HPC3OI Unit 2 Test Review - Waterloo Region District

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Unit 2 Test Review
Test Date: Friday December 12th, 2014
DISCLAIMER: If you are absent for this test, please note that you
will have to complete an ALTERNATIVE test to the one originally
Questions hinted at during the review will likely NOT appear on the
If you are absent on the day of the test, you will write the
alternative test immediately upon return to class.
True or False
Fill in the blank
Multiple Choice
Short Answer
Infertility and Surrogacy
Baby Momma Movie
Conjoined twins/multiples
Medical Care (GPs, OBs, Midwives)
Problems in Prenatal Development
What are 5 reasons why people choose abstinence?
Define abstinence
Does abstinence HAVE to relate to sex?
Describe the difference between short term and long term
Can abstinence only refer to times where someone is
sexually active?
What is celibacy?
What is virginity?
Why can the definition of virginity vary?
What are some benefits of abstinence?
 What is ovulation? When does it occur in a female cycle?
 What is the endometrium? How is it important during
ovulation? Conception?
 Where does the female egg get fertilized by the male
 What defines fertilization?
 True OR False – more than one sperm can fertilize an egg
 When is a baby’s genetic make-up complete? Ie when is
the sex of the baby determined?
 What chromosomes does a female offer? Male offer?
Which one decides the sex of the baby?
Conception: Continued
 What happens during implantation?
 What is the name of a fertilized egg?
 What are the two layers that form into the embryo
and what do they eventually turn into?
 At what point (how many weeks) is a baby called a
 What hormone (shortform okay) is detected on
pregnancy tests to verify pregnancy?
 What are the development stages of pregnancy
divided into (ie 3 stages called…)
 What are the signs and symptoms of each one
 How might this affect pregnancy/baby
Genital Herpes
 Birth Control Pill
What is it?
Who takes it?
What does it do?
Is it (choose) a) 20% effective, b) 50% effective, c) 75%
effective d) 95 % effective? (Choose MOST accurate)
 Why might pregnancy happen even though someone is
on the pill??
 Male Condoms
 How do male condoms prevent pregnancy?
 Can condoms prevent the transmission of STIs?
 Why might effectiveness decrease with the use of
 True or False: Condoms can be used with other methods
of contraceptives
 What are the benefits to using condoms? Drawbacks?
 Emergency Contraceptives
When are these used?
What is it called?
Where can someone get it?
True or False: Emergency contraceptives can protect
you from STIs
 A couple/individual who experiences difficulty getting pregnant
after _________of unprotected intercourse.
 True or False: After the age of 25 you are considered to have old
eggs and see a fertility specialist after only 6 months of trying
 Is infertility more related to male or female reproductive problems?
 What are some female (and then male) factors that could lead to
 What do fertility drugs do?
 How is the father chosen for artificial insemination (2 ways)?
 How does in vitro fertilization compare to artificial insemination?
 What is a surrogate mother? How do they become pregnant? Do
they get parental rights to the child after it is born?
Baby Momma Movie
 Kate attempts to use a sperm donor early in the
movie. Does a sperm donor have any responsibility to
the children he fathers? Should a child be able to
contact a sperm donor?
 What would motivate a woman to be a surrogate? Do
you agree or disagree with the practice? Why?
 What difficulties might arise from surrogacy?
 What is the difference between fraternal and identical
twins? (List 3)
 Jon and Kate had 6 babies at once due to what fertility
 What are some challenges to having multiples?
 Explain the 2 theories of conjoined twins (fission and
 True or False: conjoined twins can sometimes be separated
 What is superfecundation and how does it occur?
Medical Care
 What is a birth plan? Does everyone have one?
 What are some major considerations to think about when deciding what
type of medical care to go with?
 What are some reasons you would be deemed a high risk pregnancy?
 If you are high risk, what kind of doctor do you see?
 What are the 3 options for medical care while pregnant?
 What is a GP? How is it different from a midwife? OB?
 True or False: Midwives are free (covered under OHIP)
 How long do midwives care for their clients?
 What type of intervention to midwives encourage?
 True or False: You can only get an epidural in the hospital.
 True or False: The midwife can perform an epidural.
 Why are their typically 2 midwives at birth?
 Which of the 3 doctors are available most readily?
Medical Care – Continued…
 What is a doula and how do they differ from midwives?
 A doula is like a _________________
 What is an obstetrician? How is one different from a General
 What is done at one’s first prenatal appointment? When does this occur
(weeks pregnant)?
 What is pre-eclampsia?
 How often are prenatal visits with your medical care provider?
 What is an ultrasound (what is happening that allows us to see the baby
in the uterus)?
 What are the shades of white, grey and black in the ultrasound?
 At what point can an ultrasound detect the sex of the baby?
 True or False. Ultrasounds are only done if there are problems with the
pregnancy/baby’s growth
 True or False. A 3D ultrasound is covered under OHIP (Ontario health
plan / government)
Problems in Prenatal Development
Miscarriages and Stillbirths
Nutrition and Prenatal Development
Teratogens and Environmental Hazards
Exercise and Prenatal Development