
reforestation, recycling, greenhouses, water cachement
systems with cisterns, composting latrines, solar ovens, litter
campaigns, etc.
 Community-Based Education - with children, youth and their
families focusing on environmental issues. Mentoring and
tutoring programs.
 Fair Trade - catalyzing fair trade opportunities for local
producers, creating fair trade partnerships, and promoting
the growth of fair trade in the communities where we have a
 Social Justice - it all begins with working to create a reality
that is just and equitable for all, including the planet.
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Countries in Which We Work
Mexico –
Mexico –
Peru –
Lima and
Bolivia Cochabamba
California San Juan
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Trip Overview
 Cultural and Language Immersion Trip to
Mexico, including Puebla and Oaxaca
 11 days total: 2 days roundtrip travel and 9 days
in Mexico: Cholula/Puebla (5-6 days), Mizteca
Alta/Oaxaca (3-4 days). Oaxaca is ~4 hr drive
from Puebla
 Cost = ~ $765 per person
 Highlights: tour of ‘CEDICAM’ reforestation
project in Oaxaca, home stays, cultural
excursions, activities with local youth
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In the Mixteca region of Oaxaca, Mexico, Jesús León Santos leads an
unprecedented land renewal and economic development program that employs
ancient indigenous agricultural practices to transform this barren, highly eroded
area into rich, arable land. With his organization, the Center for Integral Small
Farmer Development in the Mixteca (CEDICAM), a democratic, farmer-led local
environmental organization, León has united the area’s small farmers. Together,
they have planted more than one million native-variety trees, built hundreds of
miles of ditches to retain water and prevent soil from eroding, and adapted
traditional Mixteca indigenous practices to restore the regional ecosystem. Efforts
are paying off as barren hillsides turn green again, aquifers are recharged, and the
high rate of migration slows as indigenous farming families find they are able to
make a living at home.
For his work with CEDICAM, Jesús León Santos won the ‘Goldman Environmental
Prize’ in 2008 for North America.
Find out more:
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What will the students do?
 Learn Spanish
 Immerse yourself in local cultures
 Learn about green technologies & sustainable
 Stay with a family
 Make new friends
 Participate in workshops
 Explore local treasures
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Cultural Visits & Activities
 Great Pyramid of Cholula (largest in the world)
 World famous museums, convents & cathedrals
 Indigenous & local markets
 Beautiful, colonial city of Puebla
 Atlixco (land of eternal spring)
 Tonanzintla (indigenous, baroque church)
 Cooking classes available at additional charge
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Community Service Afternoons
 “Heal the earth” program
 “Juguemos a aprender” with local children
 Tutoring
 Arts & sports
 Organic composting and gardening
 Alternative, green tech projects
 And more!
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Map of Mexico
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Travel Logistics
Air Travel to/From Mexico City
Bus to/from Mexico City to Puebla
Private van to/from Puebla to Oaxaca
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In both Puebla and Oaxaca, accommodations
include bunk-beds in our community center
and can include home stays in one or both
Minimum 2-3 students and chaperones per
home site
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 CLI takes every precaution to assure the safety of
travelers on the immersion program.
 CLI leadership stays abreast of the current conditions in
Mexico and checks regularly on reports issued by the
US Department of State.
 Chaperones from visiting organization are not required
but welcome
 On-site team consists of 5-12 adults, depending on
country and size of visiting group
 Participants are chaperoned at all times
 Team members have cell phones at all times. Sites
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contain landlines
International, page 22
US Dept of State Travel Advisory
 Excerpts from Travel Warning issued by the U.S.
Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs for
Mexico on 2/8/12
“Millions of U.S. citizens safely visit Mexico each year for study, tourism, and
business, including more than 150,000 who cross the border every day. The
Mexican government makes a considerable effort to protect U.S. citizens and
other visitors to major tourist destinations, and there is no evidence that
Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) have targeted U.S. visitors and
residents based on their nationality.”
For the state of Puebla: No advisory is in effect.
For the state of Oaxaca: No warning is in effect.
According to the Government of Mexico, as of August 2011, the murder rate in
Puebla was less than 2 per 100,000. For comparison, the highest murder rate in
the US is in New Orleans, Louisiana (49 per 100,000 in 2010) . And Oakland is 22
per 100,000.
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Health Concerns
 We drink purified water only
 Food is prepared with extra caution for
 Grapefruit seed extract is recommended
 Doctor/hospital care is available if required
 No special immunizations are required
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 Trip fee = $75 per person per day. This includes: meals,
lodging, transportation to/from Puebla to Oaxaca,
translations, miscellaneous fees, volunteer program,
field trips, speakers and presentations, home stays
 Roundtrip transportation from Mexico City Airport to
Cholula/Puebla = $90
 Total = $765 / person (9 days @ $75/day + $90)
 Airfare is not included. Paid separately by participants.
Average cost between $400-$600 roundtrip
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Sample Itinerary
 8:30-9:30AM – Breakfast
 10:00AM-2:00PM - Volunteer project or excursion
 2:00-4:00PM - Lunch break and free time
OR Presentations and discussion with invited lecturers
 4:00-6:00PM - Afternoon activities (e.g. tutoring, sports,
arts & crafts, cooking classes, etc.)
 6:30PM – Dinner
 7:30PM - Evening Activities
o Reflections, journaling, viewing documentaries, etc (at
community center)
o Relationship-building, language immersion, etc (at home stays)
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Suggested Packing Items
 $50-$100 cash for airport meals/purchases,
optional ATM card
 Participants can purchase an inexpensive cell
phone plan for Mexico (e.g. Prepago with
Movistar or Amigo with Telcel for M$250+
(US $12+) or can optionally purchase pay-asyou-go cell phone in Mexico
 Reusable water bottles
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Sample References
 Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
 Notre Dame High School, San Jose, CA
 Brophy College Preparatory, Phoenix, AZ
 Creighton College Preparatory, Omaha, NB
 Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA
 Fordham University, Bronx, NY
 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
 Boston College, Newton, MA
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Contact Us
Community Links International
916 Wren Drive
San Jose, CA 95125
Phone: (508) 280-0287
Jim Petkiewicz, Founder, [email protected]
Arturo Ortega Vela, Founder, [email protected]
Find Out More