GroupWise Messenger: Installation, Configuration, and

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GroupWise Messenger
Installation, Configuration, and Operation
Jason Williams
Product Manager
[email protected]
Kevin Crutchfield
Team Lead
[email protected]
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© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
time of day it happens to be.
Today's Agenda
What you should know
Things you shouldn’t do
Up and Running
Issues and tips
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
The Agents
– Communications
– Archive
Securing your system
Administering users
Questions and Answers
Optimizing your system
Roast the PM (!)
Novell GroupWise Messenger:
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Messenger system components:
Messaging Agent
The Messaging Agent:
Accesses Novell eDirectory on behalf of users to
authenticate them when they start the Messenger client,
searches for contacts, saves users’ option settings for the
Messenger client etc.
Transfers instant messages back and
forth between Messenger users
Maintains presence information about Messenger users
Passes conversations to the Archive Agent
if archiving is enabled
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Messenger system components:
Archive Agent
The Archiving Agent:
Accesses eDirectory on behalf of authorized
Messenger users in order to grant them access
to the Messenger archive
Receives completed conversations from the Messaging Agent
and stores them in the Messenger archive
Indexes the archived conversations so that they can be
searched by authorized Messenger users
Performs searches in the Messenger archive
for authorized Messenger users
Manages expiration of old conversations
Repairs the Messenger archive in case of
damage to its database
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger – Prerequisites:
Operating System
Make sure your OS is up to the job:
• NetWare® 5.0 – Minimum Service Pack 6
• NetWare® 5.1 – Minimum Service Pack 5
• NetWare® 6.0 – Minimum Service Pack 2
Note: Novell does not support running Messenger on NetWare 4.x
Windows 2000 – Minimum Service Pack 3
Note: Although testing has shown that Messenger will work on
Windows NT4 it is not supported
Make sure eDirectory™ is up to date and free from errors
• If using Novell NDS® / eDirectory for the LDAP server the
following versions are supported:
Novell NDS eDirectory 8.78 or later
Novell eDirectory 85.23 (8.5.1) or later
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger – Prerequisites:
Server Hardware for Messaging Agent
NetWare / Windows Platform:
For 1000 ACTIVE Users Novell Recommends:
– Pentium 4 running at 1.5 GHz
1 GB of RAM
250MB Free Hard Disk (will need more for archiving)
Scalability Notes:
• Usually only 1% of the total users will be active at any
one time
• 50,000 users can be supported by a single server easily
• Novell has logged in 10,000 users and simulated 1,000
users sending messages every second
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger:
Information needed for install
Before you Install Messenger; make sure you
have the following information:
LDAP Server information
SSL Certificate and Key information
If you want to secure conversations in your system
Archive server details
Port, IP Address / DNS name etc.
If you want to archive conversations
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger – Installation
GroupWise Messenger is a Windows-based install (Server,
Client AND Administration components)
Novell Client™ 32 required to allow you to extend the
Schema (Yes, schema extensions are mandatory)
Mapped drive to NetWare Server if installing to NetWare
ConsoleOne® 1.3.2 or better (1.3.4 is included if
you don’t have it)
We suggest that you use Windows 2000 or XP Workstation
to install from. Other Windows Operating Systems work
fine, but 2000 and XP are a little cleaner for install
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Installing Messenger
The Messenger installation will allow you to perform
the following tasks:
Install the agents
Install the client
Extend the Schema
Install the Management snapins
Any of the above!
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Post Installation tasks
Once Messenger is installed and the agents are running:
Configure your Messenger Policies
Configure your Messenger Profiles
TIP: Remember that SSL certificate we talked about?
Configure Archiving if required
Note: You *must* have at least one Scope to allow users to gain
Configure and enable SSL if required
Note: You should have at least one Policy to allow users to gain
access (the install creates a default policy). By default no
users are enabled
TIP: We’ll talk about this later
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger Policy object
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger Policy object:
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GroupWise Messenger Policy object:
Contact List
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger Policy object:
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger Policy object:
Information List
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger Policy object:
Custom Status
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
GroupWise Messenger Policy object:
Used By
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Setting up Profiles
GroupWise Messenger has the following profiles:
Scope Profile (mandatory)
LDAP Profile
Defines which user contexts the system will service
Used for directory access via LDAP
Also useful for failover and running in protected memory
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Scope Profile:
System Scope
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Scope Profile:
LDAP Profile
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Securing Conversations:
Generate a Certificate Signing Request
Use the GWCSRGEN utility from GroupWise 6.5
You will then have a servername.CSR file
Submit this to your Certificate Authority
Tip: You can use Novell Certificate Server (FREE!) to generate
your Cert
Note: Do NOT use the ROOTCERT.DER file included with
eDirectory as a public certificate
Select your server and use the provided
certificate and key file
Note: If you want BOTH the Messaging and Archive agents
to use SSL you will need to select the SERVER object
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Securing Conversations:
Importing your Certificate and Key File
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Archiving Conversations Centrally
GroupWise Messenger allows you to archive
conversations within the system centrally
By user
By Policy
The Central Archives are currently only available to
designated administrators
Note: Users can store conversations locally into text
files on their workstation
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
The Archive Agent:
Agent settings
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Accessing Archived Conversations:
Configuring Archive settings
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Accessing Archived Conversations:
Granting Archive access
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Optimizing Agent Performance:
Agent Settings – Tuning
Maximum number of users (Default 5120)
When you reach this limit nobody can login
Client / Server threads (Default 15)
This is fine up to 7500 users, more than 50 threads can
impact anything else running on the server
Default number of connections (Default 10)
Defines how many connections the Agent makes to
eDirectory when using direct access for user lookups
TIP: These connections are ALWAYS kept open even when not in
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Optimizing Agent Performance:
Agent Settings – Tuning
Idle Timeout (Default 30 seconds)
Idle timeout for any direct connections above the default
that are unused
Maximum number of connections (Default 50)
The maximum number of direct connections that can be
opened at any time
Maximum query results (Default 100)
Maximum number of results returned by a user lookup
NOTE: Setting this to more than 200 will impact system
performance if a large number of queries are issued
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Optimizing Agent Performance:
Agent Settings
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Monitoring your system:
Setting up the Web console
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Web Console:
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Web Console:
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Web Console:
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Web Console:
Log files
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Updating The Messenger Client:
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
And so… to the future
What’s next:
SP1 – By July this year
GroupWise “Sequoia” (features uncommitted)
Bug fixes
Not much else
GroupWise Client integration improvements
Scalability enhancements (multiple agents)
“Static” chat rooms
Individual access to central conversation archives
Parallel SDK development
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
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© July 17, 2015 Novell Inc, Confidential & Proprietary