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What is hazard?
A hazard is any source of potential
damage, harm or adverse health effects
on something or someone under certain
conditions at work.
Basically - can cause harm or adverse
effects (to individuals as health effects or
to organizations as property or equipment
What types of hazards are there?
A common way to classify hazards is by
biological - bacteria, viruses, insects,
plants, birds, animals, and humans, etc.,
 chemical - depends on the physical,
chemical and toxic properties of the
 ergonomic - repetitive movements,
improper set up of workstation, etc.,
Cont……….Hazards is by category:
physical - radiation, magnetic fields,
pressure extremes (high pressure or
vacuum), noise, etc,
psychosocial - stress, violence, etc.,
safety - slipping/tripping hazards,
inappropriate machine guarding,
equipment malfunctions or breakdowns
Top 10 hazards for 2011 include:
Radiation overdose and other dose errors during radiation
Alarm hazards
Cross-contamination from flexible endoscopes
The high radiation dose of CT scans
Data loss, system incompatibilities and other health IT
Over sedation during use of PCA infusion pumps
Needle sticks and other sharps injuries
Surgical fires
Defibrillator failure in emergency resuscitation attempts
What is risk?
Risk is the chance or probability that a
person will be harmed or experience an
adverse healtheffect if exposed to a
It may also apply to situations with
property or equipment loss.
What is an accident?
An accident is an unplanned
event, which could result in injury
to persons, or in damage to plant
and equipment or both
Accident Cases
What is an adverse health effect?
A general definition of adverse
health effect is "any change in
body function or the structures of
cells that can lead to disease or
health problems".
Adverse health effects include:
bodily injury, disease,
change in the way the body functions, grows, or
effects on a developing fetus
effects on children, grandchildren, etc.
(inheritable genetic effects)
decrease in life span,
change in mental condition resulting from stress,
traumatic experiences, exposure to solvents,
and so on, and
effects on the ability to accommodate additional
fitting the job to workers
Ergonomik bermaksud, penyesuaian pekerjaan
terhadap pekerja Setiap pekerja tidak sama
ukurannya dan setiap orang mempunyai
keterbatasan-keterbatasan tertentu. Ergonomik
bertujuan untuk menyusunatur tempat kerja,
proses kerja, perlengakapan, dan alat-alat
supaya sesuai dengan kita. Sebagai seorang
pekerja, sangat penting bagi kita untuk
mengetahui bagaimana mengatur kontur dan
postur badan kita agar ianya bersesuai dengan
incurred losses
losses that have occurred within a
stipulated time period whether paid or not.